Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


       After I finished taking Blizzard and Snowball for a walk, I expected Nolan to be fast asleep on the couch like almost every day I returned home. He loved his naps a lot since he wasn't about to sleep much during the night.

       However, as soon as I got home, I took off Blizzard and Snowball's leash and headed to the living room where Nolan wasn't sleeping for once. Instead, he was playing with Kingsley on the floor, both of them having a smile on their face.

       It was really nice seeing Nolan smile and being himself. He had been under so much stress for no reason whatsoever.

       That was what anxiety and adjustment disorder do to someone.

       "Hey," I said, kneeling down beside Nolan. "You seem a lot better today."

       "Probably because it's almost Halloween, so my dark soul is rising and will be accepted."

       "Uh... What?"

       "I'm kidding," Nolan said. "I want to show you something. Go sit across from me."

       "Yes, sir," I said, sitting across from Nolan.

       Nolan picked Kingsley up and set him down on his hands and knees so he was facing me. "Alright, Kingsley. Go to Papa."

       Kingsley babbled a bit, looking over at me before flopping down onto his belly, then laughing.

       "Wow, so cool," I said.

       "That wasn't it. And don't give me sass because I can easily out-sass you."

       That was true. I really had to be careful about what I said to Nolan if I didn't want to become his next victim.

       "Okay, then what do you want to show me?" I asked.

       Nolan picked up Kingsley and set him back on his hand and knees. Nolan than tossed me Kingsley's favourite toy; a stuffed otter. Any child of a Prince had to be obsessed with otters. It was only natural.

       Kingsley spotted the otter, then slowly crawled his way over to me. He smiled and reached for the otter, so I picked him up and sat him on my lap and he immediately grabbed the otter.

       Before biting it.

       I swear, he was spending way too much time with Snowball and Blizzard considering he was biting all of his toys. And blankets. And pillows. One once he bit the leg of the coffee table.

       "When did this happen?" I asked.

       "Shortly after you left to take the dogs on a walk," Nolan said. "He was playing on the ground and when he saw me on the couch, he crawled over because he loves me more than you."

       "Wow, okay Mr. Arrogant."

       "Mr. Sass."

       "Whatever your name is, he loves us equally."

       "If that's what helps you sleep at night, then sure. Keep thinking that."

       I chuckled. I only knew Nolan was kidding. He sure loved to tease me and push my buttons. He loved pushing everyone's buttons, but only because he knew they wouldn't say anything back to him.

       Kingsley stopped chewing on his stuffed otter and looked over at Nolan. He then reached his arm out. "Da! Da!"

       "See?" Nolan said, holding out his arms, which caused Kingsley to get all excited. "He loves me more."

       I rolled my eyes and set Kingsley on the ground, and he immediately crawled over to Nolan. As soon as Nolan picked him up, Kingsley gave him a hug. "Da!"

       Honestly, I didn't even care if Kingsley was closer to Nolan than he was to me. Our son definitely gave Nolan a reason to smile throughout the day, and that was all I ever wanted for my husband.

       I moved from my spot and knelt down beside Nolan. "You are such an amazing dad," I said, resting my hand on his shoulder. "Don't you ever forget that."

       "I won't," Nolan said, giving me a small smile. "Thank you."

       I smiled back and gave him a kiss before standing up. "So, what do you want for dinner?"


       "Okay, but I need you to be specific."

       "Food that tastes good and goes in my belly."

       "I never know why I bother with you at times," I said. "Well, I'm too lazy to cook something, and you're too lazy in general, so ordering in it is. Pizza? Chinese food? KFC?"

       "Don't give me options. I can never choose. They all sound good and I want them all."

       "Okay, I'll order them all."

       "What? No, don't do that. You choose something."

       "Last time I chose something, you got made at me for making the wrong choice."

       "Then don't make the wrong choice this time."

       "So, what's the right choice?"

       Nolan shrugged. "I don't know. I'll know after I see the food in front of me and if that's what I really feel like eating today. If not, then do you really know me?"

       I sighed. Great. I might make the wrong choice and have him mad at me, just for ordering food and because he couldn't decide on what food to order.

       Last time, I ordered KFC and that, apparently, was the wrong choice even though he ate more than half of the order. This time, I was going to go with Chinese food and hope for the best.

       After placing the order, I sat down on the couch. Nolan placed Kingsley on the floor before sitting on the couch beside me. "So, Orchid told me that the college is hosting some kind of Halloween event for the neighbourhood," Nolan said. "Anyone can go, and they're going to be showing a movie on the side of one of the buildings, and they have costume contests. Want to go with Kingsley?"

       "Yeah, that sounds fun," I said. "Kingsley, unfortunately, is too young for trick or treating, which sucks because I was going to use him to get free candy."

       "Of course you were," Nolan said.

       "Hey, you were going to do the same thing," I said. "Don't bother denying it."

       "Uh, hello? Have you met me? Food is good. Free food is even better. Now all we need are costumes for Halloween. I'm horrible at choosing."

       "Yeah, I know," I said. "Remember last year? You were going to go as a trash can before I chose something better for you. Don't worry, we'll think of something."


Lol hopefully. I'm horrible at choosing costumes.


But yay it's almost Halloween. I have a lot of Halloween movies recorded, so I'm going to watch them all that day since I can't get free candy. Though, when I move out, anyone who comes to my door dressed up gets free candy. Idc how old you are. You wear a costume, you get candy.

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