Chapter 35.

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My dad is out with Caroline tonight, and my mum with uncle Elijah...

I'm at school, I'm just returning back in my room after a day spent in library looking for a way which could help us against the witches, but nothing seems helpful.

Once in, I led in bed, when a paper takes my attention.

It's dad's calligraphy!

Dad...  I love you.

I love you all.

I take my phone.

>>Thanks for trusting me. I'm so thankful for this.

I text it and I send it, then I go to sleep.

During the night I try so hard to sleep, but there's always some nightmare who desturb me.

I am in a wood, the ancient found me, but they've already taken my brother. I'm alone, and I have to find a way to take him.

Landon runs to me, and he offers himself as a exchange goods. I am so terrified, but they don't accept, and they try to kill him, but aunft Freya tries to stop them, letting me and my friends thinking a way to take Erik.

Lizzie and Josie help her, while me and MG run to Landon, to make us sure he's fine, then we all run to Erik, who's situated into a cavern on the top of an high mountain.

My friends win, we arrive to the place and me, with Lizzie and Josie make desappear the magic block. I take him, he's on a dolmen between a stone and a knife down, exactly on the dolmen.  We take the control of that magic , I don't know how , and I put the knife away, to catch the baby before he falls. He has big brown eyes...Just like my uncle, and he's got my mum's lips.

After a while spending admiring my little cousin, I am finally ready to take him to my mom and I turn with my aunt in time to see withces become dust.

  We are free.

But there comes the nightmare: Caroline comes to me and saies she's going to stay with us... She and my dad are going to get married.

Oh my godness.

Okay, stop.

Stop thinking. I have to think only about my family. I have to save it, and that's what I'll do.


During the morning, I swich on my telephone.

Five calls form my uncle.

Ten from my dad.

What happened?

"I...I have to go" I say to my friends going away.

"Where are you going?" Asks MG.

"Home!" I say.

"What happened?" Asks Landon following me.

I turn around. "I don't know... But stay there" I smile. "It's all okay, believe me"

He looks at me resigned, and I continue go.

I come back home, but I find nobody there.

What the hell is happened?

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