Chapter 48.

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"Hi girls! Tell me!" I smile.

"Uhm... I think you're an incredible girl, you know?" Josie starts. "Always trying to help people with theire conflicts..."

"But you can't continue like this" Lizzie continues.

I laugh.

"Girls, I..."

"Do not try to say everything's just fine, because also you know that's not" She interrupts. "Remember what the Doctor said? You have to..."

"I remember that, but she wasn't a Doctor, girls. She was a psycopatic girl who were obsessed with my fda!" I laugh.

"What?!" Josie asks, so I start the tell.

"Why didn't you call us?" Lizzie asks at the end.

"It was... A family thing. And we have to do by our own"

"no, Hope. We're your friends. We help each other, as we always did!" Josie says.

"My problems are always been my problems"  I say starting get nervous, and everything starts to tremble.

"Because you want things go like this! But things can also change!" Lizzie interveens.

"I have to. People I care..."

"Die! We know, but you can make them turn back, so what's the problem?" Lizzie blurts out.

I can't believe she really saied this.

I go away without say anythig. I go in my room, where I make my packages. 

Alaric comes.

"Hope... What are you doing?"

"If I can turn back people like Lizzie says, what's the problem if I kill her?" I scream.

"What the hell are you saying?!" Exclaims him.

"Ask her. Now I have to go"  I take by things, but he closes the door.

"I'll let twenty minutes to you. Change yourself and come to the gym with me. We'll train ourself. Don't let me down" He says, then he goes away leaving me alone.

I guess he's going to talk with his daughters, but I don't care.

I take my phone and I ly on my bed with musinc in my hears and I close my eyes, trying to calmdown by myself.


Time passes, and after twenty minutes somebody knocks at the door. 

I wake up and I go open.

"Good evening, Mrs Mikaelson!" It's Alaric. "I thought I told you come to the gym! Do I wrong?"

Oh my god.

"Yes, uhm... I'm sorry! I..." I try to speak, but he interrupts me:

"Come. Now. Ten minutes. Time runs" Only says before go away.

I do as fast as I can, then I go.

"Here I am!" I exclaim get closer to his back.

He turns around himself and makes me fall down.

"C'mon Hope! I thought you were the powerful tribrid!" He exclaims.

I get back on my feet and I react.

I hit him, and for a while he loose the balance.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes" He hits me, then he tries to make me fall again, but this time I push him away. He goes against the wall, then it's him who falls.

"I am" I proudely say.

He stands up again, then he comes closer and tries to do the same once again, but I jump down.

"Insertis"  I whisper, and he falls on his knees.

"This is not fair. You've got magical powers, me not!" 

I smile.

"But I won, and you were the enemie I had to win" I say proudely.

He stands up again, then he comes closer and tries to hit me, but I jump away.

After twenty minutes, he smiles: "Powerful tribrid, let me see how much powerful you are now"  Lizzie and Josie enters in the room.

"Do you want to play?" I look at him smiling. "Okay. Let's play!" 

I make spin the stick in my left hand waiting for a movement, which comes from Josie.

She jumps to get closer.

I look at Lizzie while her sister is in air.


She can't move.

Just when Josie is touching the ground, I make her fall with my stick.

"What are you going to do now?" 

She takes my feet. She wants use me to fight. 


Also she is not my problem anymore.

I turn around to Alaric, I take a bow and then I take them back to reality.

"Are you cold?" I jocke.

"When did you become so powerful?" Josie asks while I'm helping her.

"I think I've always been, you know? I was... Just like if something stopped me" 

"And you also know what it was?" She continues ask.

"No..." I admit. "But I intend to discover it. However long it takes"

She smiles.

"I'll be with you, that you allow me or not. Friends do also that"

"Thanks" I smile, then I make Alaric falls down again.

"I saw you" 

I look at Josie and we both smile.  Then I go tidy the room, and she helps her father, who after help me. She does the same.

"You're so strong girls..." He looks at her.

I know that look. It means when did you grew up? And why so fast?   I smile.

"I go away. See you later" 

I exit and I find Landon.

"Hi!" He gets closer.

"Hello! Were you waiting for me?" I ask.

"Yes, I was" He answer, giving me a kiss.

I smile and I kiss him too.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I wanted to spend the day with you!" 

What a sweet boy!

"I want it too" I admit.

"What do you prefer to do? We can go everywhere!" Landon smiles.

"Now...I go in my room. I change myself and I wear something better than... A gymnastic uniform!" I laugh, and he too.

"You always look gorgeus, Princess" He kisses me again.


I hug him, then I go.

Before enter in the shower, I text my father.

<<How is it mom? And wb Erik?

When I finish, I check the answer - missing - , I wear a black jeans with a white blouse, and I go to Landon. 

"I...Wanted to talk you from... Days" He smiles. "I wanted ..."  He stops talking.

"Hey...Tell me! What do you wanted?" I say smiling.

"I just...Wanted to talk with you!" He says. "About what you feel, and...Other things. You know, schooks is over!"

"Not complitely... We have a month yet"

"Yes... But, you know, a month passes fast... Years pasd fast..."

"Tome runs... I know" I say. "What's your problem?" I smile.

"I am a phoenix. This means that when I die, I resurrect. You're a vampire instead, but you can't die! In add, you're also a witch and a wolf!"

"Yes...And ...With so?" I don't know where he wants to arrive.

"You can never die. With me is different..." He starts.

"Landon, I'm not going to transform you. And my opinion wiill never change" I say believing in what I say.

"But...I can die!" He continues.

"And you can also turn in life again" I remeber him.

"You know, I just...Give up" He says,before going away. I follow him.

"Stop. Immediately" I say, and he listens to me. I get closer. "What's the problem?"

"You would not understand..." He says.

"Test me" I provocate him, who finally gives up easily.

"When I was born, I believe to be a normal boy. Until I met you.
You were special, and you never gave up with me! You took me to my mother, you helped me... Yes, you always helped me, but nobody could help you.
You were always the strong girl, who always had all under her control. The girl who was afraid of nothing, because she had nothing to lose... Apparently.
The girl who smiled during the day, and cried at the nights.
The girl who felt so much the lost of her family, to study a way to bring them back, and accept the consequences.
The girl who always believe in yourself, which is always strong.
The girl which has always so many motivations to continue to fight... How can you do this? How can..."

"I don't know" I admit. "I don't want anybody helps me, because if I wrong, we wrong. And I feel responsable.
And yes, I spended lots of night crying, who didn't? And the day after I smiled because my problems are mine.
The girl who accepted consequences of her actions, but who needed the help of a head master and an Original family, plus her friends...
The girl who putted in danger everyone to satisfy a will she had.
The girl who is never strong, but who knows she has to. Otherwise, bad things will take her and her friends, and everything or everyone she cares about, and she for sure doesn't want this.
Yes, I have so many motivations to keep fight... And I don't accept to lying on my bed for days, because I know my family needs me. I know my power, I know what I can do now.
I grew up, Landon... Everything I've been throught made me grow up. And it also made me more confident about myself, be more aware of my skills and how to use them.
Past doesn't have to stay where it is if we don't want to, and the balance can be broken.
We can be broken, you know? It's okay to show pain, and other emotions... Especially love, to care about someone and do whatever you can to stay with that person.  And the love you feel for that person, if that thing... It will conduce you to win.
You just have to let it flow in you, and use it as strenght.
Everyone is so powerful...They don't even know.
Even humans are more powerful than many of us, you know?" I smile. "I heard they can't swich off their emotions, but they can choose if let people see what they're feeling or not, I don't know why and how.
I imagine... If I was a human..."
"You would" He smiles me. "Your strenght don't change. It's you the strongest creature in the world, and you'd remain!" He esclaims.
"No...This is not me!" I smile. "The strongest creature in the world... You've just described my father" I smile.

The bell rings.
I look at Landon, then we go at the enter, where Alaric is at the microphone. Teachers are with him.
"Students, calm down please. I have to tell you something"
I look for Lizzie and Josie, but they're not there. That's so weird.

"School has just been attacked" He says. " But everything's fine, we know who we have to deal with. For that reason, we adults ask you to go in your rooms and stay there until the was won't be over. Do nothing stupid" He says like if it was in capital letters.

I look at Landon again.

"Who do you think is?" Landon asks.

"I really don't know... But I guess we'll find soon"  

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