Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


       I was so close to seeing Nolan again. We were almost in Florida and it wouldn't be long before we got to Miami. We only had two more stops before we got to Miami and I couldn't wait.

       I knew things were starting to get really hard for him, and I knew we weren't going to stay with each other long when I get to Miami, but hopefully it was good enough for Nolan to be okay while we continued the rest of the meet and greet tour.

       This show just started, and the six of us were on the stage in front of all of our fans that bought tickets for the show. During the shows, we always played different games, had Q and A's, and other things that interacted with the audience.

       Lucy was always the MC, and she was standing on the side with a microphone while we sat in a row of chairs.

       "Alright," Lucy said. "We're going to start this show off with a little game here for these six. Basically, I'm going to show a picture of someone and they're going to have to decide if they want to swipe right or left. And this is all theoretical. It doesn't matter if they're single, taken, straight, gay, whatever. So without further ado, here's the first picture."

       The first picture that showed on the screen to the right of the stage was of Cheryl, and I felt like gagging. She was too annoying.

       I was on the end furthest away from the screen, and Lucy started on the other end. Dirk was the only one who said he would swipe right, obviously. His friends wouldn't say swipe right, and Millie, Gilbert, and I had a strong dislike towards Cheryl.

       The next photo was of Fitz, and one of Dirk's friends, Paula, decided to say swipe right which didn't make Millie happy, but Millie tried her best to ignore it.

      The picture switched to one of Nolan, and I felt like passing out because of how hot he was in that photo. I might get a burn just by looking at it.

       When it was Paula's turn, she was going to say swipe right before I cut her off by coughing loudly. "Sorry, I had something in my throat," I said. "Continue."

       "Like I was saying," Paula said. "I would definitely swipe ri--"

       Once again, I cut her off by coughing even louder. "Oh, wow, that thing won't get out of my throat. If only I had my water bottle, which I must have left backstage."

       "You know, I'm going to have to swipe left," Paula said. Yeah, you better. No one was swiping right on my man.

       Except me, of course. When it was my turn, I said, "I'd swipe right. Multiple times. I'd probably have to make more than one account so I can keep swiping right. And then deactivate his account so no one else can swipe right."

       "That's an....interesting answer," Lucy said before looking at the audience. "So, there's a reason we chose these three people. Does anyone know why?"

       Someone raised their hand and Lucy called on them. "Because they're all hot."

       "Uh, sure," Lucy said. "That can be a reason. Does anyone else know the main reason?"

       A lot of other people raised their hands and Lucy chose someone. "Because all three are with someone on this tour."

       "Yes, that is the main reason," Lucy said. "Well, half of the main reason. For those who don't know, the people shown, in order, were Cheryl, Fitz, and Nolan. Cheryl is Dirk's wife, Fitz is Millie's boyfriend, and Nolan is Jerome's husband. These three couples have to spend their time away from each other, and we know how hard it is. We also know that all three live close enough to come here on a short notice, so why not invite them to this show?"


       "So, ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm round of applause in welcoming Cheryl, Fitz, and Nolan."

       The audience cheered as those three walked onto the stage, and I couldn't help but go over to Nolan. I haven't seen him in so long, and I wasn't even expecting to see him for a few more days.

       When I got to Nolan, he gave me a kiss before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him tightly, and I knew he was trying his best not to cry.

       "I missed you so much," Nolan said.

       "I missed you too," I said. "Where's Kingsley?"

       "With Atticus and Orchid back at the hotel," Nolan said. "I'll tell you about it later."

       "Right," I said. I almost forgot about the show now that I was back with my husband for a bit.

       Some tour workers brought three more chairs onto the stage for Cheryl, Fitz, and Nolan. We sat down on the chairs and so did the others.

       "So, how about that surprise?" Lucy asked the audience and they cheered loudly. "Yeah, by the way, Dirk, Millie, and Jerome had no idea their significant others were coming to this show. I thought it would be a nice idea to surprise them. How did you three feel about it?"

       "I'll literally pay you a million dollars for doing that," I said.

       Dirk snorted and rolled his eyes. "Don't be dramatic."

       "Oh, sorry, I guess I'm not allowed to be happy that I'm back with my husband for a bit, and I get to see my son after the show and meet and greet."

       That got people in the audience to gush, and then scream again. At least some people appreciated Jerlan.

      We continued on with the show and when it was over, we had time to rest for a bit before the meet and greet began, which was the perfect opportunity to talk to Nolan.

       "So, you came here with Orchid and Atticus?" I asked.

       "And Alan," Nolan said. "He wanted to come too and, of course, bring Trixie but there thankfully wasn't enough room for her. You seriously don't know how happy I am Lucy decided to ask if I wanted to come to this show. I didn't know how long I would have been able to last without you."

       "I'm really happy she decided to do that too," I said, pulling him into a hug. "I know this is hard for you, but at least we get to be with each other for today and possibly tomorrow,"

       "I don't even know if I can handle going back home now without you," Nolan said. "I don't want you to leave the tour, but I can't cope anymore."

       I sighed. I had no idea what to do. I had a feeling I was going to have to make a really tough decision: Let down all the fans that paid to see me, or continue letting my husband meltdown.



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