Chapter Seven

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I joined instagram today so I could follow the boutiques page. I was a complete introvert and never had any form of social media before so when Ray suggested that I at least get an insta account and we work our way up, I decided to. Just to pacify her. She wanted to guide me through it but I decided against that. It just seemed embarrassing to have someone walk you through social media when you should know how to do it.

I saw the option of allowing me to see who out of my contacts would be on insta so I pressed 'allow' and almost instantly saw Grayson's account and clicked it. His account was private so I couldn't see his post. I went to exit but didn't know how to and ended up pressing request to follow. I felt my cheeks heat up immediately.

Crap crap. Hes going to think im cyber stalking.

I went to press cancel but with my unfamiliarity of this app I wasn't sure if it would notify him that I canceled request and it would seem mean.

Stupid pride of mine.

I felt too proud to ask so I left it as is and then went ahead and requested to follow Carly and some other girls on the app that looked sweet through their profile picture just so I didn't look completely boring. Which is the exact feeling I have felt since I had declined the invite to the party. Boring.

Some girls within a few minutes had friended me back and so I had some followers. At least there was that when he went to add me, if he ever did.

But then I saw in the top right corner a message box with a red number one on it. I clicked it and saw Grayson in my message request.

- So I'm the first one you follow ; )

I smiled and shook my head. I guess I didn't follow anyone else fast enough. Somewhere in the back of my mind was sad that he hadn't followed me back yet.

'Maybe he just is busy.' I assured myself.

'Or maybe he just does not want to follow you.'

Ray was waving a hand in front of my face then smiled when I made eye contact. "Good you're back." She chirped. "I was wondering - now that you have insta - would you want to maybe model some outfits for me and we can tag you in if you want?" She looked at me willingly all while holding the toothiest smile. "What would me getting Instagram have to do with modeling?" I questioned. She shrugged. "I figured you wouldn't be comfortable unless you saw the app for yourself."

"Either way I would be uncomfortable." I pointed out. I hated posing for pictures to the core. As if seeing instagram for a few seconds would make me feel easy about posing in outfits and showing the world my face. Even though the boutique's followers were only locals. I had checked. There were only a total of a little over a hundred followers.

"Oh please," she huffed. "You would do amazing." She earned a eye roll from me which made her frown. "I'm serious."

"I guess I will give it a shot." I gave in. She wasn't going to budge so what would be the point in arguing. "Just don't get my face in the picture." I quickly added. She was squealing and running around frantically grabbing outfits.

Moments later she had a sky blue crop top that matched the one she was wearing, white ripped jeans and a few accessories that were tolled in the crop top so I could not see it. She shoved everything in my arms then rushed to go get her camera while I sulked over to the fitting room to change.

We took at least sixty pictures of me in each outfit. I had tried on ten different outfits and each one was either a crop top or a short dress.

I could only hope my mother did not see these post.

Ray tried to convince me to buy the last outfit I modeled. Which was a light fabric tight fitted black dress, black heals and a silver necklace with a glittery heart charm. She swore it made me look like somebody's rich daughter but all I felt like it gave was funeral.

"You're literally the worst to shop with,"!Ray sighed defeated. She had been trying all day and now we were closing up the store and she still had the dress in her hands. "I'm not wearing black."

Ray frowned again, this time looking more disappointed than the last. "What's wrong with black?  its so sexy." She looked so confused as to why I wasn't just buying it. I did like it but I just could not afford to get into dress shopping even with my discount. "Maybe next time."

I cringed at what i had just said. That was what I had told Grayson when he had invited me to that party. Why do I always say this?

I was now leaving the store. Ray followed behind me in pursuit. We always parked next to each other so that way if we hit one another backing out we wouldn't feel as bad. Ray went to hop in her car. "Wait." I said stopping her. She had pulled her long blonde hair out of the bun she had it in and it was now covering half her face. "What?" She asked still getting the car. "I want to get the outfit." I said. She practically flew out of her silver volvo with a loud excited squeal. "I knew it."

I had a few text message notifications that night. I was laying on my stomach sprawled out on my bare mattress. My sheets felt sandy from when I had went to the beach the other day and had plopped on my bed without changing my clothes. It was gross that I had left it sandy for days but I was just too tired to deal with it until now. So there I was lying on my bare mattress and bored out of my mind.

I scrolled through my phone and saw that one notification was from instagram as well. The notification was that Grayson had decided to follow me and I accepted his request. My self pity from that morning completely left. A few other girls had accepted my follow request and followed me back. now I had a few follows and didn't feel like a complete boomer. The text messages I had were Grayson texting in the chat sending memes. And then there was Camille.

- Lol I saw that the other day thats not even funny stawp. - Camille

- It is funny. You just don't have a good sense of humor - Carly

- I honestly think this meme is overrated - Harper

- No one asked you - Grayson

I smiled at the rest of Harper and Grayson going back and forth roasting each other. Harper was doing it in a non flirty way and was just being straight up sarcastic and funny with it.  Camille sent a picture of a shaved overly obese Maltese dog after things had cooled down.

- Why are you saying my dog looks like a rat? - Camille

- Any small shaved dog looks like one - Grayson

-It literally doesn't - Camille

- Its so cute :) - Carly

- Its ugly af I hate little dogs - Harper

-Hey some small dogs are cute - Carly

- Okay I hate her dog - Harper

- Why? you don't even know her? - Camille

- If its your dog I have a good idea of what its like already - Harper

I typed in a laughing emoji but the erased it. I already hadnt said anything yet so why would i say something now. At that moment I got a private message from just Grayson himself.

- Do you model?

- Wdym ?

-I saw you on insta

Is he cyber stalking me?

But then again he probably just saw the post pop up when he followed me. I quickly went to instagram and searched the boutique. Sure enough there I was posing in different outfits. Blank face and all.

I told her not to post my face but I guess in all her excitement, Ray just forgot. It didn't bother me usually I just did not want people seeing me in crop tops when I am uncomfortable with my body enough. If my face was cut out I would feel as bad due to the fact that nobody would easily recognize me as they could right now. She had made two post all with at least ten pictures. My face was all over the internet now. So it did not matter what I felt about my body or people seeing me. It was over now.

- Yeah. I'm a model.

Why did I just say that like I am a professional.

- cool

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