Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


       Nolan and I could never go shopping together. We always ended up arguing on what we were going to buy. Even when we had to get stuff for Kingsley, we had to go separately. It was mainly because we both wanted to buy extra things we didn't need, so we got into arguments and spent more time in the store than we needed.

       Nolan was the home decorator, so he always wanted to buy things to decorate the home. And me? I wanted to buy more clothes.

       He kept telling me I had enough clothes, but one can never have enough clothes.

       However, today we were going shopping together for once. We still had quite a few more things to get for Kingsley. When we first adopted him, we just bought the basics. Now we were actually going to get him toys and a lot more clothes.

       And knowing Nolan, he was going to be things to decorate the home.

       We had to vlog the whole thing, of course, because I needed to start vlogging again after the week break. It felt weird not posting any videos, but Kingsley was the top priority and he had to get used to not being with his mom.

       I was the one driving while Nolan held the camera, and Kingsley was in the backseat, sleeping like always.

       "So, Jeromans," I said, though I had to keep my eye on the road as I drove. "Fun fact: Nolan is hella sexy."

       "Uh....What does that have to do with anything?" Nolan asked.

       "Well, you're my husband, so I'm informing my fans," I said. "Though, they probably already know because you really are sexy. Hella sexy, that is. All Princes must be called hella sexy or they get mad."

       "I don't get mad if you don't call know, that other word before sexy," Nolan said.

       "He's also very precious," I said. "He doesn't swear at all. He won't even say hell or damn, and those are very minor words."

       "I like censoring my mouth," Nolan said. "Anyway, what Jerome was probably going to say was this is one of the very few times we are actually going to the store together. We can grocery shop together, but if we go to Target, we just argue."

       "Because someone likes buying decor and other things we don't need," I said.

       "You bought an ice cream maker last time," Nolan said.

       "Yeah, so we can make ice cream," I said.

       "Or, and here's a good idea, we buy ice cream."

       "Where's the fun in that?"

       "Uh, not waiting for hours after you make it? And having to redo it if you mess up?"

       "Dang, does your Sass-o-Meter come with an off switch?"

       "Don't be ridiculous. Of course it doesn't."

       Why did Nolan have to be so sassy at times? Then again, I loved his sass. It was adorable on him, and nobody could ever beat his sass. Seriously, when he went off on someone, he went off. Nobody could ever beat it.

       I pulled into the parking lot of target, and we got out of the car. I went to go get a cart as Nolan got the stroller out of the trunk, then took the car seat Kingsley was in and attached it to the stroller. When I came back, Nolan had already pushed down the shade extender on the stroller, then grabbed the cover attached to the car seat and put it over the shade extender so Kingsley was completely covered. 

       "Dang, you're a natural," I said as I grabbed the diaper bag out of the car and put it in the basket of the stroller.

       "Well, I have seven siblings," Nolan said. "I've had the practice."

       "Yeah, true," I said as I closed the car doors, then locked it. I had some practice too since I started dating Nolan shortly after Rose was born, and Poppy and Grayson had two more babies after her. And I spent a lot of time with that family. I had ever since they were being so supportive of my sexuality, and because they shipped Jerlan too much.

       We headed into the store, and I immediately knew what Nolan was going to ask.

       "How about you look for baby things, and I look at some decor?" Nolan asked.

       "No," I said as I set up the camera and attached it to the cart. Time for some Target vlogs. I then started recording before we started heading to the baby aisle.

       "Okay, but can we at least get three more decor afterwards?" Nolan asked.

       "Why do you even want to decorate the home so much?" I asked.

       "So it looks good when people come over."

       "What people? The only people who come over are your and my family."

       "Yeah, but you told me you want to start collabing with other vloggers. And you know who sees the house? Everyone who watches your vlogs."

       "Good point," I said.

       "So....Can we get more decor after?"

       I sighed. Nolan was not going to let this go. "Alright, fine. You can get three things after, but then I have to pick out three pieces of clothing."

       "You don't need any more clothes, Jerome," Nolan said.

       "And we don't need anymore decor for the house," I said.

       "Okay, fine," Nolan said. "Three decor, three pieces of clothing."

       Wow, we were actually not arguing for once.

       "Jeromans, you see this?" I asked the camera. "This is rare. We compromised."

       "It's only rare when we're shopping," Nolan said. "We compromise all the time."

       "Yeah, true."

       "Oh my gosh, it's Jerome!" I heard a voice say, so I looked over to see two young teen girls rush over. "Hi! I'm Reuben and this is my best friend Alison. We're huge fans!"

       I smiled. It wasn't often I had some of my subscribers approach me because not too many lived in Miami, but I really loved when they did. They were the reason I was so big on VidGalore. "Thank you," I said.

       "And we, like, really love you and Nolan together," Reuben said. "You're the cutest couple ever and we died when you announced your engagement!" She then spotted the stroller and gasped loudly. "Is that what I think it is?!"

       I looked over at Nolan and he nodded. Everyone was going to find out about Kingsley in the vlog anyway, so might as well let them met him.

       Nolan lifted the cover up so they can see Kingsley. "This is Kingsley," Nolan said, and Reuben and Alison walked over to see. "He's just over a week old."

       "Aww," Alison gushed. "He's so cute! Is he why you haven't vlogged for a while?"

       "Yeah," I said. "The adoption process was really fast, and we had to get settled with him first, but I'm vlogging again, so I should have a video up soon."

       "Aww, yay," Reuben said. "He really is the cutest baby ever. And don't worry, we won't say a single word about seeing him. See who? I don't even know who I'm talking about."

       I chuckled. I really loved my fans.


Lol, it's 1:38 and I, once again, have to wake up early. (at 10. so early)

I didn't have to write this, but I wanted to because I miss Jerlan

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