Chapter 22.

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The phone vibrates. It's Raf.

<<The entire school is okay, but Dr Saltzman is worried because you aren't here.
I have to stay there, and Josie and Lizzie are on the way.

>>Okay. Send a message to them saying that you have to stay at school. DON'T MENTION DR SALTZMAN, OR CAROLINE, OR ANYONE ELSE.


Hope, what you are going to do?

>>Don't worry.

I look around, looking for my friends, then I continue watching what's goin on with Landon.

They're ready to make the spell. There's no time.

"Prohibere tempus"

The time block itself, eccept for the witches, which immediatly look around. It's time to exit and fight.

I stand up and I stagger a stone to the witches, to interrupt the spell.

They look at me, I make the time go on, and I look at Landon, which suicides himself and then turn into the phoenix to fly away one time I smile him to make him sign.

"Hello... Are you looking for me?" I smile, and how they look at me, one of the witches does a spell: "Faesmatus incendia"

A flame runs to me, and I jump away.

"Is all there what you can do?" I jocke. I concentrate my energies and the ground starts to tremble.

I continue, and a earthquacke starts. It becomes more intensive, while the witches try to stop me, but I create a bubble out of me, so they can't do anything.

I go on, the energy grows up, stronger and stronger.

They try to contraste me, and I ook at Josie, who runs with Lizzie.

They take my energy and continue with me, until the three witches fall down. I go to them, leaving my friend's hands and I continue with the spell taking the strenght to continue thinking to all they have done to my family. I won't permit them to continue their work also to my friends and my boyfriend.

"Witches, witches, hear me.

Watch with attention, because that's what's gonna happen to you if you will get closer to all of us again" I say before losing control.
Something goes wrong.
I scream, and everything starts to tremble again. This time is too much, and also the witches jump away.
When I finish, I look around myself and I all I say is destruction.
Lizzie and Josie also has felt down, but they stand up and they takes themselves by hands, and I immediatly try with a spell.
Finally, the three witches fall down, but we continue.

The heartquake become always more intensful, and we try to not fall, while I concentrate all our power to them.

I hear a noise and then I recognise my father's voice.

I can't stop myself now.

I try to put more power, and the witches end, even to breath.

I stop myself, and one of them stands up and I hear Lizzie screams, and then she falls down. The witch broke her nek. Josie wathces the scene, and she slowly let the anger takes control of her. Follows an eartquake, which goes on with her emotions, that continues intensified.

A witch tries to make her stop making a spell to kill her, but I stop it, and I put her against the wall, blocking her.

Josie continues, and all the other witches falls down. They can't stand up anymore.

Josie lets herself go to the end, when everything gets destroied, and then we fall.

Everything has calm down, eccept the screams.





I smile watching my friends, then I scream:"We are fine!"

We go and we stop when we meet again my family, Alaric and even Caroline.

"Is everything okay?" I ask going to hug my father. "Are you alright?"

"We are fine sweetheart, what about you?" Asks my father worried.

"I'm fine. Where's Landon?"

"I told him to stay at school, and I am sure he is there, don't worry" Says Dr Saltzman hugging his daughters.

"How do you know that?" I continue.

"I can show you, if you will come back" Replies.


We go, and I hear Caroline goes near to my father.

"Is it all okay?"

"Yes. Now that I know she, and her friends too, are at safe...Is s much better"

"I know the feeling..." I can see them smile.

"What you were afraid of? She is a Mikaelson, an original witch. She is brave, and powerful like her father"

"Do you really think that?" Asks him.

"It's end the period where I said things that I didn't trust. So,yes, I really think what I've just saied Klaus. I know you are good, and I knew you were capable of being saved, because you are capable of love and every being capabable of love can be saved"

My father stays in silence for few minutes while we continue walk,  but then he take the word again: "The past is past Caroline, but... If now, I would propose you to go wherever you go...What would be your answer?"

"Oh...You mean...Uhm...Paris, London, Rome...Tokyo!" She exclaims and then they laugh together.

"Thanks, Caroline. I know I can always count on you"

"Always and Forever, Klaus"

Always and Forever?! No. You're not one of us. And you will never be.

The earth begins to tremble, and my father hugs her. I have to breathe, but it doesn't stop.

"Girls! Where are you?" Screams Caroline.


"Hope!" Screams Josie.

"I'm okay!" I fake a smile. "Everything is alright. What about you? Where's your sister?"

"She's gone. She's with MG" She smiles.

"Oh! Okay"

"Hope!" Comes my father.


I don't know why, but tears begin to be felt. I have to control myself.

"I'm okay" I smile. "You...Stay with her. I'm going to find Landon" I go away, walking to school.

Once arrived at school, I enter and I go to Landon's bedroom.
He's sleeping. All are sleeping.
I look out, and I see that it's night. What...
"Hope...You can't stay there, and you know that. Go to sleep"
I turn myself and I see Dorian.
"Hi! Yes, I... I was going. Good night"
"Good night"
I go in my room and I try to sleep, but all my mind do is remember me that soon I'll have to call Caroline "mum".
No. My mum is not Caroline. And I will never call anyone other in this way.
"Mom... I miss you" I sigh before falling into Morfeus 's arms.


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