Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


       We still had a full day to spend in this city before we had to head off to the next one, meaning I would be apart from my husband and our son yet again until we got to Miami.

       At least I got to spend a day and a half with them, and that hopefully will be enough for Nolan to start feeling a tiny bit better.

       Nolan told me that Alan broke up with Trixie and at first, he was upset about it but now he seemed a lot happier. He didn't have to worry about listening to everything Trixie wanted.

       Although we were all staying in the hotel, we were allowed to go into the tour bus if we wanted, and that was where most of us decided to hang out because it was getting too boring in our rooms and we couldn't stay in the lobby without some of our fans finding out we were there.

       Besides, some of the people working on the tour wanted to meet Kingsley, so Nolan and I went to the tour bus with Orchid as well. Alan and Atticus decided to go somewhere for lunch.

       As soon as we got onto the tour bus, Gilbert said, "Ooh, can I hold the baby?"

       "What? No," Millie said. "I want to hold Kingsley. You can wait."

       "Sorry, Millie, but you've already held Kingsley before," I said. "Gilbert can go first."

       "And I thought we were friends," Millie said.

       I just chuckled before gently handing Kingsley over to Gilbert. "He's so freaking adorable," he said.

       "I've seen better," Dirk said.

       "Who's this?" Orchid asked. "Is this Dick?"

       "Dirk," Cheryl corrected. "And who are you?"

       "You don't know?" Orchid asked. "Gee, I thought for people who seemed to invested in Jerome, you would have at least watched some of his vlogs."

       "She's my sister," Nolan said.

       "Yes, and unlike Nolan, I don't hold back when it comes to sassing people," Orchid said.

       "Why are you even on the tour bus?" Dirk asked. "It's for people on the tour only."

       "Then why is she here?" Orchid asked, gesturing to Cheryl.

       "Uh, because she's my wife," Dirk said.

       "Yeah? And I'm Jerome's sister-in-law," Orchid said.

       "Well, Lucy was the one who called Cheryl to invite her on this part of the tour," Dirk said. "I bet she won't even let you on the tour bus."

       "It's a hang out spot right now," I said. "She's not taking up any room by being here, and she's currently Nolan's emotional support."

       Dirk snorted. "Okay then. Lucy still won't let it happen."

       "What won't I let happen?" Lucy asked as she walked onto the tour bus.

       "Can Nolan's sister stay on the bus to hang out with us?" I asked.

       "Yeah, of course," Lucy said. "I don't see any problems with her being on here. And actually, I would like to talk to you and Nolan."

       Lucy gestured for Nolan and I to follow her outside of the tour bus so she could talk to us privately. "So, I know how hard it is for you two to be apart from each other," she said. "After all, I know about Nolan's mental illnesses because of the both of you participating in VidGalore Battles, so I was thinking that Nolan could join the tour permanently."

       "Oh trust me, we would love it if he could but there's no way with Kingsley," I said. "And Kingsley can't be away from the both of us for too long."

       "I know, and I already thought of that," Lucy said. "Since there's a kitchen on the tour bus, it wouldn't be too hard making formula for him when he gets hungry, and I am willing to give up the bedroom at the back of the tour bus for the three of you."

       "Really?" I asked. "You'd do that?"

       "Of course I would," Lucy said. "I don't want you to feel guilty about being on the tour while
Nolan isn't doing well back home." She then looked at Nolan. "It was your sister that came here with you, right?"

       "Yeah, as well as her boyfriend and our brother," Nolan said.

       "Well, I was also thinking that if you want to be part of the actual tour, like the show and the meet and greet, they can just drive behind the tour bus so when you're part of the tour, they'll be watching Kingsley just like yesterday's show," Lucy said. "Only if they're up to it. We will pay for their hotel and gas, and I know the Jeromans love them as well, so they can take turn watching Kingsley and being part of the show as well."

       "Seriously?" I asked. "You'd do all of that just so Nolan can come onto the tour so we won't have to be a part?"

       Lucy nodded. "Yes, I will. So, what do you say?"

       "I'd love to," Nolan said with a bright smile. "And I'm sure my brother and sister will be up to travelling behind the tour bus."

       "Yeah, Orchid and Alan will do anything for Nolan," I said. "Thank you so much for all of this."

       Lucy smiled back. "No problem."

       We headed back inside, and since everyone part of the tour was there, Lucy announced that Nolan would be joining the tour, which didn't go well with Dirk and Cheryl, especially because Cheryl wasn't joining, but Lucy ignored them.

       "And Orchid," Lucy said, "if you, Alan, and your boyfriend would be fine with it, you can travel in your car behind the tour bus to each stop and take turns babysitting Kingsley so that Nolan can be part of the show and the meet and greet. By taking turns, I mean watching and also being part of the show. And we'll pay for your hotel and gas for the car."

       "Really?" Orchid asked and Lucy nodded. "Yeah, I'm up to it and I know the other two will be. Thank you so much."

       "What about Cheryl?" Dirk asked. "How come she can't join the tour?"

       "Does she have really bad anxiety that causes it to be too hard for you two to be apart?" Lucy asked.

       "Well....No," Dirk said.

       "Then that's why," Lucy said. "Sorry, but I'm thinking of the mental health of Jerome's husband. Nothing else."

       Lucy seriously was the best person ever. Now, I didn't have to choose between making my fans happy or staying with Nolan to stop him from having a meltdown.

       I knew the tour was going to get a lot better now that I could stay with my husband and our son.


Aww, yay. <3 Jerlan gets to stay together FORVER. (Get it? Forever? Lol I'm so funny)

Ooh, speaking of Forever, it's still in third place for The Fiction Awards. :D Thank you so much for everyone who has been voting so far. I'm just aiming for at least third place, so I'm really happy that those of you have been taking time out of your day to vote. <3

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