Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


       As much as I didn't want to leave the house, Jerome said he really wanted us to go out somewhere and me staying in the house all the time was only going to make things a lot worse.

       It already was starting. It took me so long to finally get out of my room, even though I was all ready to go.

       Jerome didn't tell me where we were going, and I was kind of hoping we were going somewhere to eat.

       We weren't.

       As soon as he pulled into the parking lot of a very familiar place, I looked over at Jerome. "No," I said. "No, I told you I didn't want to come here."

       "Yeah, and everybody agreed that it would be best for you to get a check up," Jerome said. "You might not want to, but it's going to be what's best for you, so I called and made an appointment."

       "I'm pretty sure I know what's best for myself," I said.

       "Really?" Jerome asked. "Because at times, it doesn't seem like it. You're making yourself suffer, Nolan. There's so much you can do, but you're refusing to do it because you're too stubborn."

       "I am not stubborn."

       "Oh, my bad. I must have confused you're willingness to do the complete opposite of things people suggest you to do for something else. Look, I'm not saying you absolutely have to do whatever your doctor suggests, but at least take it in consideration."

       "Sure thing," I said sarcastically before taking off my seat belt to get out of the car.

       "Do you want me to come in with you?" Jerome asked.

       "Nope," I said, getting out of the car. "You've done more than enough."

       I slammed the car door shut before heading into the doctor's office. I still couldn't believe Jerome called and made an appointment without telling me, especially when I made it pretty clear that I didn't want a doctor's appointment.

       When I got inside, I told the receptionist I was here. I then sat down and waited for it to be my turn. Part of me was tempted to just leave right now but unfortunately, I was the laziest person ever and I didn't want to get up once I was sitting down.

       I thought Jerome was going to come inside the office anyway even when I told him not to, but he didn't. 

       So the one time I actually didn't want him to listen to me, he decided to.

       The receptionist soon called my name, then led me into one of the rooms and told me that the doctor, Dr. Shay, would be in there shortly.

       She soon walked into the room, giving me a small smile. "So, I understand you weren't too keen on coming here today," she said as she sat down across from me. 

       "It won't change anything," I said.

       "That's because it seems like you're trying so hard not to let it change anything," Dr. Shay said. "And I know how much you hate taking medication, so let's discuss some other options you can take."

       "Like what?" I asked. "Therapy where I'd have to talk to people I don't know?"

       Dr. Shay sighed. "Doing nothing won't help either. Look, I know a really good therapist that will definitely be able to help you, and if you're in one of your phases where you can't leave the house, she does do phone sessions so you just have to call her to tell her you won't be able to make it in person and she'll do the therapy session over the phone."

       "Do I have a choice?"

       "Yes, you do. All the things I've been telling you are only suggestions. You don't have to take them, but they will help." She reached for a pen and a pad of paper on the table and started writing on it. "This is the therapists contact information just in case. Do you still have some medication left from your last prescription?"


       "And again, I know you don't like it, but would you like a refill?"

       I sighed. "Not really no. But it has been helping more than if I wouldn't be on it."

       Dr. Shay ripped the paper off of the pad and handed it to me. "You don't have to do therapy if you don't want to, but this is just in case," she said. "Because honestly, I don't know any other options for you. If you want my advice, I say you give it a shot."

       She asked me some questions about how I had been feeling recently, and I only knew what she was, yet again, going to tell me.


       When the appointment ended, I left the office and headed outside to the car. Once I got in, I didn't even wait for Jerome to ask how it went before asking, "Why didn't you come in with me?"

       "Uh, because if I recall, you made it clear that you didn't want me to come in with you," Jerome said.

       "Yeah, and I also made it pretty clear that I didn't want a doctor's appointment, but that didn't stop you from making one for me anyway," I said.

       "And I wouldn't have made the appointment if I wasn't worried about you," Jerome said. "I'm just as scared as you are going through this. I love you so much and I don't want to see you get hurt again. And you can say you won't get hurt as much as you want, but we never know what will happen."

       "...You still could have came into the office."

       Jerome leaned over in the car and pulled me into a hug. "I'm really sorry you're still going through all of this," he said. "And I'm sorry if it seems like I'm a bit too pushy at times, but it's only because I want what's best for you."

       "I know," I said, hugging him back tightly. "And I know I'm stubborn but I... I just don't know if anything will work anymore."

       "You never know if you want try," Jerome said. "So please, just give whatever your doctor suggested a try."


Aww, my baby Nolan. <3 

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