Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


       Being part of the tour was making things a lot easier for me. I was so happy Lucy asked if I wanted to join, and offering to pay for the others' hotel and gas. Once Atticus and Alan were told, they were willing to follow the tour bus in the car, and babysit Kingsley at times.

       Dirk was still upset that I joined the tour and Cheryl wasn't able to, especially because Cheryl had her own channel on VidGalore. I, honestly, didn't even know why she wasn't invited in the first place because she was one of the top viewed vloggers, but hey, I wasn't complaining. The less I had to deal with the both of them, the better.

       We were at the Miami show right now, and Orchid and Atticus were the ones who were babysitting Kingsley while Alan was on stage with us. The Jeromans were very happy to see him walk on the stage with me and Jerome. They all loved every single one of my family members, so it was a nice surprise for them to see my brother on stage.

       We were at the Q and A portion of the show, which was Dirk's favourite part because it meant he got to talk about himself even more than he normally did.

       He was even trying to throw shade at me, Alan, and Jerome, but it wasn't working because Alan I threw it back.

       "Do you miss Cheryl?" was one of the questions asked for Dirk.

       "Yeah, of course," Dirk said. "She's my wife and we've been together for as long as I can remember, so it's really hard for us to be apart when I'm on the tour and she isn't."

       "Dirk, come on, there's no point of trying to subtly throw shade when everyone knows what you're talking about," Alan said. "And my answer to that is get over it."

       "She's a vlogger, Nolan isn't," Dirk said. "Nolan is just known as Jerome's husband."

      "Nolan is sitting right here," I said.

       "Alright, we're moving on to another question," Lucy interrupted. "We've been through the reasonings, Dirk. Any other questions?"

       Lucy chose someone from the audience. "This one is for Jerome. What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Nolan?"

       Least favourite? That was going to hurt.

       Just kidding. I knew exactly what it was.

       "My favourite thing is actually two things," Jerome said. "His eyes and his smile. I have never seen someone with better eyes and smile than him." That, of course, made me smile. "There it is. And I don't have a least favourite thing."

       Paula snorted. "You're just saying that so you don't start any arguments between the two of you. Every couple has their favourite and least favourite things."

       "Yeah, stop trying to act like you two are this perfect couple," Dirk said.

       "But we are," Jerome said.

       "Jerome's least favourite thing about me is when I so-call steal his clothes," I answered for Jerome just so the argument wouldn't get any bigger.

       "He's right, that is my least favourite thing," Jerome said.

       "It's not stealing if we're married," I said, quoting what my mom told me. It was true. What's his is mine, and what's mine is mine that I hide so he can't take it back.

       "You all see the sweater he's wearing?" Jerome asked. "He stole that from me five years ago, when he was fourteen and I was seventeen. I haven't worn it since because he keeps it hidden."

       "But I love you."

       "Well, I love you too, but I would like to wear that sweater again sometime."

       "Not happening."

       "Of course not."

       The next question was for Alan, and I knew he would have hated it if he was asked it a few days ago.

       Now, he didn't.

      "Did you and Trixie break up yet?" the person asked.

       "Actually, yes," Alan said. "I broke up with her the day Nolan guested in that one show and trust me, we're never getting back together."

       That actually got a few Jeromans to cheer about that, and someone even shouted, "I'll date you!"

       It made Alan laugh a bit. It was really nice to see him away from Trixie, and actually being happy.

       As the questions went on, I started getting this weird feeling in my chest for some reason, and it was getting harder for me to breathe.

       I wasn't even able to pay attention to the questions that were being asked, and I was thankful I hadn't gotten any for a while.

       Alan started noticing something was off when he was asked a question, and his end reply was, "Right, Nolan?"

       I had no idea what he said before then, so I just said, "Uh, right."

       When Millie was answering the next question, Alan looked at me. "Are you okay?" he asked in a quiet voice.

       I shook my head, so he gestured for me to follow him off the stage. We got up from the chairs we were on and placed the microphones on there before Alan led me off the stage.

       "What's wrong?" Alan asked.

       "I can't....I can't breathe."

       Alan sat me down on a chair offstage and knelt down beside me. "Just close your eyes and try to relax, okay?"

       I nodded and did so, but it was still too hard for me too breathe.

       Jerome ended up getting off the stage and hurrying over. "What's wrong?" he asked.

       "I think he's having a panic attack," Alan said.

      Jerome knelt down in front of me. "Nolan, just try your best to breathe. I know it's hard, but focus on your breathing and only that."

       It did take a while for me to be able to breathe properly again, but when I did I sighed afterwards. "I don't know what happened."

       "Was it all the people there?" Alan asked. "You haven't been doing so well with a bunch of people around recently."

       "I don't know what caused it," I said. "I was perfectly fine being up there. It just happened."

       "Do you want to come back on the stage or stay here?" Jerome said.

       "I'll come back on after the Q and A," I said. "You two should go back on."

       "Are you sure?" Jerome asked.

       "Yes, of course," I said. "I know they still probably have questions for you, and they can even ask you some for me since you'll know the answer."

       "Okay," Jerome said. "Only come back to the stage when you really feel like you're up to it."

       I nodded and Jerome gave me a quick kiss before he and Alan went back onto the stage. Whatever happened, I really hoped it wouldn't again thoughout the rest of the meet and greet tour.


Aww, Nolan my baby. <3

Speaking of baby, I've been planning a new book and the main character is now my baby and is the most precious cinnamon roll over.

Jk, he isn't that big of a cinnamon roll and he loves causing destruction lol oops.d:

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