Chapter 43.

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We all are at home.
Dad, mom, uncle Elijah, aunt Rebekah, aunt Freya. Marcel too! Also Davina and uncle Kol are turn back!
"Aurora Du Martel is back" Uncle Elijah says.
"What the hell are you saying?" Marcel says.
"My niece has been visited by her!"
"Visited?!" Aunt Rebekah looks at me.
"I'm fine... She didn't know who I am"
"Was she alone?" Asks me my dad.
"Yes" I say.
"This doesn't mean anything. Tristan could be anywhere!" Exclaims my aunt.
"Rebekah... Calm down. I'm going to make a tour of the city. Would you might to come? If Du Martel's brothers have come back, they have short life there" Marcel says with firm and decisive voice, and it would seems she calmed a little bit, looking at him.
"I'm coming with you" She ends.
Davina takes a step: "Me too"
Kol instead looks at my aunt:"Sister, what about us?"
"Freya will take with her Hayley, and they will go far away" Says my uncle Elijah. "Hope, go with them if you want. We 'll stay there, and we'll se what that family want"
"Who's going to be killed?" I ask.
"Probably none" He says. Me and my mom look each other, so he gives up. "Okay, potentially all"
We smile.
"I can fight" Says mom.
"No, you have to stay at safe" My uncle says.
"Elijah, if she feels good..." Starts Rebakah, but I stop her.
"I'd prefer too if mom and my little brother stayed at safe"
Silence comes, so they go and we remains at safe.

Two hours after, Marcel is back.

"Everything's fine. I told guys to stay alert, and if something would goes in a strange way, they know they have to call me. Don't you worry"  He looks at me.

"What are you doing here?"

"If my family need me, I am there. Mom is okay, she's with Freya. She's powerful.

"They need you. That's the part of your family who needs you"

"Why we have to divide men from women?"  I ask. "We can help. And mom felt okay to fight..." 

"But.." He says.

"I know, I didn't feel good, and that's why she decided to hide herself"

"You did right. You wanted to protect your family"

Wait. Freya is with mom. She's a powerful witch. I'm there...

"Where's Davina?" I ask.

"She's with your uncle. After the fight she was instable. I went with them, then I came back to see how was there... Where's your dad?"

"I thought he was with you" I say worried.

"He was... But he would be there yet" He says.


"Where do they live?" I ask.

"Hope, don't. Stay there. I'll go and I'll find a solution. You have to stay there"

"No, I can't. My father is..."

"Your father could be in danger, and you would put him in a bigger danger. Aurora is not okay, and her brother is alive, even if we know he isn't here.  That explains why she came back... " He whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"Aurora is mad of your father. And his brother is mad with him, because Aurora suffered a lot for him" Marcel explains.

"That's why she was so surprised to see me! I mean, to listen my surname!" Now I understand. "She's crazy! My father is in a crazy girl's hands! Where's she? I'm going to make she know what does it means to meet a real crazy girl..."

"For what I can love to watch fight, specially if between girls... I have to stop you" He intervenes.

"Why?" I ask.

"Beacuse she is irrational, but you can't do the same. We are in war now, and if you want to win, you have to keep your brain on"

What if...

"Maybe I did" I smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Who is with Aurora?"

"Nobody. We killed everybody"

"So... Are you saying me that there's a vampire all alone, who is in love with the man she took?"

"Yes... But somewhere there could be her brother"

"Yes, somewhere... And... Do you know if she knows something about him?"

"She doesn't"

"Are you sure about that?" I can't believe this. 

"I am"

"Marcel, it will be as easy as steal marshmallows from a kid!" 

"Hope, she's crazy!" He insists.

"Just for that! I saw her, and she saw me. I just ... Have to appear...And disappear" 

"What?" He asks.

"I have to become her worst nightmare. I have to make her so insecure as never before" 

"No! That's exactely what you don't have to do. Never. Not with her. When she feels insecure, she becomes aggressive"

I imagined...

"Better to us. We need to make her a beast"

"Beasts are hard to keep calm"

"We need to. And we need to, au contraire, never let us go to our istincts. It will be hard, but we have my father in our hands.
We can't wrong" I say looking at him in the eyes.

"Hope, you are even more crazy then her if you think to be able..."

"I don't think, I know I am"

"Beasts are imprevedible"

"Lucky for her, to humans we are beasts too" I say biting myself. I let the blood fall, and Marcel goes far.

"Hope, stop!"

He's hungry.

"Can you see that? Can you feel it? We are beasts too. Don't let you go" I go closer. "Don't"

"You saved me once. You don't want to feed yourself with my blood. You can conrrol yourself, Marcel. You know that! So... " After several minutes, I look at him. "What's the problem, Marcel? Do you see that? I stopped bleeding, and you never touched me, neither once"

He looks at me.

"I can do that"

"We can do that. Are we like brothers or not?" I smile, and so does him.

"You're right. We're like brothers. And as long as our family stay together, we can do anything"

"Of course. Becsuse you're a member of us. Never forget"

He smiles.

"You're my special brother, you know?"

"Special brother?" He looks at me.

"Yes. You're my brother and you could be also my uncle" I laugh.

"Hope!" Exclaims him so embarassed.

"What?" I continue laughing. "We need to shot down a little bit negativity!"

"You're right..." He looks away. "I love your aunt, but she loves her brother more"

"So...Are you jalous of my dad because he has my sister's love, not for what he had as empire..." I understand.

"Of course. I needed guys to not feel alone, because he had trasformed it in a war, where who had more warriors won. And I never won, so I wanted to"

"But you could have my aunt's attention... She would..."

"Hope, believe me" He interrupts me. "Not. She would do nothing against him in the end.
See, you family ..." I look bad at him, and he restarts: "Our family is full of wars, fights, blood... There's too much passion! Your dad takes one second to kill someone in bad days, your aunt same. Your uncle Elijah and your aunt Freya are the only which try to keep things on a balance! I didn't mentione d your mom, because for her the only thing that metter it's you, your brother and Elijah. Until someone doesn't touch one of yours, she lives as the indipendent woman she is" After a while of silence, he continues. "Your dad can't stay alone for much time... He needs his family, I never undesrtood why. But for Always and Forever they have fought, and they even died"

"To you, I'd fight. To you, I'd die" I say.

"To me it's the same, but..."

"We need to be together as one because be together is what makes us stronger"

"No Hope! It isn't like this! You are the strongest witch. I bet you would win also against their mother!" I smile. "You can't believe me, but..."

"I did" I laugh. "But I wasn't alone. Freya was with me. I won because she helped me"

He remains in silence.

"What?" I ask.

"You keep don't understand..."

"You feel alone. You feel like if my aunt always says no to you to say yes my father, and maybe it is exactely like this. But...What about you? Between your empire and her, what would you choose?"

"I made it for her!" He exclaims.

"For her?! Do you really think she gives a damn about an empire?! Marcel, c'mon!"

"And so tell me... Tell me Hope:what does your aunt gives a damn?" He screams. He doesn't know what to do anymore.

"Tell her you love her! Stay with her! Make her feel loved, as she had nothing to escape from!" He remains in silence.

"She's strong. I am strong, everybody there is strong! But you know? We are destroyed, in our being strong. It takes so little to break us... Everybody of us.
So, we need to stay together. You know her weaknesses, and she know yours. Why don't use them to make yourself stronger each other? Why don't be the person who says it's over, you can also don't fight against me, because I amby your side!
You don't have enough, you will never have enough with her... Because you love her, and that's okay!
It's okay to love someone. It's okay care about people! So, why don't show what you feel?"

"I could do you the same question" He says going away.

"You once told me" I restart, and he stops. "I will never abandone you... Well, I guess that's my turn" I smile, and he turns back. 

"Marcel, I will never abandone you. In good and bad times, I will always be there, because we're brothers, by blood or not it doesn't metter. What metters is your happyness. You aren't happy, Marcel, because you're keeping something inside of you. Something which wants to get out... And I don't intend let you go until that thing, or things, won't come out" I promise him, and I can say to read a sort of surprise in his eyes.

"Thanks Hope" He only says, before disappear.

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