Chapter 2

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For weeks, Melody kept her nose clean and ignored the constant stream of abuse her aunt and cousins seemed to enjoy dishing out to her. She kept counting down the days until she would turn eighteen and would be free to leave forever.

Little did Melody know that life had other plans for her...

"Melody!" her aunt called to her one day. "Iron your cousins' best clothes! They need to look spotless and neat. When they come home from school, you must help them get ready."

Melody knew what her cousins were getting dressed for. Some famous millionaire was coming to visit their house. She heard that his name was Vincent Magnus. If they were lucky, her cousins might impress him enough so that he would offer them a full scholarship to Celeste Academy, the most prestigious boarding school in the country.

Her aunt was pretty well off, so she could easily afford to send the kids herself. But she was aiming for more than scholarships. She was hoping that Lucy and Tom would be able to charm Vincent's children, Stephanie and Benjamin. Melody had seen them before when they made an appearance in a talent show.

Neither of them won, but Melody couldn't deny that they were amazingly talented. Stephanie had the sweetest voice while Benjamin was an excellent pianist. They both had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. It was no doubt that they were thoroughly admired by everyone.

Three hours later, Lucy's hair was in elaborate curls and she wore a beautiful violet dress with matching makeup and jewellery. Tom was wearing a suit that could rival a groom's on his wedding day.
Ten-year-old Anya wore a poofy pink gown and her hair was in braids.

Vincent Magnus was a very well-groomed man. He had blonde hair that was obviously gelled and twinkling blue eyes. He smiled at everyone.

Melody had to serve tea for everyone, which she did without complaint. Vincent looked at her in interest.

"Who's this girl?" he asked. Lena laughed cruelly.

"Oh, she's just a servant," said Lena. "Don't take any notice of her. Melody, make us dinner."

Melody went off to the kitchen. She started to biological pasta. It was kind of peaceful being alone, and she started to daydream.

Melody had often wondered what it would be like to be wealthy. To live in a mansion with servants and as much money as she wished. Of course, she would treat her servants with kindness.

She also wondered what it would be like if her parents were alive. She would have had a normal childhood and would have gone to school like everyone else. She imagined spending days learning cooking from her mother, playing sports with her father, and playing music for her parents every night.

Most of all, Melody wondered what it would be like if cruelty and bullying didn't exist. The world would be so much better if everyone treated each other with kindness and compassion.

Suddenly, Melody was snapped out of her daydreams when she saw that the pot was overboiling. "Uh oh," she said.

Melody panicked and took the saucepan off the stove, but accidentally burnt herself. She dropped the saucepan and cried from the pain.

Her aunt and cousins came running into the kitchen. They gasped to see the mess.

"You idiotic girl!" screamed Lena. She smacked Melody across her face.

Unfortunately for her, Vincent saw everything. "I can't believe this of you!" he said. "How can you hit a defenceless girl?"

For once, Lena was speechless. She just stood in her place with her mouth open.

Vincent bent down to Melody's level. "How long has this been going on?"

Melody was slightly scared, but now she saw her chance to change her fate. "For ten years. She's my aunt, but she has shown me nothing but abuse."

Vincent was furious. "How can you abuse your own niece? I am absolutely disgusted by your behaviour! I am taking her away from you and to a place where no one can ever hurt her again!"

Melody gasped. "Are you really going to take me away?"

"Yes," said Vincent. "I used to be in your shoes. I grew up with abusive parents, and after I grew up, I vowed to make sure no one would go through the pain I went through. How would you like to live with me?"

Melody couldn't believe her ears. "I would love that."

An hour later, Melody was packing up her things, hardly able to contain her excitement. She was going to be free!

Melody smiled as she picked up a photograph of her parents. "I'm going to a better place," she happily told her parents. "Imagine it. A fresh start..."

Melody started humming happily as she placed the photograph in a suitcase.

Author's Note: The prompt used for this chapter was What's Going On by Marvin Gaye. I used the meaning of the song.

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