Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


       The tour was coming to a close with just two stops left. This was the only stop Nolan wasn't going to be part of because he wasn't in a good spot mentally. Although he assured me his panic attack was a one time thing, he finally convinced himself otherwise and told me he felt one coming on.

       So I told him to stay back from today's part, even the meet and greet, so he was missing the whole stop this time as apart from just the show.

       Orchid, like usual, was the one watching Kingsley, which was perfect because out of all people apart from me, she was probably the best person to help Nolan with his panic attacks.

       Well, it would be Ryder, but he had to be selfish and start his own family and completely forget about his little brother.

       The fans were a bit sad that Nolan wasn't at the stop, but they understood. They didn't know exactly everything he was going through, but they did know that there were times Nolan couldn't be around too many people, and this was one of the days.

       However, both Atticus and Alan were on the stage and that was almost enough to make up for Nolan not being at this show.

       I didn't know what was up with the Jeromans shipping Atticalan, but it was really amusing, especially with Atticus and Alan playing along, and Orchid getting annoyed.

       After the show, then the meet and greet, we all headed back to the tour bus so we could head to the next stop. Orchid was playing with Kingsley, and Nolan was napping on the seat beside Orchid.

       He always looked adorable when he sleeps.

       Orchid scooted over so I could sit down beside Nolan. I nudged him awake and he looked over at me, rubbing his eyes. "How was the show?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

       "It was great," I said. "They missed you. They understand why you couldn't make the show, but they still missed you."

       "I feel bad," Nolan said. "I'm not even a vlogger, and they were all looking forward to meeting me."

       "Don't feel bad," I said. "You're mental health is a lot more important." I kissed his forehead and he smiled slightly before hugging me tighter.

       Since the tour bus had to head off, Orchid had to get off of the bus and go in the car with Atticus and Alan so she handed Kingsley over to me.

       Though Kingsley then immediately held his arms out for Nolan.

       I never cared that Kingsley had a stronger connection with Nolan. Kingsley helped keep Nolan stable, and that was all that I wanted with Nolan.

       It was pretty late and Nolan looked like he was about to fall asleep, so I told him to go to sleep in the bedroom. He nodded and gave me a quick kiss before he got up with Kingsley and headed into the bedroom.

       "I still don't get why a baby is allowed on the tour bus," Dirk said, mainly to his friends but loud enough so I heard.

       "Why not?" I asked. "You're allowed on and all you seem to do is whine when you don't get your way."

       "I do not," Dirk said.

       "You kind of do," Millie said. "You've been whining almost every single day how Nolan and his siblings were allowed on the tour but Cheryl isn't."

       "That's because Cheryl is my wife, and she vlogs too," Dirk said. "Yet, she wasn't even asked to join the tour. Something for people on VidGalore."

       "Uh, don't you want watch Jerome's vlogs?" Millie asked. "I mean, I assume you do because you seem to be obsessed with him. Nolan is on VidGalore, so are his siblings. Sure, they don't have their own channel, but they have been in Jerome's vlogs, therefore they are on VidGalore."

       I didn't even know why Dirk tried arguing with me and my friends. We were always able to shut him down, yet he kept trying.

       It was actually quite amusing.

       And it was also fun watching him get mad once he got shut down.

       However, this time, I was too tired to argue with Dirk right now, so I headed off into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I was really glad Lucy let me and Nolan have the bedroom at the back of the tour bus. Everyone had to suffer with a loft bed, and we got a regular bed, and our own private space.

       We still had to share a washroom with everyone else so that sucked.

       I got changed into my pajamas before climbing into the bed beside Nolan, who had Kingsley sleeping on his chest. "Was everything okay with you staying behind?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Nolan said. "I basically napped the whole time. No panic attack. I know I said that panic attack was a one time thing, but...."

       "Nolan, there's nothing wrong with it," I said. "It's normal for some people, and you don't have to lie and say it's a one time thing. I especially don't want you to pretend it's never going to happen when there's a chance it will."

       Nolan sighed. "I'm pretending because I don't want it to happen. It came out of nowhere last time, and I'm worried it will come out of nowhere again."

       "Then take things easy," I said. "We're almost home anyway. We have one stop left before we head home, and we'll take things easy."

       "Yes, then I have to head to school again soon," Nolan said.

       "Not for another two months," I said. "And you don't have to if you don't want to. School shouldn't be your first priority, especially with your health."

       "It's going to take a long time for me to get a degree then," Nolan said.

       "And? Again, there's nothing wrong with it," I said. "We'll talk things out more when we get home, okay? If you want to go to school. If not, don't. It's all your choice in the end."


Dirk gets flamed too easily and I love it.

It's the best when Nolan flames him lol.

Aaaaaand now, I have to go wash the dishes. Yay. :/

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