Chapter 47.

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>>I wish I could talk to you. Save me a time this morning,


I send the message to Caroline, then I go enjoing the new day which is just started.

It's 5:00 am and birds are singing from 4:28. I didn't sleep tonight, because I wanted to find words to say to Caroline...

It's been much time since we started dating, even if Hope and the others doesn't know... And I hoped to tell them. I don't like have secrets with my family, and she neither.

After Stefan's death, she felt lost and empty. She didn't know where to start, because she couldn't understand why destiny was so cruel with her. It took back everything it gave to her, her daughters apart, but she saied she would become a very very different person if it only... And I know the feeling.

Hope changed me.

From the moment I saw her, I couldn't desire anything else of being her father, taking care of her. And I would do anything for her, just like her would do for me, and I'd say this story talks for all.

I looked her become a woman, not just a girl, from the other side, and... When I saw her for the first time I was back... I believed to not be ready.

But, day after day, I noticed that she has never changed.

Sure, she has grow up, she has friends, a boyfriend that I don't know yet, but when I look in her eyes, I continue to see my child.

I feel I have to protect her, but now is she who's protecting me! She protects everyone... And as long as I will know Marcel is with her, I'll not afraid.


"You came fast, love" I smile turn around. She smiles.

"You texted me! But let me say you a thing: if you will disappear again, I..." I do not make her stop because I can't resist, and I take her by her hips, going against a tree kissing her.

She smiles.

"Hello,love" She says surprising me.

"Hello, love!" I repeat, then we pass the day together as some days ago, just like we do from when I'm back, but this time I have some news to tell her.

We spend the day together talking and laughing.

"I remember you liked fashion, and you did the journalist!" I say, and she seems to be surprised.

"Yes, I did the journalist years ago, and to be honest, I liked it as job, but... From the moment my daughters were born, nothing metters more than stay with them and protect them. So, I left (also because Stefan died, and ...The only which appeared in my mind were you) . You helped me, you know?"

I smile looking at the ground.

"You helped me too"

After a while in silence, I look at her:"Caroline, do you remember when you told me that you were never been anywhere?"

She looks at me and her look change. Now is between curious and worried.

"Of course. Why?"

My smile become bigger.

"Klaus, I..."

"After the end of the school. So our daughters can decide if follow us or not, and they would be free to do that, if they want to. I hope that isn't a problem to you ..." I continue.

"Of course not, you know me. My daughters come before everything"

"And I think you know my answer, so..." I smile.

"We could ask them!" She says.


We look each other, then we go.

I stay behind Caroline, while she enters in our daughters's classroom during the break and asks them exit for one moment. They do.

"Hi dad! What happens?" My daughter asks.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's all okay" I wait for the others, then we go in Caroline's office.

"Hi girls! How are you today?" Caroline asks.

"Fine mom, thanks. What about you?" Josie replies.

"Fine, thanks"

"Dad...What about you?" Hope looks at me, looking for explainations.

"I have to be honest Hope..." I look at Caroline. "I'm a little bit worried about ask you all girls a thing..." I look again at Caroline, who smiles. I go on. "We were thinking about you... In particular..."

"What do you think about make a vacation?" Caroline interrupts me. She's so nervous.

Lizzie looks at her.

"You mean...All of us 5 together?"

"Yes!" Caroline replies. "Where's the problem?"

The three girls look at each other, then Hope looks at me.

"Yeah, I was thinking about how to tell you dad, but... We were thinking about something to do together...You know, as class" They laughembarassed.

"As class?! I..." I lool at Hope.
Ansolutely not. She's a baby yet, she can't...

"I think that's so amazing girls!" Carolines exclaims. "You don't think the same Klaus, do you?"

"I..." I look at Caroline, who's looking at me just as our daughterd, so I look at Hope:"You have also to ask your mother"

She smiles.

"I did yet. And she saied that I could... I wanted to ask you too"

What?! Oh, I'm going to talk with Hayley!

"Oh... Well, if it's so...Who am I to not allow your happiness?" I smile, and she comes hug me. "Be careful" I whisper, and she replies:"You too"

"So...What do you have to do now?" I ask her.

"I have to show the shcool to new people who are at the door, then I have to take part to a meet with other schools to proove them we are a normal school and that our guys are fine there"

We hear a noise.

"What..." She tries to listen, and me too.

"They teach us how to react, but they never send us to fight! We are not kids anymore! I want to fight, that's what I am alive for!"

We go. It's a Hope's classmate.

"MG, this is not like this! Look at me!" She says. "Look at us! We fought against all the monsters which came, and we have to keep going! Aren't you tired? Don't you want to stay in peace just for a while? Seriously?"

"My parents abandoned me because I am a vampire" The boy says. "The only moment of peace is after a victory, which reminds me I'm not useless.

"Fight is all I have" 

"You have us,MG" Lizzie says.

"This is our last year guys... We'll never see each other after the graduation, and you know too. C'mon guys!

Why don't start a new life from now?"

"Because maybe you're right, but peraphs you're not" I say. "I'm sorry, I usually don't interveen in discourses, but in this I... Feel the need to do.

If you'll see each other once you'll be out of there, this is a choice of yours. But you can't allow your pain to control you.

If your parents abandoned yoy, it's a their problem. And one day they'll discover what they did. But this can't define who you are! Don't allow this" I look at Caroline, then I turn to him: "You're special, what makes you different has this power.

They're just afraid of your skills, but you don't have to proove them anything.

If they would, they  would have been here with you.

They're not? This is not your buisness.

Is it a fault to be in life and fight for it everyday even if you're not human? It it a fault to be different?" 

"No" My daughter replies.

I continue look at the boy, and he gives up.

"No, it isn't Sir"

"So..." I smile.  "What's the problem?"

"It still hurt..."

"It will hurt for the rest of your life if you allow that" Hope says. "Or you try to change their opinion until you win, or let go"

"You deserve to be happy" I end, and he stops also be so nervous.

"I'm sorry" He goes away, and Hope smiles me.

"Good job, dad!"

I did it! I made her smile again! 

I smile.

"Your father always knows what to say and to do"

"And the father's daughter same" Caroline says. She looks at her, and Hope smiles to her.

Comes Josie with her sister.

"Hope, can we talk a while?"

My daughter looks at me.

"They've just talk you, not me!" I exclaim. She smiles, then she goes.

"She's growin up so fast..." I whisper.

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