Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


       "Nolan, seriously, you have to get up so I can go to the store," Jerome said.

       "No," I said, wrapping my arms tighter around my husband. I had to admit, there were times I was indeed a clingy person and right now, I was feeling very clingy to him. It wasn't my fault I was in a cuddly mood and didn't want him to go to the store without me.

       And I was too lazy to actually leave the house to go with him.

       "Nolan, seriously, I love you, but I really need to get more groceries," Jerome said. "I'll tell you what. If you let me go, I'll pick up something for dinner. What about pizza? With lots of spicy toppings?"

       "No, don't do that," I said. "That's my favourite."

       "I know," Jerome said. "That's why I said that, so you'll let me go. It's either you let me go and I'll get pizza, or you continue doing this and I don't get pizza?"

       "So in other words, I have to choose between you and pizza?" I asked. "Because I can always call to get the pizza delivered."

       Jerome sighed. "Great."

       "I'm kidding," I said, kissing his cheek before finally releasing him. "You know I hate calling people anyway."

       "I'm finally free," Jerome said as he got up from the couch.

       "Don't be mean to me."

       "I'm kidding," he said, leaning down to give me a quick kiss. "Anything specific you want me to buy?"


       "I said specific."

       "I just want food."

       "Well, alright." Jerome picked up Kingsley, who was laying on the floor. "And you are coming with me."

       Kingsley just smiled, and then laughed a tiny bit. He was such a happy baby, and I couldn't help but think how perfect he was for me and Jerome. No matter who our kid was, I would have loved, but the fact that Kingsley rarely cried made things so much easier on me.

       Jerome got Kingsley ready and right as they were about to leave, someone rang the doorbell. Jerome opened the door and let whoever was at the door inside before he left with Kingsley to go to the store.

       Alan walked into the living room. "Hey," he said. "I need some brotherly advice. But first, I need to raid your kitchen."

       "Go ahead," I said. "But Jerome just went to the store to buy more groceries since we're close to running out, so we don't have much to choose from. While you're in there, can you get me a can of Diet Coke?"

       "Depends," Alan said. "Is it caffeine free?"

       "I wouldn't ask for you to get me one if it wasn't caffeine free," I pointed out.

       "True, true," Alan said. "Got any ice cream? I need to drown away my sorrows."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

       "That didn't answer my question."

       "I don't know. You'll have to check the fridge freezer. Orchid came over a few days ago and ate some, and I can't remember if she ate it all."

       Alan did, and there was still a tub of ice cream left, so he grabbed that, then grabbed a spoon and a can of Diet Coke before walking to the living room. He handed me the can, and then flopped down on the couch.

       "So is everything okay?" I asked.

       "No," Alan said. "That's why I'm drowning my sorrows in ice cream."

       "So....Did you come over here just to eat my food? Or actually come for the brotherly advice like you said you did?"

       Alan shrugged, looking down at the tub of ice cream before taking a bite out of it. "I don't want to be judged."

       "Uh, Alan, I'm pretty sure I'm the less likely person to ever judge someone," I said. "You know, unless they're rude to me and pretty much asking me to flame them. But you, my own brother, I wouldn't judge, especially if you need someone to talk to."

       Alan sighed and leaned back into the couch. "I went to a party."

       I waited for him to keep talking, but he didn't. "And? Come on, that can't be it. Dad basically encourages us to go to parties. He was happy when I went to my first party when I was only fifteen."

       "I, uh....shared a kiss with someone I really shouldn't have."

       "....If it was Trixie, you can forget the brotherly advice. No, actually, here's some advice: Shovel her. No, wait, I'll shovel her."

       "Relax, Nolan, it wasn't Trixie," Alan said. "What I'm about to tell you is completely confidential, and you can't tell a single soul. Not even Jerome."

       "But I'm a horrible liar. And I can't keep secrets from him."

       "Okay, fine, if you tell him, you have to make sure he doesn't tell anyone or I'm blaming you and I'm not talking to you ever again."

       "Don't worry, he can keep secrets, and he's an excellent liar. So?"

       "Just....keep in mind that the both of us were drunk," Alan said. "Yeah, also don't tell anyone we were drunk or else I'm telling everyone you got drunk once."

       "You mean a year ago?" I asked. "And stop changing the subject. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but if you are, stop stalling."



       "It was Atticus."

       When my brain actually processed what he said, I couldn't even understand. "W-wait," I said. "You and Atticus....kissed? I'm sorry, my brain can't compute."

       "There's more."


       "Remember how I'm constantly saying I'm the only triplet who likes girls?"


       "Well, that's still true. But on top of that, all three triplets likes boys."

       "....You're bisexual?"

       Alan hesitated before nodding. "Yeah. And...."

       "And? It's just news after news with you."

       Alan sighed. "And I have a tiny crush on Atticus. Of course, it's not big enough to do something about it, especially since he and Orchid are clearly getting back together soon. He was moping basically the whole time we were at the party and kept saying how much he misses her."

       "Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?" I asked. 'About you being bisexual?"

       "I don't know," Alan said. "It took me such a long time to accept it, and I'm worried about what Mom and Dad will say."

       "You''re kidding, right?" I asked. "You're worried about what Mom and Dad would say about you being bisexual, when they have a gay son and didn't once say or think negatively about it?"

       "It's different."

       "Not really. It's still part of the LGBT community. You like both guys and girls, right? Let me put it this way. They're going to accept you being with a girl because that's a straight couple. Pretty 'normal'. And they're going to accept you being with a guy because they already accept me, and I'm married to a guy. A pretty attractive one, if I do say so myself."

       "Dude, don't make this about Jerome."

       "What I'm trying to say is of course Mom and Dad will accept you. They'll accept whoever their children turn out to be. You don't have to tell them right away, of course, because it all depends if you're ready or not. But just know that you have nothing to be afraid of."

       "I know," Alan said. "Thanks. I knew I made the right decision talking to you about it. Just....promise that the only thing you won't tell Jerome is my crush on Atticus. That, I only want you to know."

       "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," I said. "You know, unless someone directly asks if you have a crush on Atticus. Which they won't, so your secret is actually safe with me."


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Attichid who? I only know of Atticalan? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Who's the master of plot twists? Me, that's who. jk jk (kind of)

But yay for brotherly advice.

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