Chapter Six

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The library was filled with old people today. I walked through the entrance feeling confident at first but then I was approached by an old man. "How old are you," he asked. He was a rather plump man and looked to be in his sixties. He had on a wire frame pair of glasses, and jean overalls over a plaid black and yellow shirt. His face was shaved but needed to be shaved again soon since his chin was stubby and rough.

"I'm sixteen." I say with quite a bit of uneasiness. He was making me uncomfortable approaching me and asking me for my age without even saying hello first. He hummed and stared at me not saying anything.
I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was actually time for me to start heading over to the book club.

"I actually have to get going."

I began to walk away but he waved his hand in the air. "I didn't catch your name." He shouted after me. His voice echoed in the stillness of the library making me blush a deep shade of red in embarrassment. I felt like all aggravated eyes were on us now. "Gracie." I quickly said before leaving him standing there with a small smile of satisfaction on his face.


Inside the meeting room there were only two girls. Camille and Harper. Carly was no where to be seen.

Harper was the coolest girl in the group. Her black hair was a short angled style with dyed red tips. She was short in height maybe around 5'3" , just my estimations. Something that really caught my attention with her was her cool small ring nose piercing. She wore a yellow top with ripped jean shorts today. Harper always wore bright bold clothes contrast to her quiet reserved nature.

The only thing bold about her besides her outfit choices was that she spoke her mind, regardless of who you are or what you've done she will tell you straight up what she thinks. And I respected that. I really did need someone who could speak more truth to me and be real with me other than the fake girls I've always hung out with.

"Please don't tell me you are serious when you say pink is prettier than blue." The two girls were going back and forth between which color is prettier as a pastel. I personally sided with Harper on the blue. But to be honest I'd side with Harper over anything rather if it meant it was the opposite opinion Camille had.

"Alright kid's - young adults," Mrs. Delton corrected. "Do y'all have anything to share about what trials our protagonist is facing with this new character coming into town?"

"Probably being extra horny." We all turned to see Grayson covered from head to toe in mud splotches. His face and hands were creased with dirt and his once white T-shirt was a tan color. His hair was spiky and in all directions looking hardened from the mud. Not only did he look gross but he smelled it. I could smell murky swamp water from where I was sitting.

Mrs. Delton gasped loudly. "What have you been doing all day?" She sounded like she was talking to naughty five year old boy instead of a sixteen year old that should know better than to show up to a library caked in mud.

"Me and Uncle John were out frogging." He said casually, like it was a regular thing for him. He strolled in and went to sit down but earned alot of reprehensive noises from his aunt.

She retrieved an old tarp out of the supply closet and covered the poor chair before he could ruin it. And she had made sure to seat him all the way across the room from everyone.

I thought I'd see some form of embarrassment or realization of his wrong doing dawn on his face but instead all I saw was a spark of thrill in his eyes like this was all a fun game to occupy his time.

"Hey," Grayson had chased me down the parking lot and was heaving doubled over by the time he caught up with me. I realized I had been speed walking and with my ear buds in my ears blaring on the highest setting I must have not had heard him yelling for me until he was close enough.

"What," i said pulling an ear bud out of one ear and holding it closely to the ear so I could put it back immediately after this short conversation.

"Do you want to go with us to a party?"

"A party?" I asked confused. Why would they even think to invite me? Unless what if he himself just thought to invite me?

Somewhere deep down inside of me felt a little twing of excitement from that thought but as soon as it came it left with the whole "no he's just being nice" defense my mind always corrects me with.

"I'll see what I'm doing this evening." I literally had no idea what my mom was wanting to do since I hadn't asked. Of course all my parents were probably wanting to do was argue and then slam doors again this evening but as a precaution I was going to go home and ask anywho maybe get something to eat.

"That's not a good enough answer for me yes or no?" He was slipping into my car and sitting in the passenger seat. I hadn't even made it there yet but he had already jumped into the car. The door was left wide open since it was like 80 degrees out and my small black car had probably collected a crap ton of heat.

I hopped in and cranked my car then gave him a look. "What are you doing in my car," I asked nervously. He made a little chuckling noise then began to dig inside some compartments. I slammed the dash board one closed and glared at him. "What?"

"You're still filthy and you're in my car." I snapped. He shrugged and took his shoes off placing his wretched smelly stained sock covered feet on my dash board. "Put your shoes back on please." i begged holding my nose. " i gotta air out my dawgs somehow." He said with a bit of annoyance. Like this was his car we were sitting in and not. Mine.

There was a knock on the window and both him and I look up to see the same guy I had made eye contact with at the restaurant the other day. I rolled the window down and the brunette leans in. "So is this the girl you've been telling me about?" He asked Grayson.  For a second time that day my heart did a complete 180 and began to thud against my rib cage. Which was weird since I have clearly stated to myself before I didn't find this guy attractive or the LEAST bit boyfriend material. I didn't even know him well.

"Nah this isn't her the other girl I'm talking to is a solid ten." He fists bumps his friend and they begin to talk. Suddenly my throat goes dry and I can't breathe.

'Solid ten' does that mean I'm ugly? I felt my heart drop and crash into my stomach. I probably would have cried if it weren't for the throat being cleared right beside me. Grayson had put his shoes back on and was outside holding the passenger door open. I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed him get out. "So be ready by 6 I can text you the address or I can come pick you up thats on you."

"I can drive myself." I say hoarsely before he gets any ideas. He furrows his eyebrows at my tone but shrugs it off and smiles. "Catch ya later, short."  Is all he says before disappearing in the parking lot.

That evening I was really tempted not to go. My mom and dad seemed to be avoiding each-other and not saying anything which meant I was in for a good evening. (sarcastically speaking). But I was used to their evening banters by now and honestly I did not want to go see Grayson and his friend after the conversation about them basically agreeing that im not a 'solid ten'. Grayson would have been the only person I knew there if I did go so that meant I would have been his shadow too.

Around 6 I had not even gotten dressed, thoroughly deciding that I was not going. My phone began to ring consistently around 6:05. I answered on the fourth call. "Hey," i greeted blankly already knowing who it was that was calling. "Are you dressed? I can come get you." There was loud music in the background and people shouting. "Grayson yo are you coming to the pool or what?" I heard a deep voice call loudly in the background noise. "Are you already there?" I asked plugging my other ear with my finger as if that would help me hear him better. "Uh yeah."

"Then why would you come get me?" I asked confused. "So you don't have to drive." He deadpanned as if I was asking the stupidest questions.

"I don't think I even want to go." I admit with a sigh. "I'm kind of busy plus I don't know anyone." I lied at the busy part. I was doing absolutely nothing.

"You would have so much fun." He whined. I made a face to myself in the mirror I was looking in. He doesn't even know what I like for fun why would he assume that?

I felt like all my interactions with him were very strange already I didn't want to add tonight at the top of the list. "I think I'll stay home but maybe next time." I go to hang up and hear him sigh. "Wait why don't you come for a few minutes and feel it out then decide if you want to stay or not? Please."

I thought it over. It would be a waste of gas and also what he said earlier today really made me not want to go. "I don't think so maybe next time." I say before I hung up.

Maybe next time if he ever wants to invite me to anything else after this.

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