Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

       I didn't understand why I had to be at the dinner with Trixie and her parents. Mom and Dad knew that out of everyone in our family, I was the one who hated Trixie the most, and that said something because I was normally a lover, not a fighter.

       Trixie was just a really horrible person, and I did not want to meet her parents only to find out that they were the exact same.

       I really wished I was actually good at lying, so I could find an excuse to get out of it. I even tried finding an actual reason to miss the dinner without lying, but that didn't work.

       I was now at my last resort; pretending to be sick.

       Dad knocked on the door before opening it. "You should get out of bed," he said. "They're going to be here."

       "I can't," I said. "I'm sick." I even coughed, but I knew it sounded sick.

       "Oh, yeah?" Dad asked, already not believing me. "Sick from what?"

        "I'm suffering from a sickness called I-hate-Trixie-itis," I said. "It's really contagious. Ask Orchid."

       "I just don't get why you're the one who hates Trixie the most," Dad said. "Trust me, your mother and I aren't fond of her too, and we should be the one who decides if someone is right for our child."

       "Alan is my brother," I said. "Not only that, but he, Orchid, and I are triplets. Of course I'm going to be mad if my brother us dating a complete tool like Trixie."

       "Is there a certain reason you don't like her?" Dad asked.

       "Apart from her being possessive, annoying, bossy, and saying gay people will go to hell?" I asked. "Actually, yes, there is."

       "And that is....?"

       "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

       Dad walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "That sounds serious. What is it?"

       "I told you, I don't want to talk about it."

       "Nolan, seriously, what is it? I'm your dad. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything."

       I sighed. "She called me the word that's quite offensive to gay people. I know it's just a word, but she did use it in an offensive what. And I know if I tell Alan, he's just going to say Trixie was joking, like he did if the whole gay people belong in hell thing."

       "Could this word be the one that starts with an F?" Dad asked and I nodded. "Oh, Nolan, I'm so sorry. Trust me, that makes me like Trixie even less hearing that she called my son that. Look, if you're starting to feel uncomfortable around Trixie's parents, just say that you're not feeling well and you just want to lay down."

       "Okay," I said as I sat up. "As soon as they walk through the door, can I say I'm not feeling good."

       Dad chuckled. "No. Just give them a chance first."

       "Fine," I mumbled before getting off the bed, then heading over to Kingsley's crib and taking him out. "Oh, I think Kingsley is sick. He feels warm. I think I should stay here with him."

        "Nice job trying to lie," Dad said.

        "I blame Mom for giving me those poor lying skills," I said.

        We left the bedroom and I headed to the living room, sitting on the couch beside Orchid. She wasn't that happy about having to have dinner with Trixie and her parents, especially because she had already moved out. Even Ryder and Mae were here with their kids.

       It didn't take long for Trixie and her parents to show up. When they did, Alan was the one to answer the door. That was when all the introductions began, but I didn't say a single word. Everyone was introducing themselves but when they got to me, I continued focusing on Kingsley instead.

       "And that's my other triplet, Nolan, and his son Kingsley," Alan said. "Sorry for his attitude. I don't know what's up with him."

       "Leave him alone, Alan," Orchid said. "He hasn't seen Jerome for a week now. He's allowed to be grumpy."

       "Who's Jerome?" Trixie's dad, Tim, asked.

       "Nolan's husband," Orchid said. "He's currently on a meet and greet tour for the next month and a half since he's famous on VidGalore."

       "Oh, yeah that's a long time not being able to see your spouse," Tim said. "I would be upset too."

       No way. I actually think Trixie's parents were the complete opposite of her. Tim, and Trixie's mom Martha, didn't even blink when Orchid said Jerome was my husband, and Tim's reply made it seem like it was completely normal.

       Maybe I wouldn't have to hide out in my room.

       When it was dinner, Kingsley, Rhys, and Zayden were each placed on the floor with a toy to keep them occupied. I made sure to sit at the table in the dining room where I could keep my eye on Kingsley.

       I wasn't even sitting at the table for long when my cell phone rang, and I looked at my phone to see Jerome requesting a video chat. "Can I go answer this?" I asked Dad. "It's Jerome."

       "Yeah, sure," Dad said.

       I asked Orchid if she could keep an eye on Kingsley and she agreed before I got up and headed to my bedroom, closing the door behind me before answering the video chat request. Jerome's face appeared on the screen, giving me a smile. "Hey," he said. "I figured you were having dinner right now, so you're welcome for getting you out of it."

       "Thank you," I said, heading to the bed and sitting down. "Although, it's not too bad. Trixie's parents are the complete opposite of her."

       "Really?" Jerome asked.

       I nodded. "Yeah, really. Your name was brought up up and when her dad asked who you were, Orchid said you were my husband and I was really missing you because you're on tour and they had normal reactions. He basically said that he would be upset too if he couldn't see his spouse for a week."

       "See?" Jerome said. "You just had to give them a chance. Now, I'll leave you to the dinner."

       "No," I said quickly. "My dad was completely fine with me taking this. I really want to talk to you, because I really miss you."

       "Well, I miss you too, so I'm totally fine with taking you away from that dinner even though Trixie's parents seem nice," Jerome said.

       The more Jerome and I talked, the more I really started to miss him. I was surprised I was able to last this long without him, but I didn't know how much more I could take of this.


Lol, it's 11:10 pm and I still haven't packed for camping yet. cx OOPS.

I was too busy writing this, and then making more gifs. cx #Laegifs

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