Chapter 5. Home

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We are arrived.
"Come" I say.
"This house has the air to be... So ...Vintage!" He says.
I smile.
"Yes... When I was a child I grew up in another house...While my father were here, because of Marcel"
"Oh my god..." I listen.
I stop walking and I look around myself, making Landon sign of not to move.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask watching myself around, trying to see someone. "So? Are you really so stupid to enter in my home without an invitation? Get out, now!" I scream.
"What a terrible noise dear, can't you recognise me?"Oh my god
"Davina!" I run hug her.
"Hi! What are you doing here?"
"I am...Just returned 'cause I missed this place...And I missed you" I say.
"Also you missed to us darling" She hugs me.
"Oh, he is Landon... He's my friend" I smile.
"Davina Claire, nice to meet you"
"Landon" He smiles.
"Davina, do you know where I can find my aynt Freya?" I ask.
"She has gone, but...Actually, I don't know where she is. There is me now, and Kol" She smiles. "And your baby cousin who's sleeping right now"
"Oh my god! Congratulations!" I smile hugging her. "What's her name?"
"It's Kyla"
"Amazing!" I smile.
"Thanks sweet"
We talk about the past, and she talks me to Camille, a blonde girl which who I don't remember.
"She loved your father... And he loved her" I watch at her.
"My father loved Lizzie and Josie's mother"
"Who?" Asks she don't understanding.
"Oh...Nothing" I smile.
"Anyway, there were people who tried to change him, but only you could. After all...You are the miracle baby, don't you?" I laugh.
Maybe...I could...
"Aunt Davina...You have married uncle Kol,is it right?"
"Oh...Yes, we are married since last year. Why are you asking me that?"
"So...You are my aunt in all respects...So...I can trust you, don't I?"
"Yes, of course you can Hope...What happens?"
"I have a plan" I say. "I want to take back my family. And I know how to do"
"Hope...What are you talking about? No way! Stop and think about it" She sits. "Dear... There will be consequences of what you want to do, do you know that?"
"I know, but it doesn't metter. I just want my family back! Why is it so wrong?!"
"Because you would break the balance! Do you know what could happen?"
Everything start to tremble again.
"Hope! Control yourself... You aren't able to do that, how do you pretend to take back your family?"
"I can do that, I know I can. And I'll do it" I say turn back and going away to find something their.

In the closet there are uncle Elijah's suits. I take one of them, then I go searching for a jar and a needle.
I find a knife. It's the same I think, and so I close myself in my room and I start, without listen anybody.
I prepare candles, I swich them on and I put myself in the middle of the circle, with the suit, my mother and father's pic and I start.
"Paterna dominatione Amaymonis: ego loquor ad te paterna maleficis, ego convertam ad te ueniam fidemque eius petentes. Invoco te maleficas Elijah Mikaelson mortuis revocare.
Paterna dominatione Amaymonis: ego loquor ad te paterna maleficis, ego convertam ad te ueniam fidemque eius petentes. Invoco te maleficas Elijah Mikaelson mortuis revocare.
Paterna dominatione Amaymonis: ego loquor ad te paterna maleficis, ego convertam ad te ueniam fidemque eius petentes. Invoco te maleficas meis mortuis revocare"

Everything starts to tremble again.
"Hope!" I hear my aunt scream, but I don't listen to her.
"Hope, stop! Stop, please! Hope!"

"Please!" I scream then, with all my voice.
It's end.
I don't see anything anymore.
The door opens, and my aunt and my friend run in.
"What have you done?" She falls.
"I don't know" I say crying.

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