Chapter 23. Has it really been that long?

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Finally Friday... I was scared it would never come!

I wake up and I take a shower, then I do breakfast, when I notice something strange.

"Ehy Lizzie, are you okay?"

"Yes... Of coure! Why I shouldn't?" She smiles.

"Uhm... I don't know" I fake a smile, as she did.

"Do you want...Uhm... Some jam?" I bring the jar to her, but she denies the offer.

"No, thanks"

I eat it, and I pretend a little bit, just for see her reaction.

"Mmh...Amazing! Landon, how is it?" I try to convince him doing the same, and he imites me.

"Oh, it is so good! You must prove it" He says.

Finally Lizzie convinces hersf, and Landon gives her the jar.

She takes a few, and she looks at us:"It's just... A jam! Nothing special... What the hwll have you two?" She smiles .

"We love jam" I smile.

"From when?" Asks Josie.

"From when we have discovered it!" I smile, and also Landon smiles.

We finish breakfast, then we go in class.

It is a quite normal lesson, teacher teaches us how to react against a subjogate creature.

"What if it can't be subjogates?" Asks MG.

"You make it sleep, then you take out his blood until his last straw. At the end the creature will do whatever you'll decide, because the verbein has gone" I answer.

"Mikaelson... What are you talking about? No way! This isn't the right way. Never " The teacher looks bad at me, then smiling she says:"If a creature can't be subjogates, because of verbain maybe, you have to wait that the effect ends"

"There can not be much time" I say.

"Doing bad because to you has made bad, it is wrong. If there's no time, you can do an auxhiliar spell" Continues, and my classmates take notes.

"When I fight, my life and that of people I care, is in danger. I'd prefer save them"

"Yours death, mine life" Smiles Raf. "Hope is right"

"Yes, but...What if you fight against someone who ,to pretect himself, has sobjogate somone you care about?" 

I look at Raf, and I see he's looking at me too. 

"I... Try to talk with him with my heart, and I know that, if the legacy is true, this person will be again with me" I say.

"Why? I mean, how? Sorry..." Teacher smiles.

"Because I trust in that person" Adds Raf. "I've always done, and I don't want to stop now..."

  "Because I care a lot of him..." I say, keep looking at him in the eyes.

"That's the point. Good. Is love who rules the world, and is always love who has to reign in all of you. Is that who defines if you are good, or a bad person. Who want you to be?" 

"I'd prefer saying that I am who I meant to be, even if I act with the brain instead of the heart. You know, it is much better..." I say.

"Because you're afraid, Mrs Mikaelson. And it's okay, everybody is! But we can't permit our monsters to transform us in one of them! Or soon, we'll be the monsters we fight against!"

"First of all, I'm not afraid. I just know the feeling, and I know it can't kill you" I start. "You can distract yourself enjoying yourself! Maybe spending your life with... Friends, the love of your life, your work can help, ... But if you become the monster with which you fight, if you don't find the courage to look at your fears and to pass them by, you'll never end of being that monster. And any other with who you're going to fight, it will be for sure less dangerous, so you can be able to fight and to win against whathever it appears to you. And if it's about a friend of your, so much better! You know him, or her, and you can easily find the words to bring him, or her, back to the normality!" 

"The words are never so easily to find..." She smiles.

"I've just done!" I replie. "I can talk with someone and make him change his mind if I care, like anyone else. Pheraps it won't be easy, I don't expect it to be, but if I care, I have to do that. Words aren't difficult to find, the difficult part is understand when, and let them go"

"And accepte consequances" Landon adds.

"Guys, you are... Brilliants! Congratulations, I... I don't know what to say!" Smiles the teacher. If she only knows...

Time ends up, so we turn in rooms.

While I am returning, I see Landon follows me. I stop myself and he comes, but when he open his mouth, I recognise my father.

"Just a second, please" I smile.

I follow the imagine I have in front of me, and I notice that I wasn't mistake. My father is talking again with Mrs Forbes!

They're smiling.

I try to listen.

"I've called you because I've made a decision. Klaus, I've always wanted to be with you. From I was a teen, and I knewn you.

I would not change a thing of what our past, but now... Uhm, now I want to ask you something"

"What's the problem?" Asks him, worried.

"What do you feel for me?" She asks in the end.

My father didn't expect that, I see from his eyes.

"I care of you, Caroline. Much"

"I care of you too, Klaus. But caring is not enough. In those years, I was busied, it is right, but when you called me, for the second time... And when I saw you... I couldn't believe I had another oppotunity to see you again. I couldn't believe that... Maybe, that could been the right time"

"You have married Stefan"

"I've also devorced from him"  

"You're lying!" He tries to not show his fear.

"I'm not lying! And I can proove it to you!"


"Come with me" She enters.

"You know I can't" 

"Hope is in class now, she can't see you. Courage, enter!" She opens the door, and he follows her.

I'm sorry darling, but this is not the right way to treat someone, specially to treat my father.

I decide to follow them.

They go into her office, where she opens a drawer in her desk, and put out many documents, from which she find an act that shows to my father with a smug air. He reads, then he looks at her.

"Klaus, I really would like to know you. Am I in time?"

"Ouch... Has it really been that long? Don't you rember our promise, However Long It Takes?" They smile each other.

"Of course I remember" She whispers.

"So? What do you want to know about me?" Asks my father making arms like he wants to hug her. She refuses.

Their smile become smaller, and I really don't know what do to.

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