Chapter 46.

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I use my magic to make Aurora sleep for few hours, so that when she'll wake up, she is going to find my surprise.

"Recently I made a research on some black magic spells, because I didn't know what I would have found once I was there" I say when Marcel, Freya and Rebekah are come back. "And I found a spell named Crow Wings" I smile.

"Hope, don't" Says Freya.

"What are you talking about, Hope?" Asks Marcel.

"Crow Wings is a powerful spell which act on the brain. You take a crow, you take off his wings and you cover them with his blood. Then you do a spell on the person you want to torturate, that goes on his subconscious. Blood will stop leak sooner or later, but that person won't know that, because she'll be dazed from the hallucinations she'll have.

All that the person did in past which wasn't good will come back under a person she loved, and his worst nightmare will always torment her" Aunt Freya explains.

"Why didn't I have heard anything similiar?"  Asks aunt Rebekah. "Our mother invented black magic, but why..."

"You're not a witch, sister" Aunt Freya remindes her, then she looks at me.

"Hope, listen... Aurora has wrong, but there's another way... There is always another way! You are better! You can't let hate win on you!"

"I'm not letting hate win on me... I'm letting the revenge makes his course"  I say smiling. "She would deserve also much worst" After a while, I ask:"Where's my father?" 

"At home. Elijah is with him"

"Is he at safe?" 

"I took him personally, and I can assure you he and the others are at safe" Marcel says,

Mom... Erik!

I smile.


"I did what I had to" He smiles. "But now, Hope, tell me... What do you need to make this spell?"

"Marcel!" Aunt Freya screams.

"No pity for who deserves this treatment" He says. "Klaus is not an easy person, but he won't pass untaged" 

"I continue say no" Aunt Freya seems irremovible.

I look at everyone and I give up.

"Okay, I won't use Crow Wings with her... But we can't allow she..."

"What about an erasing memories?" Asks aunt Freya. "We could convince her to... Everything we want!"

I look at the others, and we agree.

Marcel has the honour.

"What does we want she will remember?" He asks.

"She's a very bad person, she did terrible things. She doesn't know love, and nobody loves her" I say.


"You're just... Your father's daughter!" Marcel laughs, and I do the same, listening those words.

"I would say..." Aunt Freya starts: "She has a brother, she lost him, because he's dead years ago" 

"And now she's alone, but she has got a chance to live a better life, also for his brother" Aunt Rebakah continues.

"Okay, I can do that" Marcel says stands up ready to go.


We are returning back home, but I feel strange.

"Something miss..." I saw only darkness.


When I get up, I see that I am in my home, and in my room there are Lizzie and Josie...And Landon too!

"What..." I say, trying to sit down on my bed.

"Hope!" They run. "Hope, how are you?" Josie asks.

"I'm okay guys, thanks. But..." 

Wait. I'm at home.

"My father. Where's he?" I ask. "I have to see him" I stand up, but I fall.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" I exclaims, and my mother with everyone else run in my room.


I go hugging her.

"Mom! Pay attention, you..."

"You are at safe.. I can't believe..." She sighs.

I smile.

"I'm there mom, and I love you too" I hug her. "We had to fight, you more than me..." I say, in memory of my birth. "But now we are all there, have you seen?" I smile. "There's nothing to worry about. Nothing will keep us apart, and nothing will scare us. We are a family, we stay together Always and Forever, in good and in evil. And we are Mikaelsons, we never give up until we reach our objectives"

"Good girl... I saied... All her father!" My dad smiles at the enter of the room.

"Oh my god!" I run hugging him. "How are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine sweetheart, don't worry about me. How are you, instead?" He asks me.

"I'm fine, dad. Thanks"

"How does the baby can live in those conditions?" Asks Josie.

"She escaped from death so many times... And that baby has so much to learn... Don't worry, he'll grows up well" My father smiles. "He's Hayley and Elijah's baby... He will be the greatest honourable vampire this family has never have... After my brother, obiously!" 

We laugh.

"Brother, I known with regret that the desire to joke you never miss" Says my uncle entering in the room, going next to my mom and taking her hand to kiss it.

I smile.

"Brother, you know me..." My dad keep smiling, and I do the same.

This is my family: there is fight, there is love, there is happyness and sadness, anger, but in the end, we follow stay together as one, Always and Forever.

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