Chapter 38. A deal with the ancestors

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Me, my father, my uncle and my aunt are in front of my grandmother, while my mum and aunt Freya are inside home.

I have to do something... I promised to fix it, and I have to.

Okay, I know what I have to do.

"Maiorum, audite me. Placet mihi ut ineamus fœdus, Im 'iens ut liberabo aviam et illi venerunt ad te.

Im 'iens ut consecrem eam ossa, sed mutatio, tu et amici eius et me et familiam meam, et non curant de aliis, felix vivere in via. In saecula saeculorum.

Sed si te nonnulla ex parte conteram vobis, dicite: amen dico vobis quoniam in aeternum doloris. Et ego dico tibi youll 'adepto quod merentur: quia sicut ... te potest videre, quae facere non possum"

"Hope, what are you saying?" Asks my father.

I smile, and I look at him.

"Don't you worry"

"Hope... Be careful" Only says my uncle. 

I turn around again and I smile again, then I look at my aunt.

"Nothing to say?" I jocke.

" I trust my niece... And we are there" Says her.

"Whatever could happens, we're ready to fight by your side, littlest wolf" Says my dad.

"For me it's the same" I assure him, then I turn again trying to understand the ancestors's answer. 

A storm comes again.

"It's okay" I try to rassure my family going to fix myself just in front of them.

The weather become worst, and worst again. Now there's a strong wind, the hailstorm comes and also the rain with it.

Something slowly  comes near.

This is impossible...

"Esther..." Whispers uncle Elijah.

"Hope!" Screams my father. "Come here!"

I don't listen.


"I'm not scary, dad. It's okay. I can do that" I smile at him.

"Hope Mikaelson..." A voice interrupts us, and my father close his eyes. I turn looking in front of me.

"Esther... I think"

"In person, dear" Smiles, then looks at my back. "My children..."

"Children?" I say. "What about aunt Freya?" 

"Hope... Stop!" Screams again my dad. 

"Nikalus, please..." My grandma then looks at me. "You seems shocked darling...C'mon, did you really think to have defeated me? Darling..."

"You didn't listen, did you? I talked with the ancestors, and I saied that I would have consacrate your bones if they would have let my family living... Happy" A tears comes on my cheeck, but I put it away.

"To you, when you talk about The Ancestors... " She starts, but I block her.

"You're the First Ancestor, not the only... I think"   

"And you're right, but... I was saying... In your opinion, they would listen to you?"

"They had a good reason, I think. I have the greatest witches in front of me!" 

"Believe me darling, it cost me so much to admit it ... But it's not you which have the Greatest witch in front of." Smiles her. "And, in sign of respect, I accept your deal in the name of all"

"What...?" My uncle makes a step forward, and she explains herself: "I only wanted to my kids they would never had to die... Because, for people who saies to Earth, is so hard... For that I turned you into vampires.

You're the Originals..."

"What about her birth?" Asks my father.

"Like I sayied before, I have in front of me the Greatest Witch the world has ever seen. Of course she has so much to learn yet, but she's going to be even more powerful than me. I was jelous" She smiles.

"And what about my cousin?"

"He will be a simple hybrid, but he's going to be the second Original hybrid..." She explains.

"Why do you wanted to kill also him?" I continue.

"Your father is the only Original hybrid. Or, at least, I believed so..."

"What changed?" Asks him.

"I saw you" She smiles. "And I see you now... You've always protect each other, as a family does. You've make in Hayley, you gave birth the first tribrid, and you have protected her together as one, also including Marcelus... Her sort of brother, am I right?" She aske looking at my father, who stayies in silence, waiting for the part where she finally becomes clear. "In all those centuries, you have made something that can't be replaced, or fogiven. You made history... Not only because you're the Originals, but because you taught worold how a family is.

Always fighting, but together in the bad times. Always and Forever, because a blood bond is what keep it tide up. 

I'm so proud of you... That's why I accept the deal with my Tribrid niece" She ends.

I look at my dad, at my aunt and at my uncle.

"I would say I love you, but I'd be a liar" Says my aunt Rebekah.

"Mother..." Says instead my uncle. "I never taught I would say to you, but... I want to" He breathes. "I forgive you, for everything you did us. Not for you intended do to her" He indicates me, and she smiles.

"Are you kidding me?" Exclaims aunt Rebekah.

"I feel myself lucky as never before anyway. Thanks, my son" 

My father looks at me and smile. 

"Don't day a word to my daughter, mother? Don't you think she's..."

"All you" She ends. "Of course" She smiles looking at me, then she goes to aunt Freya and helps her.

When she's okay, my grandmother look at us, opening her arms: "So... Put and end to this!"

We look each other, I look behind me...

"I can't..." I say.

"You made a promise, Hope" Says my uncle. "If you won't do what you saied, the ancestors will break their part because they can!"

I start crying.


"Dear, where's your anger?"

"Do you want to see mine?" Growls my father.

"Nikalus, stop!" Inverveens aunt Rebekah before looking at us: "Girls, you can do that. I know you"

I look at my aunf Freya, who, with tears in her eyes, saies:"C'mon Hope... We have to finish what we started"

I nod.

I breathe, then I take her hand.

I gather all my fear and I make it become anger, who adds to that I had before.

"Ahh!" I scream in the end while my aunt make the spell, and after a few minutes, my grandmother disappears.

At the end, we all fall.

I can't have done that...

I look at my aunt. I have done that.

"We are at save, Hope" Says her. "We are all at safe. War is over" Continues, coming to hugging me.

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