Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


       The last stop of the tour had arrived, and I was determined to make it to the show and the meet and greet, no matter how anxious or worried I was feeling.

       I really did love being on the tour and meeting Jerome's fans, no matter how much pressure it was putting on me. 

       At least we would be home soon, and I probably wasn't even going to leave the house for a long time, and I probably wasn't even going to go to school for the autumn term. Or if I did, I would take one class.

       I did have a son after all, and it was tough enough for me the first time I was a dad while taking classes at university.

       "Nolan, I'm serious," Jerome said. "If you're not feeling good, you don't have to force yourself to go."

       "I'm not forcing myself to go," I said. "I actually want to go, and if it feels too much I'll go backstage or something. Now stop treating me like I'm helpless."

       "I'm not. I'm being caring. Because I love you."

       "I'm tired."



       Jerome gave me a weird look. "Sometimes with the random things you say, I swear you secretly drink and get drunk."

        "That's hurtful. How could you ever think I would do something so out of character?"

        "Uh, probably because you actually drank before and got drunk. And I'm kind of upset I didn't get to see it because Alan said you were such an adorable drunk."

       "I'm always adorable."

       "You know, everyone says you're the only one in the Prince family who didn't get the arrogance, but I think it's quite clear that you actually did get the Prince arr--"



       "I'm sassy, not arrogant. There's a huge difference."

       "Not really."

       "Shush, there is. Now we should get ready and head down to the venue."

       "Are you sure you want to go?"

       "No, that's why I'm saying that we need to get ready to go."

       "One day. Just one say I need you to lay off the sass."

       Jerome was hilarious. Me, lay off the sass? That was very much impossible.

       Jerome and I got ready before heading down to the venue, with Atticus, Alan, Orchid, and Kingsley. Orchid was going to stay backstage with Kingsley during this show.

       Alan tried offering to watch her during this show, but she was totally fine watching Kingsley once again while Alan and Atticus joined the show. I knew she actually liked seeing the bromance between her boyfriend and her brother, as well as the fans' reaction.

       They ended up going crazy during the show, especially because of the questions people were purposefully asking just to get more Atticalan moments.

       I was happy I was able to make it through the show without feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable. Same with the meet and greet. I was really glad it didn't happen at all, because I didn't want to miss yet another show. The last show of the tour.

       After the meet and greet was over, a lot of us just stayed at the venue for a bit, even the fans who bought meet and greet passes. They were allowed to just stay while waiting for a ride back home, or stay and talk to each other.

       "So, no panic attack?" Jerome asked.

       "No panic attack," I said. "One doesn't even feel close to coming, so we're all good."

       "You will tell me if you feel like you're getting one, right?" I asked.

       "Of course," I said. "Though don't get mad if I don't, because they come out of nowhere sometimes, and I might not even feel it coming. It's just, boom, there."

       "Don't worry," Jerome said, pulling me into a hug. "I'll never get mad at you. I love you too much."

       "I love you too."

       Famous last words.

       It came out of nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. One minute, Jerome and I were just hugging and the next, a loud BANG filled the air and was followed by a sudden force that pushed both me and Jerome to the ground, as well as people in the room screaming.

       My head hit the floor, and I felt a bit dizzy as I sat up, only to see Jerome laying beside me unconscious with red liquid seeping through his shirt.

       I didn't know how my brain was able to register what happened, but three words kept flashing through my brain.

       He was shot.

       "Jerome," I said, cupping his face in my hands, but he was unresponsive. "Jerome, you have to wake up. Come on, wake up."

       Atticus was the first one to come to Jerome's side, and he was followed by Dirk and Alan. Alan had to hold me back because I was freaking out and just getting in the way.

       I had to watch helplessly as my husband was laying unconscious on the floor with a gunshot wound to his side. I could already feel my breathing becoming harder and harder while tears were streaming down my cheeks.

       Jerome was the only person I could be around without feeling like having a meltdown. I couldn't even be around my own family if Jerome wasn't near. I loved him so much and I didn't know what I would do without him.

       "He's going to be okay," Alan assured me. 

       I shook my head, just staring at the blood that Atticus and Dirk were both trying to stop. I could lose him. I could lose my husband, and there would be no way I could cope. I'd have to raise Kingsley all alone.

       I needed Jerome in my life so bad. We had been together for years, and he was the one person I could trust with everything. He was the one person that could always make me laugh when I feel sad.

       He was the one and only person I could ever be in love. If I lost him, I didn't know what I would do.


I'm really sorry to end it right here. I wanted to add more, but I really need to lay in bed because my leg and arm is so sore for who knows what reason.


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