Chapter 37. Time to escape is over

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We goe to plantation, wher we also find Marcel, who comes to us.

"Hi!" He's looking at my aunt, and she's looking at him.

I go, smiling, to the others.

"Dad!" I exclaim going to hug him.

"Hope!" He hugs me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't advert you... I told to Rebekah..."

"And she told me"I rassure him. "The important thing is that we all are fine" I say, and they all change expression.

"What?" I say.

"Erik...  Should be borned" Says uncle Elijah. "But he's not!"

"Where's mom?" I ask looking my dad, completley terrified.

"She's okay, she's in bed"

"Mum!" I scream going. "Mom, where are you?" I enter in every room, and finally I find her.

She's sleeping.


"Hope..." Aunt Freya calls me, but I don't take a move.

"Hope..." She continues. Witches are coming. We have to hide this place, and I need your help. Time to escape is over, now there's fight" She saies, and I understand I have t do what she saies.

I go out, closing the door at my back. 

"What's the plan?" I ask.

"Come with me"

We turn at the enter.

"Niklaus, Rebekah and Elijah will stay with Hayley" Says her looking at them. Uncle Elijah goes, without let her repeat twice, and so does aunt Rebekah.

My father stayies, instead.

"Dad... Go" I say.

"No" He persists.

"Dad, please!"

"Niklaus, Hope is with me... She'll be fine" Assures him aunt Freya.

"What about you, sister?" He asks.

"I'll be fine too, but there's no more time! Go, Nik!" Exclaims her, and so he does.

We start our spell to cover the home. After a while, the sky starts becoming grey, and a storm comes.

"Don't be scare" Rassures me aunt Freya. "Keep going on, concrentrate yourself"

"We need Lizzie and Josie" I say.

"We don't need anyone. We're original witches, and you're the original tribrid. We can do anything, and you could do all also alone"

"I'm only eighteen!"

"It doesn't metter your age, it isn't about that. It's aoll about your strenght. And you're the most powerful being in the world! Now concentrate yourself"

"Celare domo hac ut maiorum non invenient eam

Habemus praesidio genere, quod est maxime momenti est

Celare domo hac"

We continued make the spell with the magic malachite which has the property to make us stronger, reach our objectives and it makes stronger the intuition.

We're at safe.

We stop.

 I look at my aunt and we smile each other.

"We have to go far from there" She saies. 

"No... Mum..." I say. "Erik..." 

"Hope, Hope look at me and calm down!" I listen her, and I look at her. "They will be fine. We have make things okay, witches can't find them, neither Esther or Thatia or anyone alse could. They're fine, we only have to never lose the malachite"

"Okay" I become quiet.

"We have to go now. Are you ready?"

"Yes" I say, then we exit and I take her away as far as I can.

The tempest is continuing on, and things continue getting worst, but we have to protect the other. We can't lose.

I look at my aunt and I grip stronger my stone continuing watching at our backs.

Me and my aunt are back on back, looking around us ready to answer at any type of move, but nobody comes.

"Something is wrong..." I say.

"Hope, keep calm" She remembers me, and I breathe.

I can't have fear. I'm a Mikaelson witch, we have fear of nothing. I only have to pay attention and fight.

"What? Are you scare, withces?" I say.

"Hope, what the hell are you doing?!" Exclaims aunt Freya.

"Don't be like your father!"

"I am exactely like him" I say proud. "You want my brother? You have to pass on me... C'mon! Let's fight!"   

A thunder comes, I jump before it could reach me.

"Is it all? And, in add, we haven't seen you yet... What are you afraid of? Don't be shy, let's go! Come out to play with us!"

"Hope, stop! They're the ancestors!" Says my aunt.

"And we are the Originals"

"But the Original witch is one, honey" I hear at my shoulders.

I turn back and I say my grandmother.

"Esther, I wonder. It's a pleasure to meet you, grandma" I do a reverence, then I look at my aunt, who's pietrify.

"What have you done to her?" I ask.

"I'm just arrived, honey... She's alive, and sh'e fine"

"I'm not fine, mother. Nobody of your son and daughter is" Says her with anger in her voice. "We are all broken, for you and Mikael. But look at us, together as one. As the family we never had. And we have that to Hope"

I look at her. What...?

"I wanted to protect you, darling... And your father... I wasn't with him, you all know that... But you can't fight against him!"

"Nikalus did. Also Rebekah, and Elijah. For centuries. And now it's your turn, mother... Let's make a end fast pelase..."

"You don't understand, I..."

"Stop talking!" Screams her, destroying everything.

My grandmother fals down, and she block her to the ground, to deny her every move. 

"Hope, now"

"What I have to do?" I ask upset.

"You can do everything you want darling, that's the end. And we have win. She's too strong, but she isn't a mother... She never was, just like Thatia" She has tears on her eyes.


I look at my grandmother, feeling the anger come bigger and bigger.

As I look at my aunt, the anger becomes bigger. 

Fortunately, my grandma is too worry looking at her. Also her has tears in her eyes.

"Ahh!" I scream, pushing everything far from me.

I continue scream for several minutes and when I end, nothing move.

"Aunt!" I scream running to her. She has fainted.

I take her at home, then I call mt father.

"Dad...Please, run. I'm at home, aunt Freya has fainted, and also grwndma...But if grandma stands up... Aunt Freya..."

"I'm on my way" Says him.

Few minutes after, I hear him scream my name. I run out.

"Dad! Come!" I take him in, and he looks around.


"We had to" 

"How are you? What happened?" Asks him worried.

"I'm fine, nothind happened, it was just... A fight against them, then I screamed and they falled down... This is my fault... I... I can't do anything... I just wanted... I neither know what I wanted to do, I just felt hungry... To all grandma did to you, to our family... And look what happened!" I cry.

Dad hugs me. After these my words, he's crying too.

"It's all okay sweetheart, you acted well. Aunt will opens her eyes soon, don't worry. Now we have to think about the grandmother. How do you intend fix her?" Smiles him, and I laugh.

"Thanks, dad"

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