Chapter 41.

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I'm at school, but today Mrs Forbes isn't there.

I asked Josie and Lizzie, but they didn't know anything. What a strange... Oh, it doesn't metter.

I'm at school, and I can enjoy my friends, my boyfriend!

"You know... I can't believe everything is okay!" I smile.

"Don't say it out loud!" Lizzie jockes.

"You're right" I smile, but Josie is not okay with that.

"C'mon guys, stop! Everything's finally fine! Let's have fun!" 

We laughs.


We go at lesson, today there were two tests and another thing that I forgot... Ops!

I go sit down and teacher gives me the test.

It isn't so much difficult... It is about herbs and natural potions.

Once I finish I read again and againt at least three times, but I'm quite sure to have make right, so I do my work and I exit from the class after have wish all to spend a good day.

Follows Landon, who exit and get closer.

"Someone is happy today! What a beautiful news!"

I laugh.

"Fights are over. For real! I can live in peace with my family... I mean, as a normal family!" 

My friends smile, Landon comes to hug me and everyone is looking at me like if I am crazy... But I don't care about. I'm so happy!

"When should your cousin born?" Asks Lizzie.

"She's at seventh month" I say.

"Wow... Soon!" Says Josie.

"Time runs!" Exclaims Landon.

"And what did we do in this time, guys?" Asks Josie.

"We have fought... As last year, and two years ago" I laugh.

Landon comes to hug me again.

He looks me in the eyes and he saies:"War is over, believe me" 

I make an "okay" with my head, but I'm not sure I believe in this.

Anyway, we continue as "normal" students and classmates until  the sun goes to sleep (as always).

The next day, I wake up with Josie and Lizzie who's watching me.

"Goodmorning to you!" I get up. 

"Goodmorning" They smile embarassed. "How are you?" 

"I'm fine, thanks... Girls, what's up?" 

They look each other.

"We was wondering if you..." Starts Josie.

"How are you?" Lizzie interrupts her.

"I'm fine, thanks. What about you?" I go taking my uniform.

"Can we see the baby?" Asks Lizzie. "Once it will born"

I turn back with tears in my eyes.

"Girls...Of course you can!"

I go hugging them.

"I can't believe this... Another Mikaelson in the school!" Smiles Lizzie.

"Is he going to be an hybrid?" Asks Josie.

I raise my shoulders.

"I guess we'll know when the moment will come!" I say before get out.

I go doing breakfast, then I go in class.

Where's Landon?

Oh, Raphael!

"Ehy, Raph!" I get closer.

"Hi Hope! How are you?"

"Fine, thanks... Have you seen Landon?" I ask.

"He's to the headmaster, they had to discuss about something"

"About what?" I ask.

"I don't know Hope, I only know that!" He takes his hands on top, so I decide to smile and go to sit town.

Today Doctor Saltzman will be our teacher, because our doesn't feel good.

"Goodmorning class" 

We stand up.

"Goodmorning, Headmaster"

"Teacher" He corrects us. "So... Today I'm going to give your test back, and we're going to going on with the programme" He takes the tests, and he goes on: "Your teacher saied me to not give them for first, because once you get it you don't think to other... Personally, I did the teacher and I have a different opinion... But I know all students are different, so... Today I'm particulary good, so I let you decide: what do you want to do?"

"Doctor Saltzman..." Josie raises her hand. "I'd prefer to have my test before..."

He looks at me, talking to the class.

"What about you?" 

In the room voices start to talking, until Landon saies:"I agree with Josie, Mr Saltzman!" 

"Me too... It's a letter! It doesn't define who we are, but our knowledge about something" I say.

He looks at the others, which, in the end, agree with us, and so he gives us our work.

Josie took a B, Lizzie a D, Landon an A, Raph a C.

For a while, I feel myself anxieus for a banal test (for a test!) and that gives me hope... Maybe also my life can change. Maybe I can feel myself like the others, maybe... It's not so impossible as I thought! 

"Mikaelson" Rik calls me.

"Uhm? Oh, yes...I... I'm sorry" I say smiling while I'm going to take the test.


I took an A+!

"Congratulation everyone, I know that things are not so easy, but you did it" Exclaims him. 

"We have to, Head Master... We are studying how to keep our lives in save!"

"Not everybody have that possibility, Hope... Be more grateful" He reminds me.

It takes one second, and I remember all: the hole, my dad who disappear, my mum's death, then the last dinner... I can't.

"Be grateful? To learn that the world is full of bad creatures who wants to kill me and my family, and my friends too?"

"To learn how to react, creature to creature" Says him keeping calm.

"We are heroes, Hope... We have to fight and win evil" Says Kaleb.

"You forget something, my dear... Hero's never the one left standing" I stand up just in time with the bell's ring, and Landon ends: "But people can try to save him" 

I look at him.

"Not everybody can. Humans can't, for exemple. Do you know all the humans in the world which have lost someone?" 

"Hope... Stop" Alaric Says, and I look at him, then I go out.

Wait... I can do that!

Oh my god! I could... 

"I could help people"

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