Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


       I was really glad Lucy decided to bring me, Fitz, and Cheryl to today's show. Well, not really Cheryl, but I was still happy about the whole idea. I didn't know what I would do if I had to put up with not seeing Jerome any longer. I knew I was going to have to again, but seeing him now made things worth it.

       Not only that, but the three of us were allowed to stay with our significant others during the meet and greet, and I really loved that part. I didn't do well with being around so many people, but Jerome's fans were all so nice, and they were just as excited to meet me too. Jerome and I have been together even before he started vlogging, so they've known me almost as long, and they've seen our relationship grow.

       Alan came with me to the venue and stayed backstage, but he ended up leaving by the time the show was over. That got my twin-tuition to go haywire, but I had to wait until after the meet and greet to see if he was okay.

       We headed to the hotel and first went to the room Orchid and Atticus was in so Jerome could see Kingsley. Kingsley was really happy to see Jerome, smiling widely when Jerome picked him up.

       "Hey," Orchid said to me. "Is your twin-tuition going off?"

        "Yeah," I said. "Want to go check up on him?"

       "Twin-tuition is a thing?" Atticus asked.

       "Yes, don't deny it," Orchid said. "You and Jerome stay here and bond or whatever while we go talk to our fellow triplet."

       Orchid and I left the hotel room and headed to the one Alan and I were sharing. Alan was there, sitting on his bed looking really upset so Orchid and I sat down on each side of him. "So, are you going to tell us why you're upset?" I asked. "Because you told me you were going to wait backstage during the show, but you never did."

       "I was just feeling tired," Alan said.

       "Then why aren't you sleeping?" Orchid asked. "You know you can tell us anything, right? We keep secrets from Mom and Dad all the time and we never tell anyone. If something's wrong, you can tell us."

       "No, I can't," Alan said. "Because you're just going to have a celebration and say 'I told you so' instead of trying to make me feel better."

       Alan didn't even have to say anything else for me and Orchid to know what happened, and I didn't even know if I should feel happy or sad for Alan.

       For some reason, I was leaning towards the sad side because he looked way too upset.

       "Why did you two break up?" Orchid asked.

       "It doesn't matter," Alan said.

       "It does matter," Orchid said. "We may have not liked her, but you did so it must have been something she did. So, what did she do?"

        "A lot," Alan said. "I'm just now realizing how horrible she was, especially to all of you. And Nolan, I'm really sorry I said she was joking when she said gay people belong in hell. The more I think about it, the more serious she was about it. I'm really sorry I was putting her in front of all of you."

       "It's okay," I said. "Well, not really, but it's not your fault. You were blinded by love."

       "You still avoided my question," Orchid said. "What did she do, and do you need me to hurt her for you?"

       Alan sighed and looked down. "Her best friend was starting to get fed up with the way Trixie was acting, especially towards me, so she ended up telling me something she promised she wouldn't say anything about. Apparently, Trixie was really mad that I decided to come her with you two and without her, so....she ended up cheating on me. Twice."

       "Aww, Alan," Orchid said, pulling him into a hug and I joined in. "We're so sorry."

       "No, you're not," Alan said.

       "Yes, we are," I said. "We are sorry because you don't deserve that."

       "Yeah," Orchid agreed. "We hate Trixie more than anything, but we're not mad at you about it, and we're definitely not happy at all about the reason why you broke up. Were you the one to call things off?"

       Alan nodded. "Yeah. At first, I didn't believe her best friend, but her best friend is one of the nicest people ever. She would never lie about something like that, especially something that would hurt Trixie in the end. Maybe it was for the best. She was really hurting the family, and she was being way too controlling. She didn't want me to stay with Nolan when Jerome was gone, and she tried talking me out of coming here."

       "And look on the bright side," Orchid said. "Your next girlfriend will definitely be shipped by the family because there's no way she could be any worse than Trixie."

       "You never know," Alan said. "Trixie was really nice when I first met her and I never thought she would do all of this."

       "Just do what I did," I said. "Turn gay. Go for the man. Less drama is involved."

       "Ha ha," Alan said sarcastically. "I thought no one can turn gay. You're born gay, or you're not."

       "I know," I said. "But I know how to joke about it."

       Alan sighed. "Again, I'm really sorry about that."

       "I told you, it wasn't your fault," I said. "You were blinded by love. Really horrible love that shouldn't have been a thing, but still love. But at least you don't have to worry about getting home early so she would get even more mad at you."

       "You know what?" Alan asked. "You're right. I am now a free man, and I don't have to worry about Trixie getting mad at me for the smallest of things, and Trixie no longer can try bossing me around. I can do whatever I want."



The triplets are still my favourite siblings. Well, mainly Nolan and Orchid, but Alan too. They be my loves. <3


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