Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


       "I feel like you're hiding something from me," I said to Nolan while we were eating dinner in the living room. We rarely ate at the dining room table, mainly because Kingsley couldn't sit up by himself quite yet. He was close, but not close enough to sit in a high chair, so he always was on his playmat while Nolan and I sat on the couch to watch him.

       The only time we sat in the dining room was when Kingsley was napping.

       "Why would you ever think that?" Nolan asked.

       "I'm your husband, Nolan," I said. "We've been together for five years. I can tell when you're hiding something from me. You're always just so secretive, like you have been for the past few days."

       "I have no idea what you're talking about," Nolan said.

       "Well, don't you have play poker, because it's obvious you're lying," I said. "So, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

       "Oh, yeah," Nolan said. "It has nothing to do with me, don't worry. I'd actually tell you, but since it doesn't involve me, I'm not telling."

       "But now I'm curious," I said. "Can't you tell me?"

       "Well....I technically can," Nolan said. "But I'd rather not be the one to tell you. You'd understand a lot more once you actually find out what's going on."

       I said. "Fine." Though that didn't make me any less curious. If anything, it made me even more curious.

       "I do want to tell you, because I hate keeping things from you," Nolan said. "And Alan did say I can tell you, but...."

       "Alan?" I interrupted. "It has to do with Alan? So, if I call him and ask, he'll tell me?"

       Nolan shrugged. "You can try, but I wouldn't if I were you. Just wait for a few days. Everything will make sense soon. I'm just afraid if I tell you what's going on, I'll end up telling you the thing Alan wants only me to know."

       I sighed. "You're just making things a whole lot more confusing. Ooh, I know. If I guess, you won't be able to lie if I get it right....Actually, forget that. I can't guess, because I have not even the slightest clue what's happening. Can I get a hint?"


       "Damn," I muttered, right as the doorbell rang. 

       "Ooh, that's probably my family," Nolan said.

       "Since when were they coming over?" I asked.

       "Since my dad made a cake, and I told him I wanted some, but he said that will only happen if they come over," Nolan said. 

       "Ooh, cake," I said before placing my plate on the coffee table, then getting up to answer the door, and it was indeed the Princes. Well, most of them. Ryder, Mae, and the twins were the only ones not included.

       I was tempted to ask Alan what the secret was Nolan was keeping, but I wasn't going to with everyone else around.

       "I want to see my grandson," Grayson said as I let the Princes inside. "I miss holding babies. Flower, we need more kids."

       "More? You already have eight," Orchid said.

       "You can never have too much," Grayson said. "We're creating life, Flower. It's a beautiful thing."

       Poppy sighed. "Just go play with Kingsley."

       "Don't mind if I do," Grayson said, heading to the kitchen to put the cake on the counter before going to the living room and picking up Kingsley.

       Nolan didn't even finish his dinner before getting a slice of the cake, which wasn't shocking at all. I told him he should wait until he finished his dinner, but he told me to go away and just deal with it.

       "How are you feeling?" I asked Orchid, and she just shrugged. A few days ago, she told me that Atticus actually packed up most of his things from their apartment and moved out, so she was really worried they weren't going to get back together.

       I just wished there was something I could do, because I didn't like seeing my sister-in-law this sad.

       "Yeah, are you okay, Orchid?" Poppy asked. "I couldn't help but notice how sad you looked when you came over."

       "I'm fine," Orchid said. "Just....a bit of drama going on."

       "You do know you can talk to me and your father whenever you need someone to talk to, right?" Poppy asked.

       "I know," Orchid said. "Don't worry, I'm figuring things out."

       As she said that, I couldn't help but noticed the expression on Alan's face. He kind of looked guilty for some reason. I had no idea why, but I guessed it had to do with the thing Nolan was keeping from me.

       And speaking of Nolan, he was too busy consuming the cake to take part in his family's conversation. In fact, he finished the cake slice in less than two minutes. "Seriously?" I asked.

       "What? It was good and I was hungry," Nolan said.

       "If you were that hungry, you could have finished your dinner," I said.

       "Forget that," Nolan said. 

       "You still should have eaten the rest of your dinner first."

       "I don't care. I'm gay."

       "Every single time," I said. "I just don't get it." That was always Nolan's argument against me, and I never understood what him being gay had to do with anything we were arguing about.

       "He does it to everyone, even his own parents," Poppy said. "When he was living at home, I told him to clean his room, and he told me he couldn't because he's gay."

       "What's right is right," Nolan said. "Nah, I actually couldn't clean it, because it was Alan's mess not mine."

       Alan wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, but he heard his name and all he said was, "Hmm?"

      "You okay, Alan?" Poppy said. "Seriously, both you and Orchid have been acting so weird recently."

       "Yeah, why have you been acting weird?" Orchid asked Alan.

       "I could ask you the same thing," Alan said. "Even though I know."

       "Exactly," Orchid said. "You know what's going on with me, so why haven't you told me what's going on with you?" She then looked over at Nolan. "Do you know?"

       Nolan snorted. "Me? Of course not."

       Poor little thing, being unable to lie.

       "Alan, you told Nolan and not me?" Orchid asked. "I'm insulted."

       "Well, sorry, but it's something I only want Nolan to know right now," Alan said. "And Jerome."

       "Except Nolan refuses to tell me," I said.


       "Yeah. He keeps saying it will make sense once I know, but he'd rather not be the one to say."

       "Oh, wow, thanks Nolan," Alan said. "That actually means a lot."

       "I want to know what this secret is," Grayson said. "Tell me, son."

       "No," Alan said. "I mean, not now. I just.....need a bit more time to figure things out."

       "Are you gay?"

       "What? No. I've had a girlfriend, Dad."

       "Yes, and there are plenty of gay guys who've had girlfriends."

       "I'm not gay. And why would you think I am?"

       "Just your choice of words. You know it's fine if you are gay, right?"

       "Grayson, I think if he said he's not gay, then he's not gay," Poppy said. "And I'm also sure if he was, he would come out since we already have a gay son."

       "Exactly, thank you, Mom," Alan said.

       "Alright, fine," Grayson said. "I'd still like to know what's going on."

       "I've been missing Trixie a whole lot," Alan said. "I think I might get back together with her."

       "No," Grayson said. "Absolutely not. I mean, it's your choice, but get it in your brain that nobody likes her."

       "You know what? You're right," Alan said. "Thanks, Dad. I needed that."

       Something told me that wasn't what was really on Alan's mind, and he only said that as a diversion to what really was going on.

       Now I was even more curious.


Same, Jerome, same.

jk jk i already know what it is lol.

But can we just appreciate Nolan's arguments? Always so valid. Nobody could win an argument against him.

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