Chapter 6

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Marjorie was absolutely humiliated. She spent the next two weeks crying and hiding from everyone.

Then one day, Marjorie suddenly appeared in class looking entirely different. Her hair was cut short and dyed black. She wore ultra dark makeup and wasn't even in her school uniform, instead wearing a black leather jacket, dark grey jeans, and black boots.

The teachers didn't approve of that at all and sent her to go and get changed. But Marjorie didn't just change her appearance. She also changed her attitude.

Marjorie was now acting rude and rebellious. She was caught one day spray-painting the walls of a random building.

Melody was worried about Marjorie. It seemed like she had changed completely.

One day, Stephanie stormed up to Lucy and demanded if she had made Marjorie fall on her cake. Although Lucy didn't give a proper answer, she gave a sly smile that made Stephanie and Melody feel like she did it.

Marjorie wasn't the only one who was feeling rebellious. Melody had a strange empty feeling inside of her. She tried to ignore it, but the empty feeling kept growing.

All Melody could think of was Stephanie. Stephanie with her beautiful eyes, shiny hair, and perfect smile. There were other aspects of Stephanie that she liked. She liked Stephanie's passion for music. She liked how patient and calm Stephanie was whenever she needed someone to talk to. She loved Stephanie's favourite way of comforting her, which was to sing while brushing her hair.

One day, Melody woke up feeling achy and strange. All her dormmates had already left for breakfast. Since the first period was a free one that day, the students could choose to sleep in a little if they wished.

Slowly Melody got dressed. Her numb fingers felt like icicles. She coughed as she went out of the door. Was she sick?

Stephanie and Paisley were eating chocolate muffins and waved at Melody. "Hi Melody. Fancy a bite?" asked Stephanie.

"No thanks," said Melody, her stomach churning.

Suddenly, Stephanie frowned. "You don't look so good. Are you okay?"

Melody felt the world spinning from underneath her feet. The floor seemed to shake and the faces in front of her became blurry.

"Melody!" yelled Paisley.

Melody felt arms holding her. "We are taking you to the sickbay," came a faint voice.

Melody felt herself getting dragged to the sickbay. The nurse told her that she had a fever and needed to rest.

Melody fell asleep and woke up to feel someone's fingers running through her hair. "Mom?" she asked drowsily.

"It's just Stephanie," came the familiar honey-sweet voice. Melody opened her tired eyes.

"How do you feel now?" asked Stephanie.

"Better," muttered Melody. "Can I have a glass of water?"

"Sure," said Stephanie. "The nurse is going to take your temperature soon."

Stephanie gently helped Melody sip water from a glass with a straw. In her delirious haze, Melody kept calling Stephanie, "Honey". Stephanie felt really worried about Melody. Surely her new best friend wasn't... Falling for her?

Stephanie still hadn't forgotten about her lost love, Larry. She thought of how she looked after him the same way she was looking after Melody now.

As Larry had blown out his birthday candles on his birthday cake, Stephanie had clapped the hardest of all.

"What did you wish for?" Stephanie had asked afterwards. She knew that he couldn't have wished to get better, for even a birthday wish couldn't cure him.

Larry looked around to make sure no one was watching. "I wished for you to find happiness. You deserve it."

Stephanie looked down. "But... I only want you."

"I am not going to be around for much longer," Larry had told Stephanie. "I want you to find someone you can truly be happy with."

Stephanie had sighed. "Larry? I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Larry had asked weakly.

"I'm... Bisexual."

"Okay? Why is that so important?"

"Because if anyone found this out, I would be called a freak! You know what society is like."

"Stephanie, I don't care if you love a boy or a girl. I want you to be happy," Larry had said.

Now as Stephanie looked at Melody, she knew that she had fallen for her. But... How could she tell her? What if she ruined their friendship?

"Honey, will you sing to me?" muttered a half-asleep Melody.

"Sing to you?" asked Stephanie.

"Yeah, like when I was little," said Melody.

It dawned on Stephanie that maybe Honey was a real person, not a pet name. She decided to play along.

"Sure, Melody." Stephanie slowly started singing to her.

Author's Note: The prompt used in this chapter is Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. I used the meaning of the song.

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