Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I kind of felt bad that Orchid was losing her boyfriend to her own brother but at the same time, it was hilarious.

She wasn't that upset over it. Annoyed, sure, but she also told Nolan that she liked how Atticus and Alan were best friends. It at least proved that Princes and Smythes could get along despite what Grayson thought.

Not only that but during the tour, Alan wouldn't be feeling like a third-wheel. Orchid didn't even feel like one. She was just joking at first when she said that.

The Jeromans even started shipping Atticus and Alan at today's show since it was the two of them on stage with me and Nolan. Nolan said he was up for today's show and there shouldn't be a problem, and I trusted him.

That didn't mean I wasn't worrying about him.

The Q and A was when the shipping started, all because of one question.

"This one is for Alan," the person who was chose to ask a question said. "If you had to choose out of all your sibling's significant others on who you would date, who would it be?"

"Well, there's only three of them," Alan said. "Mae, Jerome, and Atticus. It definitely won't be Mae because one, she's three years older than me...."

"Jerome is three years older than me and we're married," Nolan pointed out.

"Shush, Nolan, this isn't about you," Alan said. "Anyway, it also can't be Mae because Ryder gets extremely jealous and I'm too young to die, so that leaves Atticus and Jerome, even though I am one-hundred percent straight."

"You still have to choose," Atticus said. "Me or Jerome? Or the person who also stood up for you in school verses whatever Jerome has done for you."

"Uh, I've done a lot, actually," I said. "I was the only one who was okay with him dating Trixie, and I was trying to convince his siblings to give her a chance."

"Yeah? And she's a snake, so Alan doesn't care about that," Atticus said. "I mean, no offence, but she was a total snake and you deserve better."

"Sorry, Jerome, but I'd have to choose Atticus," Alan said. "Because as a wise man once said, 'Attichid who? I only know of Atticalan'."

"Lame," I said as Atticus and Alan high-fived. The bromance game was way too strong between them.

"Yeah, you better choose him," Nolan said. "You're not touching Jerome."

"Another reason why I chose Atticus," Alan said. "Nolan can get really possessive when he wants to, and I don't want to cross that cinnamon roll or I would probably die a more painful death than if I chose Mae and Ryder killed me."

"He's not wrong," I said, addressing the audience. "When Nolan and I were engaged, the Princes went camping and I, of course, joined in because I do everything with the Princes. Anyway, one day these girls were hitting on me and Nolan just shows up and says, 'Yeah, hi, he's gay, so move along and stop flirting with him'."

"That's not being really possessive," Nolan said. "It's stating the truth. You're gay, and they had to move along and stop flirting with you."

"No, I was there when it happened," Atticus said. "If looks could kill, they would be dead."

"Yeah?" Nolan asked. "And they're lucky they're not for flirting with my man."

Not possessive? Okay, Nolan.

The next question was for Atticus, and it was, "If you had to date any of your girlfriend's siblings, who would it be?"

I think they were finding excuses to start shipping Atticus and Alan.

"Oh, that's easy," Atticus said. "It can't be any of her sisters because they're all too young, so it would have to be a guy. Even if they were all older, it would still be the same choice. I'd have to choose Alan."

"Damn right you would," Alan said.

"Attichid who?" Atticus asked. "I only know of Atticalan?"

I peeked backstage to see Orchid sigh and roll her eyes. She was actually able to watch Kingsley backstage today instead of staying in the hotel.

Well, and because I knew Kingsley was someone that could calm Nolan down, despite being an infant. So, I asked Lucy if Orchid could watch Kingsley backstage and she was fine with it.

If Nolan were to have another panic attack, he could calm down by holding Kingsley.

Some say I was being too cautious, I say I cared too much about Nolan's well-being.

The next question was for Nolan. "First, what happened to your hand and second, if you could choose anyone to be Alan's next girlfriend, or boyfriend, you never know, who would it be?"

"I really feel like you're all just finding an excuse to ship Atticus and Nolan," Nolan said. "Well, to answer the first question, I am a huge klutz. I dropped a glass when I was going to get something to drink and I tried cleaning it up but it cut my hand, obviously because I get injured too much. And to answer your second question, I know you're expecting me to say Atticus, but sorry, he's with Orchid and I can't hurt her."

That got some of the audience to groan, or boo. They were way too invested into Atticalan now, and it was amusing.

"Well, I see a little feud going on right now, so why do we bring someone out to settle this?" Lucy said, looking back stage and gesturing for Orchid to come out.

She did with Kingsley, and that made people start gushing. Nolan held his arms around and Orchid handed him to Kingsley, which immediately put a smile on Nolan's face as Kingsley gave him a hug.

       "Atticalan is still the cutest couple," Alan said, making Orchid glare at him.

       "We're deciding this a different way," Lucy said. "Alright, VidGalorians, each ask a question about Atticus and we'll see which one out of Alan and Orchid can answer it the fastest. Dirk?"

       "I couldn't care less," Dirk said.

       "Like how people stopped caring about you and Cheryl less, and you haven't been the cutest couple ever since Jerome and I started dating?" Nolan asked.

      "Okay, Nolan, we've talked about this," I said. "Lay off the sass."

       "You can't tell me what to do."

       "Sorry, Dirk, I tried," I said.

       "Don't apologize to him."

       "Nolan, seriously, chill.'

       "No. I'm gay."


       Alan and Orchid then did the small competition to see who knew Atticus the most and, of course, Orchid was the one who won. That didn't make Alan happy, but it still didn't stop the audience from shipping Atticalan.

       And I knew they weren't going to stop their bromance either.



OMG so Forever is really close to second place in The Fiction Awards. :D I'm confident they'll at least come third, but let's aim for second AND MAKE JERLAN PROUD

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