Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


       I thought being on a meet and greet tour with only half of the most annoying couple in the world wouldn't be too bad. I was wrong. So wrong. Dirk had been more annoying than ever, even without his wife with him.

       It got up to the point where I felt like giving him a taste of his own medicine by telling VidGalore that he and Cheryl got a divorce and I saw him not wearing his wedding ring.

       Dirk was lucky I wasn't that kind of person who would lie for views, especially lying about other people.

       I really wished Nolan was on the tour with me because not only did I miss both him and Kingsley, but he would have burned Dirk so hard right now.

       And Nolan told me he was staying with his parents, so I knew he was going to be having a tough time. He didn't even wait for a day to see what it would be like before going to stay with his parents.

       Nolan and I video chatted all the time, almost every chance we got in face. I was only an hour behind him right now, so we didn't have to worry about finding a time that would be convenient to the both of us.

       We were video chatting right now when I was on the bus, heading to the next stop. "I need you to help me think of an excuse for tomorrow," Nolan said. "I'm horrible at lying."

       "An excuse for what?" I asked.

       "Trixie and her parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow," Nolan said. "So maybe it was a bad mistake coming to stay here instead of staying at home since I no longer have control if Trixie comes over, and now her parents are."

       "Well, her parents might not be as bad as her," I said.

       "I don't care," Nolan said. "I'm not taking the chance. Please, give me an excuse."

       "Nolan, you do know that even if I give you an excuse, a well thought up one, they will know you're lying, right? Everyone can always tell when you lie."

       Nolan sighed and covered his face with the pillow. "My life is ruined."

       "And here we have Nolan Leo Prince-Roy, being as dramatic as ever."

       "If you were here in person, I would throw this pillow at you."

       "Don't be rude to me," I said, right as Millie plopped down beside me on the seat and looked at the screen.

       "Hi, Nolan," Millie said.

       "Hi, Millie," Nolan said. "Mind doing me a favour and helping me come up with an excuse to get out of a dinner since Jerome is refusing to help me?"

       "I'm not refusing to help," I said. "I just know that even if I give you an excuse, they're going to know you're lying because you're a horrible liar."

       "You can still let him try," Millie said. "Have some faith in your husband. So, Nolan, why do you need an excuse to get out of a dinner?"

       "You've heard about Trixie, right?" Nolan asked. "Alan's girlfriend? Orchid and I talk about how much we hate her all the time, and Jerome isn't afraid of putting it in the vlogs to see."

       "Ugh, Trixie," Millie said. "Yeah, I've seen her in some vlogs, and Jerome told me about her."

       "Yeah, so apparently, she and her parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow," Nolan said. "And I have no idea if her parents are going to be like her, and I don't want to take the chance so I want to get out of the dinner."

       "Just straight up tell your parents that you don't feel comfortable meeting them quite yet," Millie said.

       "I can't. I'm gay."


       I chuckled. "You said straight up. Nolan thinks he can't straight up tell someone, because he isn't straight."

       "It's logical," Nolan said. "And I've already told my parents that I don't want to meet them yet. They just told me to give them a chance because Trixie might be nothing like them. So, I really need an actual excuse."

       "Use Kingsley as an excuse," Millie said. "Say he has a doctor's appointment or something."

      "Ooh, I'll do use that right now," Nolan said. "Here, I put the tablet where you can see Kingsley."

       Nolan propped up the tablet so I could see Kingsley, who was laying on his back on the bed with pillows beside him so he wouldn't be able to fall off. He wouldn't anyway since he couldn't rollover yet, but there was no reason you couldn't be extra cautious.

       "Aww, my child," I said. "Now I'm sad."

       "He's so cute," Millie said. "You must miss him a lot."

       "More than ever now that he's being so cute," I said. Kingsley really was being cute. He was just moving his arms around as he babbled incoherently.

       "Ooh, let me see," another vlogger I was acquainted with, Gilbert, said as he sat down on the other side of me. "He's so adorable. You looks just like you."

       Dirk was sitting nearby and scoffed at that. "He's not Jerome's biological son."

       "I know what," Gilbert said. "After all, he adopted him for views, right?"

       Dirk shrugged. "Probably."

       I really wished Nolan was on the tour bus so he could flame Dirk.

       Nolan came back and laid on the bed, picking up the tablet with a sigh. "You were right, Jerome. No matter the excuse, they knew I was lying so I will have to suffer at the dinner with my brother's girlfriend and her parents. RIP me."

       "I know something that will make you feel better," I said. "Flaming Dirk."

       "He's a wimp," Dirk said. "He can't flame me."

       "Turn the tablet around," Nolan said, so I did. "You mean like how you can't remember that not only did I destroy you in VidGalore Battles, I also won fan favourite three times?"

       "You won because they pitied you," Dirk said.

       "What's there to pity?" Nolan asked.

       "The fact that you couldn't stay in the box for more than five minutes, or balance on the log for more than a minute," Dirk said.

       "You know what I love? That you're focusing on the negatives," Nolan said. "Because I'm sure you well know that if you bring up the positives, it would outweigh the negatives."

       "You call this flaming?" Dirk asked. "I think you need to work on your skills."

       "Hey, we all have things we need to work on," Nolan said. "If I have to work on my flaming skills, then you have to work on your content for VidGalore because recently, you've just been getting your views by adding of vloggers names in your titles. Sad, isn't it? Needing other people to get view for you?"

       That was what set Dirk off. He didn't say anything else as he got up from his seat and headed towards the sleeping area of the bus.

       "That may not have been the best idea," I said, turning the tablet back to face me. "Now Millie, Gilbert, and I will have to deal with him."

       "We can handle him," Millie said.

       "I needed to work on my flaming skills anyway," Nolan said. "If Trixie's parents are anything like her and feel the need to trash me, I might burn down the house."

       "I don't doubt it at all," I said.



More and more of me is starting to show through Nolan lol oops. cx (aka me always saying rip me or rip laeti. so nolan is probably going to start saying rip nolan more often.)

He's still a cinnamon roll though. <3

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