Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


       I was not looking forward to the video Jerome had planned for his channel since it was a break day today. I didn't even know why I agreed to it. I tried getting myself out of it, but everyone refused. And by everyone, I meant Jerome, Orchid, Alan and even Atticus.

       "I still don't know why you all think this is a good idea," I said as Jerome set everything up with Orchid's help. 

       "Come on, it will be fun," Jerome said.

       "Fun?" I asked. "I'm the target in this. I feel like you're all going to ask me deep and personal questions that I don't want to answer."

       "You're a horrible liar anyway," Orchid said.

       "Exactly," I said. "I'm a horrible liar, so there's no point of putting me through the lie detector test."

       "We want to see if it works," Jerome said. "You were the one who agreed to it when I asked you."

       "It was two in the morning, Jerome," I said. "I wasn't thinking properly. Come to think of it, I only think you asked me a that time was because you knew I would be too tired to think properly and I would just agree to it."

       Jerome's shrug and no verbal answer was confirmation that he manipulated me. I really hoped none of them would ask something I really didn't want anyone finding out.

       I mean, I couldn't think of anything I didn't want anyone knowing, but they might actually ask a question that would lead to it.

       When everything was set up, we filmed the intro to the video, which was basically me scowling as Jerome explained that we were going to be doing the lie detector test on me, and how all four of them each had two yes or no questions to ask me.

       Jerome hooked up the lie detector test to me, and I just glared at him the whole time. "You know, if you keep glaring at me, everyone's going to think that you hate me," he said.

       "That is a very high possibility," I said. "You asked me if I wanted to do this when it was two in the morning, Jerome. I was way too tired to function."

       Jerome shrugged once again. "You win some and lose some." He finished hooking the lie detector test up to me and sat down across from me, right beside his laptop. "Alright, I'll go first since I have one easy question and one hard question."

        "I still hate you," I said.

       "I'll make it up to you later," Jerome said before winking into the camera, and I had to move my head away to hide my smile. "So, first question. Do you believe in love at first sight?"

       "Yes," I said, and that was completely honest. I never really told anyone, but part of me always knew that Jerome was the one when I first laid my eyes on him.

       "Okay, next," Jerome said.

       "Ooh, my turn," Orchid said. "Are you terrified of spiders?"

       "Lame," Alan said. "We all know the answer considering he hid in his tent that time we went camping and refused to leave because he thought an ant was a spider."

      "Let him answer," Orchid said.

      "Yes," I said. Spiders were creepy. Anything tiny with legs were creepy.

      "My turn," Atticus said. "Is Orchid your favourite sibling?"

      "Dude!" Alan said. 

      "What?" Atticus asked. "Jerome said I can ask Nolan anything, so that is my question. Answer, Nolan?"

       I think I was going to have to lie for this one because Orchid was standing in the room. "Yes."

      "I hate you all," Alan said.

      "At least you're not strapped up to this lie detector test," I said. "I know the questions will get worse."

       "Oh, they will," Alan said. "Because it's my turn. Have you ever had a crush on a straight guy?"

       "Jerome, are you straight?" I asked.

       "Nope," Jerome said.

       "Then no," I said. "Jerome is the only person I ever had a crush on, but nice try."

       It was Jerome's turn again. "Have you ever found anyone else attractive?" 

       I gave Jerome a flat look. "Have you no trust in me?"

      "Hey, it's just a simple question," Jerome said. "Have you?"

      "No," I said.

      "Now, I have a really important question I need you to answer," Orchid said. "Have you ever taken bacon off my plate when I wasn't looking and ate it? Because I swear, every time we used to have bacon for breakfast, a piece would go missing."

       I winced as I answered, "Yes."

      "I am very disappointed in you, Nolan," Orchid said. 

      "Next question," Atticus said. "Have you ever cut class?"

      I had to think about that for a bit. "No. Wait....Yeah, I have."

      "Now my turn," Alan said. "And you're probably really going to hate me for the question. Are you ready?"

       "Is that the question?" I asked.

       "What? No," Alan said. "This is the question. Have you and Jerome ever argued so bad that you wished you weren't with him?"

       That was the question that would make me hate him? Seriously?

       "Nope," I said. "You know the last bad argument we had? Our first argument when I was fourteen."

      "Dang it," Alan said. "I thought that would be juicy. I kind of hope the lie detector says he's lying."

       "Bug off," I said.

       Jerome got his results on the laptop, then looked at me. "You all ready to see if Nolan lied at any of the questions? The first question was if he believed in love at first sight and Nolan said yes. That was a....truth. I'm kind of hoping you fell in love with me at first sight."

       "I did," I said, giving him a smile.

       "Aww," Orchid said as Jerome smiled back and leaned over to give me a kiss. 

       Alan and Atticus, on the other hand, said, "Ew."

      "Next result," Jerome said. "If he's terrified of spiders, he said yes, and that was the truth. Obviously, like we all didn't know. Next, if Orchid was his favourite sibling. Nolan said no and that was....Oh, Nolan, you little liar."

       "What?!" Orchid said.

       "It's rigged," I lied.

       "Who is your favourite?" Orchid asked.

       "I knew it was me," Alan said.

       "It's actually Ryder," I said, and Orchid and Alan glared at me. "What? He used to be the one that was always there for me, he started the whole Nolan Protection Squad with VidGalore Battles, and he was the first person I came out to."

       "We're no longer talking to you," Orchid said. "Alan is now my favourite brother, and I'm never telling you anything ever again."

       I just shrugged as Jerome moved onto the next question. "Have you ever had a crush on a straight guy? You said no, and that was the truth. I sure hoped it was."

       "If it wasn't, it would have been before I met you," I said.

       "Which brings me to the next question," Jerome said. "Have you ever found anyone else attractive. You said no, and...." He looked at the computer screen. "Orchid and Alan, add me to the no longer talking to Nolan list."

       Alan laughed. "He lied?! Oh, Nolan, you got caught."

       "I swear, I never!" I said. "Well....Unless celebrities count, because Zander Millington....Dang, he's fine."

       "You promise it's only Zander and no one else," Jerome said.

       "No, I totally find Dirk so attractive," I said.

       "Okay, okay, I get it," Jerome said. "You weren't thinking about celebrities at the time. I forgive you. Next was stealing bacon from Orchid. You said yes, and that was the truth."

       "I'm still never talking to Nolan again," Orchid said.

       "I should be the one never talking to you guys," I said. "And it's your own fault for choosing these questions."

       "It's okay, there's two left," Jerome said. "Have you ever cut class? You said no, and that the truth. And the final question. If you ever didn't want to be with me after an argument. You said no, and that was....thank goodness. That was the truth."

       "Am I done? Can I take these off now?" I asked.

       I didn't even wait for Jerome to say I can before I started unhooking myself from the stupid lie detector test. I never wanted to do anything like that ever again.

       ....I should make Jerome go through that.

       "Well, that's the end of the video," Jerome said, looking at the camera.

       "Like this video, and we'll do it again but with Jerome," I said.

       "What? No," Jerome said.

       "Why?" I asked. "You got some secrets you're hiding from me? I had to do it, so you'll have to do it eventually."

       Jerome sighed. "I should have seen that coming."


I saw two videos of the lie detector test and I loved them. cx THEY BE GOOD.

So, voting is officially over for The Fiction Awards. Forever is currently in second place with over 11k votes! Thank you so much for all the votes! I couldn't be more happy to have all of you wonderful Dream Shovelers supporting me. <3

Now, it isn't for sure I'll be in second. There are other factors that play into placing, but being in the top three by votes make it a higher chance I'll actually place, especially since the one who placed third by votes had, I think, 5k.

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