Chapter 32.

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>>I've to talk w u. See u in Mystic Grill

Saied the text Caroline sent me.
It was one hour ago. I looked for her in the hole city, but she was nowhere...
The phone ring.
"Where the hell are you?!" Caroline's voice sounds in my hears.
"Where the hell am I? Where the hell are you!" I answer.
"I'm standing here, at Mystic Grill's!" She exclaims.
"I was too, after your call. One hour ago!" I remind her.
"I...I am late. I'm sorry"
"Where are you? I' on my way" She saies then.
I look in front of me.
"In front of me there is a white house. It has a big floor. There is a door in the middle and a window on the right.
On the left side there is a shelf, with a table and some chairs next to..."
The answer don't hesistate to come: "What the hell are you doing in my house?!" She screams.
"You didn't come!" I answer, exhausted.
"I..." She laughs
"It doesn't matter. I'm on my way. Stay there, don't come in"
I wait patiently, and after twenty minutes, she arrives.
"Finally!" I scream.
"Klaus!" She gets closer. "Come!" Tries 5o take me away from here.
"Why we can't enter?" I ask, standing here.
"Because that's not my house anymore. Now, please, come here!" She says naturally.
"What?! And where do you live now?" I go to her.
"At school... But that's not important
I wanted to make you to know that I talked with Hope...And I think to have understood that she's okay with... You know... Us!" She exclaims totally embarassed.
Us? What the...Oh my god.
"Amazing!" I exclaim.
"What?" She asks, noticing the change. "Did I wrong in some way?"
"No!" I exclaim. "Why are you asking that?"
"You seems...Strange!" She looks at me with attention.
I loor at her, and so I devide to be honest.
"I'm afraid, Caroline. I don't think to know how to love somebody, just like I didn't know how to say goodbye"

Her look is changed. Now is more lovely.
She put her hand on mine, and smiling she saies: "I don't think to know how to love somebody too, did you
expect that?
But I'm here, and so you are. We are together Klaus... And I know that nothing bad can divide us.
I'm not a member of your family, and I don't want you to feel... Overwhelmed by this think... I just want to live!
Because I know that I live now. And I'm going to live forever, but I was joung when I said you I didn't want to follow you, because I didn't do things that I didn't planned, or at least I did them with hanger... But now it's different.
A part of me has always loved you. And, okay, with you I didn't feel...Confident, but now I know that I can accept your costance of being unpredictable. I want yo follow you, I always wanted " I smile.

"Are you sure of what are you saying, Caroline?" I ask.

"I am" She says. Then she looks me in the eyes, and gets always a little closer. "What do you say about that?"

"Aren't you afraid of me anymore?" I continue asking.

"I continue to be, but I want to move on from that" She says.

I kiss her, and she lets me.

"I intend show you there's nothing to be scare about, Caroline" I say.


"You have changed me for my brother, sweetheart..." I laugh amused.

"Klaus!" Exclaims her.

"Fine!" I give up. "I promise, Caroline, I will be a better person. At least I'll try too" I smile.

She sighs.

"You'll never change..."

"That's why you love me" I continue smiling.

"And you love me because I am one of the little part of people who can says you No. And can also motivate that" She says.

"I have the last word" I say.

"Are you sure?" She challenges me.

I'm going to be crazy

I rest insilence, keep looking at her. We are smiling.

"How does Hope's mom is?" Asks her after a while.

"She's okay" I smile.

"What month is she?"

"She's at last month" I say.

"And she's fine?"

"She's going to become mom for the second time! How do you think she can be?"

Caroline laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"Sure...She'll be so happy to be mom another time...But I meanted...Oh, don't mind" She goes away.

"Where are you going now?!" I exclaim.

"To Mystic Grill. I want a coffee. Do you want to come with me?"

"What does it gets who come first?" I ask.

"What this person want" She replies, then she starts.

I follow her.

Notwistanding the advantage, she comes second.

"How do you?!I mean... How?!" She exclaims making me want to laugh, but I have to keep myself from laughing.

I look at her.

"Do you want to keep your word? You can also say no" I say.

"A word is a word. And it has to be kept.
So, what do you want?"

I think about it... A kiss, even a life together... No, wait.

"A date. Tonight"

"Oh! Okay... Where?"

"I'll give you indications. Do you accept?" I look at her in the eyes. She's keeping herself from smiling.

"Yes, I do"


We smile, then she comes close to me. I continue look at her. If I had a breathe, I swear it would betray me.

She looks at my mouth.

"What are you thinking?" She asks, don't stop looking at my lips.

I come close to her, and so she does. Then I kiss her.

"You're smart, Caroline. And brave. A little bit crazy, but...Who isn't?"

She laughs.

"An you're so a good person... Why don't you behave like you do with me to the others?" She asks.

"Not everybody deserves" I smiply answer.

"I don't think. Well, there's somebody who has to receive a lesson or two...But why behave as you don't metter nothing and nobody?" She asks.

"You metter to me, Caroline. You, my family... Nothing else"

"I don't believe you" She says.

I look at her.

"You wrong"

"Klaus... Please! I see good in you. You know how to love. You aren't a type of flowers, but who cares?! That's not the only way to love.
You saved my life twice, you protect your family, you... Are an incredible man, even if you're not a man but an hybrid, you're incredibke because you still have a heart, and you show it.
I know you care of me and your family, but you care also of everything.  You are so attentive to injustices, and so sensitive that you feel them on your skin. And look: be sensitive doesn't mean you're weak.
I don't know who sayed you have and show feelings is to week people, but let me tell you that person was weak.
Weakness is don't admit who you are, and what you feel, for fear of something.
Courage is to sit and think about our actions, not only those who are for revenge,  but also those who want to help others, and to analyze themselves.
It takes so much courage doing this... I know. I hadn't it when my mum died, I hadn't with you, and you don't know how much things now I regret... But even one thing I know I can do now, and I intend to do it as better as I can.
I've already done this work, for years.
And now I'm ready. I feel myself ready to tell you everything I told you until now! But now it's your turn... So, what do you want to do?"

I feel... Disoriented.
I didn't expect to that behave, and so I don't know what to say.

"I ..."

Relax. She's right, what do you want?

To know my family is at safe, and stay with her.

I open my eyes and I see she's standing here, in front of me.

Let me show you what I want.

"No. Say it" Says her.

"Why is so important to you that I talk? I don't know how to express myself, I act! And you know that" I try to change her mind.

"Because I need to listen tha you want the same of me. Please, tell me what you want. Then show it to me, I'll do what you want, but please... Use words!" She's going to cry.

"I'd like to stay with you, for the rest of our lives" I admit. "I know it will be..." She kisses me.

"Promise you won't leave" She whispers, on my mouth.

"I promise" I whisper.

She smiles, so do I, and we continue kissing.

"Promise me you'll do the same"

"I promise... However long it takes" She smiles, and I kiss her.

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