Chapter 31.

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My father comes with Alaric and Caroline, followed by Lizzie, Josie, MG and Landon.
"What happened?" Asks him.
"I don't know..." I cry. "I can't go on like this. I hear voices in my head... They say 《Kill the baby》...But I don'want to!"
Alaric looks at my father.
"That's not possible... She has already fight against them, and she won" My father remindes.
"Witches know how to do... They're strong. Don't understimate them"
"And so? What can I do to help her?" Continues him.
"You can't do anything. That's her life. She has to learn how to live also without her family. She can do it. Please, a little bit of trust"
"I trust my family more than anyone" My father growls.
Everything starts to tremble.
"Please, stop!" I scream, and they fall down.
"I'm sorry... Dad, Ric...I..." I sigh.
"It's okay Hope, don't worry" Says Alaric getting back on his feet, then he helps my dad.
"I have to stay there. Until I'll discover how to destroy them once for all. Dad... I'm sorry. I love you" I say before going away. I go to the library, where I look for anything which could help me.
Few whiles after, Caroline comes.
"What are you doing here? Go away. I'm dangerous"
I try to alarm her.
"I'm not scared of you, don't worry" She slowly comes near.
"I intend to help you. Talk with me Hope, what are you afraid of?"
"I... I am afraid of myself" I cry. "I could kill my cousin! Witches could take control of me... They've already taken it! I..." I can't breathe.
"Hope!" Screams Caroline. "Hope, cal down! You can do whatever you want, you know to be able.
Breathe.Courage..." She comes nearly and takes my hands.
"Hope, breathe. It's okay, I'm there"
"You're there... It's all okay"
I start breathing. They can't have the control of me. I won't allow that.
Wait... They are inside of me. They're in my head, so I can see them.
I go in my room.
I close my eyes and I try to concentrate myself.
"Ipsum revelare"
Something falls down from the wall. I look in front of me and I see a mirror.
I get closer slowly. Without touch it, I look in it and I see a woman, woth blond hair and brown eyes.
"Who are you?" I ask. She stayies pietrified. "Mirror, mirror... Tell me: which name belong to the picture you're showing me?" I try.
An "E" appears, followed by an "S". Then an "H", an "R", a "T" and an "E"

I write them down in the order they came out.
Maybe... "Esther" I whisper. My grandmother.
"Hi grandmother. What do you want from me?"




"Why?" I ask.






"What? Where's evil?"








"From where? And where?"


"Grandmother, where?!" I repeat the question, but nobody replies.

"Grandmother!" I scream, and Caroline runs in.


"It's okay" I try to calm her. "My...Grandmother. She saied Evil... Evil is coming But I..."

"Okay. Hope. Hope, look me in the eyes" I do. "It's all okay. You're nust agirl. You can't control everythung. Don't think. Stop think"

"I want my dad..." I start crying.

"I'm going to call him, don't worry. Come with me" She takes my hand.

"My grandmother... She saied <<Evil>>. <<Evil is coming>> but I..."

"Okay, Hope. Hope, look me in the eyes" I do. "It's all okay. You're just a girl. You can't control everything. Don't think. Stop thinking"

"I want my dad..." I cry. "I just want him... I..."

"I'm going to call him, don't worry. Come with me" She takes my hand.

"Why? Why do you behave like this?" I ask. "I've been... The worst person in the world with you, I had the worst intentions... Why are you so sweet now with me?" I ask.

"Because I saw and I continue see good in you. Hope, you're not a bad person. You're just... A girl who's afraid of people, because you can't understand who they immediately are whene they introduce themselves to you, but you know what? It's okay! It's okay, Hope.

Nobody can.

People can have all superpowers you want, but trust, love, hate, feelings and emotions... Nobody can control them. Better, nobody can control when feel them and how much"

We stay in silence for a while, then she smiles.

 "Am I so terrible as you believed?" 

I smile.

"You're okay"

"Oh...Thanks!" She laughs amused.

"You see good in people, when they don't even see in themselves. How?" I look her in the eyes, and she does the same repling: "Nobody's bad. People are all good, simply... Something bad happened to them, and they decided to close themselves to the world and act like they do. But there's so much good in everybody... You  can't imagine"

There's something sweet in her look... Maybe it's that what makes her so special at my father's eyes!

"You're brave" She says.

"I know who I am" I reply confidento of myself.

"We all know who you and your family are" She replies with disconsolate and amused air at the same time.

"That's where my bravery comes from"

She smiles.

After a while spent in silence, she looks at me and asks:"Hope, do you like fashion?"


"Uhm... I don't think it could be a priority to me in this moment, but generally...Yes, I like fashion. Can I ask why?"

"I was looking for things we could have in common..." She anwers embarassed.

"Oh..." I smile. Well...

"You...Had lost your mom. Me too. That could be one thing! Even if it isn't so...Happy!" She smiles.

"Yeah...I' sorry about it, by the way" I say.

"Thanks" She smiles.

"I... Would never admit, but I like to dance. And I like painting... Art, in general"

"Me too!" Smiles. "I mean, I like dance too"

"And there's two! Great! Let's continue like this..." I laugh, so does she.

"You know, when I was at your age, I thought nobody would heve notice me for who really I was. That was my ... Deeper fear"

"Me not instead"

"You're lucky" She smiles.

"What changed?"

"Your father noticed me. He treated me well, in a different way from the others.
He showed kindness, pity for me. And... And I was scared, because he was a bad person with others and I wished I could hate him...But I couldn't. Because with me he was good. An so I was angry with myself. I had to followed my friends, because I was afraid of lonliness.
I led a happy life, I am proud of what I built, don't misunderstanding me... But... Sometimes I think: how could it been if I had followed him?
That's why today I wanto to do that: because I didn't in the past. And I don't regret it, but...I am afraid to lose also this opportunity that life gave to me.
That you gave to me.
Do you understand?"

"Yes" I smile.

"Go, if it's so. What are you doing here? Call him, and say him you're ready! Go, wherever you want. Live your epic love... I'm his daughter, time to me will ever exist" I say then, acting in a funny way tha makes her laugh.

"Oh, thanks!"

"Of what?" I continue. We laugh.

"Thanks, Hope" Then she says seriously.

"To you"

After a while of silent, she looks at me.

"What if we make a big vacation when school will ends?"

"Are you serious?" I ask shocked.

"Why not?"

I smile.

"Why not?"

We laugh, then she stands up, going to the door.

"I let you the responsabilty to porpouse it to your family...Let me know what they say"


"See you later" She smiles.

"See you later" I smile before she exits.

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