Chapter 8.

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"Klaus! Klaus!"

"Here I am... But...Are you sure that you were looking for me? I don't know...Maybe you don't know I am not Elijah!"

"Klaus, stop! Yes, I was looking for you. What does it means that Caroline Forbes has two daughters which go at school with our daughter? Most of all, what does it means she is a headmaster of the school where our daughter is going?"

"I had to be sure Hope would be safe"

"And you gave her to the girl of the boy who tried to kill her?!" She screams.

"She doesn't love that sort of dog!" He screams outer loud.

"Hope is my daughter!" She continues

"Hope is our daughter! And you were dead! And I... I didn't know what to do"


Mum continues.

"Do you love her?"

"Like you love my brother?"

"Klaus! Do you love her?"


"Then act! Go, go to find her and say her all that you think, all that you feel for her. Do it, or you will regreat it forever.
You have another possibility. We all have another possibility thanks our daughter... She only wants to see us happy, just like us with her.
C'mon... Go!"

"What about if Caroline doesn't want me to meet?"

"It will never happen"

"What about?" He insists.

"You will return home angry and you will close yourself in your room, or you'll go kill someone drunk like you usually do. But... What about... If she says yes? If she decides to follow you? To live accepted to be in love with you?"

"How do you know that I love her?" Asks him, always more scary.

My father is scaried of what Caroline could say, like all in front of the person we love.

All the people who love is scared, even terrified to find that the other person does not feel the same. But why keep living in fear? Fear of what, then? I mean, okay, if it is going wrong then there will be embarass between the people... But, like my mother saied: what about if it goes in the right way?
Why don't express your feelings?
I know, I've done it until...Yesterday, but now it's different. Now I am at home. With people I love and who loves me. And I know that they will be there forever for me. So... What also I need yet?

The phone vibres. It's Landon.
>>Good night Hope💋

"Hope... "

"Uhm...Dad!" I smile closing embarassed all. "Is everything alright?"

"I was calling you for dinner..."

"Oh... Yes, of course"

He smiles.

One time at the table uncle Elijah and dad look to each other many times, then uncle starts talking: "Hope...Don't you tell anything to us? How is your life? What have you done till today?"

I start talking, and I tell everything...Eccept Landon.

About him I only say that he is...A friend.

"What kind of friend?" Asks my father.

"Niklaus, please!" My uncle spread his arms.

"She is my daughter! I have to know!"

I laugh, embarassing and amused.

"What's his name?" Continue my father.

Suddenly, someone enter at home.

"Hello... Who's there? Ah, I promised myself to not put a boot tip there!"

"Aunt Rebekah!" I get up, like all, and we all go to her.

"Aunt!" I run into her arms.

She looks at us and she remains paralyzed.

"Oh my god..." She whispers, before hugging me tight.
Then she run into Elijah's arms, after she smiles to mum and she goes hug the others.

"Niklaus..." She smiles in tears.

"Welcome home, little sister" Says him smiling. Then she hugs him and he holds her tight.



They hug each other.

"Would you might have dinner with us, sister?" Uncle Elijah invites her. "We were talking about a friend of our lovley niece..."

"A friend? Who?" She smiles.

"His name's Landon. She is a phoenix with a particular story"

We turn at table and I tell them about my boyfriend.

"This home is always opens to all our friends" My father smiles.

"Thanks dad" I smile, reading under the lines.

"What are you planning about that, Klaus?" Joke mum.

"Hayley, please!"

Everybody is smiling, and having fun.

I missed this moments so much...

"I just... Wanted to thank you all" I say picking up my chalice. "Always and Forever"

"Always and Forever" Repeat them doing the same.

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