Chapter 9.

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I try to sleep, but I can't.

I don't want waste my time one second more. I am back with my family!

Someone knocks at the door.

"Come in" I smile.

It's dad.

"Hello, sweetheart"

"Hello dad! Come" He enters.

"How are you?"

"Like if now I can really do anything" I smile, then I hug him.

"I'm glad you feel like this, and I am so happy to see you... But..."

"No, it's gone" I try to relax him."We can stay there all together in peace. I'm sure about that. I've studyied for years. And I've prevent all bad things can could happen"

"Sometimes I forget your power ... And your smart, Princess. Forgive me" He smiles.

"It's okay"

"So... What will you do tomorrow? You'll go to school and...?" He continues.

"The plan is that I will be here at the start only for the weekends, then I... Will invent a way" I smile.

"What do you mean with I will invent a way? " He's worried.

"Oh...Dad, don't..."

"Hope, you can't act like... If you are going at random! Something bad will happens if you do lke this, do you understand?

You have always to plan what you do, and what you are going to do tomorrow"

"If I can fall, I can also stand up again" I try to keep calm.

"But I am your father, and I'd prefer if you don't fall" He gets nervous.

"I know... But I've fallen so many times in those years dad, and I know how to stand up again. It's life! Don't worry about me" I smile.

"You are impossible... What happened to you?"

"I've just... Grown up!" I smile.

"You don't"

I look into his eyes and I see worry.

"Everything is fine. I'm okay, we all are okay! That's all that metter now. And... Tomorrow I'll go to school and... I have a choice: pretend that I was with my aunt that's not well, like I sayed to my headteacher, or... Say the thruth and hear him scream against me" I laugh.

"Nobody will scream against you" Says him.

"Dad, relax your mind... C'mon, you have a second chance to live your life: take it! How have you seen, life is umpredictable. Enjoy it! Have fun, stay with people you love! And don't be afraid, what has to happens will happens, good or evil, we will be with you. And with me there are my friends, and Landon" I smile.

"It has to be... More than a friend, that Landon" He smiles. I am embrarassing.

"And I would like to know him..."

"Dad!" I scream.


"Nothing..." I say smiling.

"These guys..." Replies looking up to make me laugh.

"Maybe it's you, brother... You're too...Old! Is it never crossed in your mind? Really?"

"Uncle Kol!" I run into his arms.

"Hi seweetie"

"Well... We're waiting for Rebekah now!" Smiles dad.

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