Chapter 6.

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"Hope, it's okay. Now calm yourself. It's all okay. You're suffering... But you can control it. Okay? Control yourself. Breathe"
I do what she says and at the end I return in me again.
"I don't know what I was doing, I just wanted my family back..." I start crying again.
"It's okay..."
I take the pic in my hands.
"Dad... Mom..."
"They love you" She whispers to me.
"I know. And I love them too. I love you,aunt" I hug her.
"Aunt...I had a dream tonight. I dreamt my birth"
"What?" She looks at me smiling. "Hope, that's wonderful!"
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"Dreaming a birth usually means that something good is gonna happens"
I smile. "Really?"
"Yes! So, you know you will be happy...But why do you wait? Be happy now! You are living also right now,aren't you?" I smile.
"You're right. I've tried to make them alive again, but I can't do that, so... It's okay. I have...Friends, I have a school, my home...And a piece of my family is with me, so I can say to have all"
"Good words. So...What do you want to do now?"
"Uhm...Can we make a round?" I ask.
"Yes, sure!" We stand up together, then she looks at the grownd. "For there...You can leave all like this"
"Yes...I don't think something will change..." I say, even if I hope the exact oppost with all myself.
We go out,  and she start talking.
"Keelin and I broke off" She smiles.
"What?! I... I am sorry! Aunt, but...Why? What happened?"
"We are dividing from our personal problems, which we never talk to each other just...Because we are proud! And then...Look! We are single now!"
She cries.
"Sweetheart, don't let your proud take control of you. Never.
If something goes wrong, say it! Talk with someone, or with all if you prefer, but talk! Please... Don't do like me" She continue crying.
I just hug her, without say anything, because I don't know what to say about.
She is right, and... Also me should do the same. Talking is positive, you have to do this with someone, it's just... You don't know with who.
With who do you talk when all the people you used to know desappear from a moment to another?

The cell rings.
Klaus Mikaelson
I answer.
My aunt stop herself and look at me.
"What happens?"
"Hope,where are you?"
"In New Orleans dad. I'm fine, I'm with aunt Freya" I explain.
"Hope, what have you done?" Is all I hear before the call ends.
"Hope! What happens?"
I receive a message from a unknown number.
《Don't move yourself from where you are. We are on our way.
"Who is Caroline?"
"One of those who make the school" I explain.
"Hope... What have you done?" Asks also her.
"I have make dad come back. And I've done the same with uncle Elijah, or at least...I tried to" I admit.
"Hope! What have you done?!" She screams.
"Why?! Listen, I know that there is a balance, but...I'll make it okay again! I can do this! I have the control!"
"No Hope, you can't have the control! You're young, incredible young and you have done a terrible mistake! But okay... We'll fix it"
The phone ring again.
Uncle Elijah
"Hi!" I smile pretending all is fine.
"Hope... What have you done?"
I look at aunt Freya and I ask:"Where are you?"
"I woke up again in Mystic Falls. In the middle of the town, and all ran away scaried. Then I realized.
I would like to see you, dear niece"
"Me too uncle, we are coming" I smile.
"There's no time to explain another thing, uncle Elijah is in Mystic Falls. Let's go" I say before take her by hand and start to go.
"Elijah!" Runs aunt Freya.
"Sister" He hugs her, then he hugs me. "Hope..."
"Hi uncle" I smile. "We have to go. Dad was going to New Orleans...And my head master has not to find me"
"Who is your head master?" Asks my uncle.
"Uncle, come!" I smile , taking him by the hand and start turn back.
We are at the Rousseau's now, waiting for dad and Caroline,which arriving after few minutes.
"Brother..." Whispers my father. Uncle Elijah turns himself and smiles.
"Niklaus... It's a pleasure to meet you again"
My dad smiles.
"Was so bad? Is it so bad what I have done?" I ask to aunt Freya.
"It's amazing, and honorable Hope. But it will have consequences, that we don't know yet" Says uncle Elijah.
"But we can deal with them together! Don't you agree with me, do you?" I smile, they do the same.
"Of course" Says my father.
My uncle looks at me.
"Hope..." He wants to know if I've tried with my mother.
"Not yet... I was waiting, I wanted to do a test before, to be certain of be able to do that again" I explain.
"Would you might..."
"Sure" I smile.
"Let's go" He says and we move away.
"What is going on?" Asks my father.
"Your daughter will save Hayley, brother" He affirm happy and proud.
"She has to relax herself, brother. She is joung, but she has to take back all the energies necessaries"
"No dad, I can do it. Trust me" I agree with Elijah.
"Hope, please..."
"Nikalus... Let her try"
"I will be with her, I will guide her" Says aunt Freya.
"And I will be the source to be channeled" Offers himself uncle Elijah.
"First you have to eat" Remember him my father.
At this point he takes a man who was passed around and look into his eyes to subjogate him: "It's okay. My name is Klaus, and you are not afraid of me. You want to do that"
"I want to do that" Repeats the man.
"Niklaus, I won't feed myself from an innocent"
"If you will not do that, I won't allow my daughter try to save your Hayley. Now...Eat brother, you will thank me later. When everybody will be in safe".
"Dad! Seriously?"
He looks me worried and my uncle eats.
"Uncle Elijah, he's going to die!" I say trying to make him think, then he looks at me and smiling says:"Sure, I'm sorry... He is all your"
I look at my father and he smiles, but I look him in a bad way before going, while I repeat myself why I am doing this.

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