Chapter 7

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Honey was a very special person in Melody's life. She had been Melody's older sister. She had been just as sweet as her name.

However, after Melody's parents died, she and Honey had been put in their aunt's care. Honey had tried to do all the chores herself so that Melody didn't have to suffer.

One day, when Melody was ten and Honey was thirteen, things took a drastic turn. Honey had been taking a part-time job as a waitress in a night restaurant, and she had to go when their aunt and cousins were asleep as she didn't want them finding out.

Melody had been concerned for her sister's health as Honey would often be sleepy during the day. But she assured her that it would be worth it in the end.

So Melody was delighted when she woke up one day to find a beautiful jade dress on her bed. Honey had used the money she earned to ensure that Melody had something nice to wear.

Unfortunately, when their aunt found out, she punished both girls severely. She made Melody do extra chores, but Honey suffered a worse fate.

Honey had been forced to jump into the house swimming pool and her spiteful aunt held her head underwater for way longer than necessary.

Melody cried when she saw Honey stumble back into their bedroom with bloodshot eyes and looking soaking wet. Honey kept coughing the whole night.

The next day, Melody woke up and left her sister to sleep, knowing that she was likely exhausted from the punishment.

But when half of the day went and Honey didn't wake up, Melody went to see her. However, she soon discovered that Honey's skin was as cold as ice and her lips were pale. She frantically shook her.

"Honey! Honey, wake up!"

But no amount of shaking could wake up her sister, for Honey was...

"Nooooo!" Melody screamed as she woke up. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that it was a dream.

Only this dream had been very real. She still remembered sneaking off in the middle of the night and burying her dead sister in her childhood home's garden. She remembered kissing Honey's forehead and then telling her aunt that Honey had run away. Her aunt hadn't really cared about that.

"Melody, are you alright?" asked Stephanie. "You kept crying for this Honey girl the whole time you were sick."

"How... How much did you hear?" asked Melody.

"Enough," said Stephanie.

A few days later, Melody was out of the sickbay and she had told Stephanie about Honey. "I still don't know what killed her. I don't know if it was my aunt's punishment or if she got really sick and died from that."

"I'm so sorry," said Stephanie. "I still feel bad when I think about Larry. Loss can really change you."

"Yeah," said Melody. "It was why I resonated with you so much. I knew the heartache that comes with loss. I had Honey to depend on when I lost my parents. But after she died, I wanted to stop living. But I knew that Honey would want me to keep going. So I went on."

"You're so sweet," said Stephanie. "I don't know how you remain so kind in spite of all the trauma you have endured. You remind me of Cinderella."

Melody blushed. "Do I? What would I do without you?"

It happened so quickly that Melody's brain didn't have time to process it. Stephanie kissed her. She felt Stephanie's soft lips on hers. She could taste orange juice and peaches.

"Stephanie, what... What are you doing?"

"Melody, I love you."

"You... Do?"

Stephanie nodded. "You have brought sunshine into my life. Before you came, I was hopelessly depressed. Now I know what I want to do."

"You... Do?"

"Help people. Maybe run a daycare or an orphanage. Or an animal shelter. I like pets. Or maybe use my singing to raise money for charity. But I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"But... Don't you still love Larry?"

"Before he died, he told me to find love. He wanted me to be happy. And that's what I'm going to do."

Melody smiled at Stephanie. "I love you too. And I like that idea very much."

The two girls kissed again. They didn't notice that a pair of twins had overheard their conversation and was shocked about it.

"Mother... Killed Honey?" asked Lucy.

"It can't be," said Tom.

Author's Note. The prompt used for this chapter is How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes. I used the meaning of the song.

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