Chapter 42.

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I know what I have to do.

"Thanks, Doctor Saltzman" I smile, then I exit.

"Hope... Hope! Turn back! What..." The voice become too far, and I can't listen to it, but now I know what I can do, what I have to.

I have to help people. I have to find the way to... If  not bring back them lovers, family or friends, to put them in contact with!

I'm going in my room to take the book for the next lesson, when I see Mrs Forbes coming with circumspection. She has her usual blondie waves, but they're strange.
They're not like usual... Usually they're perfect!
She is perfetc, always! What happened today?
She has... A ponytail, which I have never seen on her, and bad hair. She has her jacket in her hands, other inusual thing... She always wear it, and it's always perfect.
I get closer, but she notices me and she disappeares.

"Hope! Are you okay?"
I turn back and I see Landon.
"Yes!" I smile. "Thanks for asking, it was... Oh, doesn't metter"
"You are late at lesson. Teacher asked me to call you" He says.
"Oh my god! Thanks! I'm coming" I say going to take the book as fast as I can.
"Here I am!" I smile, then we go.
But something is not so clear...
Once in class, I see that the teacher is not in, so I get nearly to Josie, going to sit next to her, and I start.
"Your mom..." She looks at me. "She's so perfect... In every situation! How does she do it?" I pretend to be shocked, and she smiles.
"I really don't know... And I ask the same question myself so many times... You can't even imagine!" She sighs. "I imagine... She is so worries to make everybody happy, to make all perfect... And that's the motivation!"
"So...You're saying that she seems so perfect because she has good in heart, are you?"
"Yes" She smiles. "Why that question?"
In that moment, the teacher comes, so we stop talking.
So... She' perfect because she tries to make everyone happy. But you can't to that in a long time, because before or after you're going to exit destroyed.
And maybe it's just like she is!
She's destroyed by herself... And she was looking for peace.
But she found the storm.
Oh my god... No.

Everything starts to tremble.
I have to calm down. I breathe. Teacher calls me, but I don't listen to, and I continue breathing.
"I can do this"
Tears get out of my eyes.  I try so hard to not make them exit, but I can't.
I exit, followed by Josie, Lizzie, Raph, Landon and alzmso the teacher.
"Please, don't. I'm fine. I have just... To stay alone" I say.

I go in my room and I cry all the tears I have, at least it seems me like this.
How many times I went on this point... How many times I arrived to the end, when I say myself that my father he's free, he has to live his life... But how is it hard to see him go away?
Okay, everything's fine. He feels the same to me... But he always allowed me to keep living as I wanted.
I'm not a child anymore, I can live by myself. The lost of my family showed that.
I have to restart becoming indipendent from them.
I can do that.
I breathe again, so I stand up and I take a shower, then I go to sleep, just to take me back all the energies lost.

When I get up, I find in my room Lizzie, Josie, the teacher, Landon, Raf, MG, Doctor Saltzman and also a Doctor.
"Welcome back to reality!" This last smiles.
"Afternoon" Doctor Saltzman ends.
"Afternoon" I repeat. "Good afternoon"
"What happened?" Josie asks.

"Hope has to come back home, and she needs to repose for some days" She looks at me, and she smiles. "You saved all, but also heroes have to relax. Go home, darling"

"Can I ask something?" I ask and she looks at me.

"What if I would not go home? Or, what if also at home people would need my help?"

She smiles.
"Hope, right?

"Yes. Doctor...?"

"Amidian" She comes nearly. "You have so much strenght, I saw that. But also the most powerful warrior needs to sleep sometimes, or he ...Or she" She smiles. "She'll be defeated soon.
You have been so stressed... I don't know why and if you don't want to tell me, I'm not interest to know, but I am a doctor and I have to say you: you risk to not wake up for a while"

Everybody looks at me terrified, and Landon says:"I will pack your bags" Then he goes in front of the closet, but I close it.

"Don't" I back on my feet, and I look at Amidian.

"Thanks for the visit, and for the result... Goodbye"

"Hope...You would better listen her" Alaric says.

"I never sayed I wouldn't to. And I think she's right... I wanted enjoi my family...Now I can! So, why not?" I smile  then I reache Landon and I open my closet to take what I need.

"Who are you?" She asks me, and I laugh.

"Hope Mikaelson. Do you remember?"

"Mikaelson..." The Doctor repeats.

"Excuse me?" I look at her.

"Oh...Nothing. Your surname... Reminds me... " She looks at me. "A family I used to know"

She has red hair, and her eyes are of a colour I can't identify... Maybe green, or blue.

"What did you give to me?" I say.

"Nothing! I only visited you, and your friends can admit it!" She looks at tue others, which agree with her.

"I want to come back home"

"I could take you!" She offers herself, but I deny the invite.

"No, thanks...I can do also like this" I snap my fingers and I am back home.

"Hope!" Mom calls me.

How... Oh my god!

"Mom! Are you okay? Where's dad?"

"I don't know, he went out, but he's not come back yet"

"I saw a girl... A woman, I mean, and she saied that my surname reminded her a family she used to know. She looked at my necklace and she didn't stop looking at it"

"Who's she?"

"I ...She told me to call her Amidian"

I start describe her, and my mom looks at me pietrify.


She only saies: "Call your father. We have to stay united"

I run.

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