Chapter 36.

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"Dad!" I scream. "Dad!! Where are you?"

I look around, I sieve the whole house, but it's useful: nobody's here.

I call aunt Freya, but she doesn't reply.

Aunt Rebekah!

"Hope! Tell me.."

"Thanks God!" I look at the sky. "Aunt, we have a problem: dad, mum, aunt Freya and uncle Elijah are disappeared"

"What? Where are you?"

"I'm at home"

"At the plantation? Or in city?" Asks her.

"In New Orleans" I say.

"Oh my god..." She whispers. "No, they... They are at the plantation"

"Where?" I ask.

"I'm on my way, so we'll go together. Stay there, don't touch anything 'till my arriving. I'll explain you all, don't you worry... Until that moment,  you can't touch anything in that house. Alright?"

"Okay" I say.

The calls end. 

Ten minutes later, auntie is there.

"Hope, come here.." 

She doesn't enter.

"Aunt, comes!" I say, and she does.

"Wait..." I look at her. "Why did you enter now and not before?" 

She smiles.

"This house's yours, Hope. And one day the other is going to be your brother's own. Now it's you who decide who can and who can't come in. Your parents wanted to do you a surprise!"

"Wow! Congragulatiin, they did it! I... Wow!" I say.

I can't find the words, I mean... A house on my own! And this house then! I... Oh my god!!
Okay, I have to think to my brother.

"Right... And... Why they are at the plantation?"

"To your father that place is a sign of rebirth, and your uncle wanted to respect that. Also with you Hayley was there, and we all lived there with her.

They..." She breathes. "I imaine they wanted to ricreate the atmosphere to the times they met" She smiles, with tears in her eyes.

"And... Are you crying because you're jelaus to Hayley, because she's with uncle Elijah, because you're afraid of something or what?" I ask.

"Oh, don't be silly... " She smiles. "I don't cry! " I look at her astonished, and she continues: "My tears cost too much!"

We laugh.

"Right!" I smile, and she hugs me. 

"I'm so happy to you... And I would wish this continue war against everything and everyone a day could stop... I'm so sorry, darling. We didn't want that for you, neither for your little brother" 

I hug her.

"It's okay aunt, don't you worry..."

"We didn't imagine to have create a similiar thing... We did terrible things, of course... But now I imagine we have learned that everything has consequences, also for us. And that you can't escape from dangers, leaving your fmily like if nothing is"

"We are a family. We stay together" I reply.

"Always and Forever" She saies.

"Always and Forever" I repeat smiling, so does her. 

"When I was a baby, I remember dad told me Nothing will scare you..." I  say after a while in silence.

"You know, until I didn't made you come back, I was terrified about lose the people I loved, but now... " I smile. "I can assure you, I'm not afraid of anything"

"What could scare the greatest tribrid?" Jockes my aunt, making me laugh.

"Yeah... You're right!"

"We're going to fix that, don't you worry. As Elijah says, none hurts our family and lives. No one" Ends her seriously, and I could say I think the same.

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