Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


       Once I pulled into the parking lot, Nolan shrank further into his seat. "Don't bail out now," I said. "It's going to do you some good."

       Nolan sighed. "I know. I just wish you could go in with me."

       "And trust me, I wish I could, but this is something you have to do on your own," I said. "When you finish, I'll be right here to pick you up. With some food as well."

       "Okay," Nolan said. He took off his seat belt and opened the car door to head to his first therapy session but before he did, he leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Thank you. For wanting what's best for me and helping me out even when I can be very stubborn at times."

       "Well, that's because I love you," I said. "I'll do anything for you."

       Nolan smiled softly. "I love you too. I also love Wendy's, so any chance you can bring some of that afterwards?"

       I chuckled. "Of course."

       Nolan gave me another kiss before leaving the car and heading into the building for therapy. Once he was inside the building, I pulled out of the parking lot before heading to Rose's school. Grayson was stuck at work and Poppy had a doctor's appointment she had to go to, so she called and asked if I could pick up Rose and Tulip.

       And of course I agreed because that meant I had the opportunity to embarrass my sister-in-law in front of her future boyfriend.

       When I got to Rose's school, I got out of the car and took Kingsley out of the car seat and placed him on the floor. He was just starting to walk and he could walk for a while if he was holding onto something, like my hand.

       Unfortunately, he was a very slow walker and liked to randomly stop and stand still before babbling nonsense, then continue walking.

       In the end, I had to pick Kingsley up and walk the rest of the way. I got to the outside of Rose's classroom right as the bell ring. The door opened up and the children started getting out. Rose, however, wasn't one of them.

       I walked over to the classroom and glanced inside, seeing the teacher talking to Rose. Of course she was in trouble. She was a Prince, after all. They sure had a knack for getting in trouble.

       When they were done talking, Rose headed towards the door and I could see the famous Prince smirk on her face. 

       She walked out the door and when she saw me, she gave me a hug. "You're picking me up?" she asked.

       "Yep," I said. "Because I am your favourite brother-in-law, right?"

       "You're my only brother-in-law," Rose pointed out.

       "Details, details," I said before I led her to my car. "So, what did you do to get in trouble?"

       "Nothing too bad," Rose said. "I just called one of my fellow classmates an imbecile for saying otters aren't as good as cats. Otters are the superior race."

       "I would disagree, but then Nolan would probably divorce me," I said.

       Rose got into the backseat and I placed Kingsley into his car seat. When they were both buckled up, I got into the driver's seat and drove to Tulip's school so I could embarrass her. Uh, I mean, pick her up.

       Tulip was by the front of the school, talking to her future boyfriend Xavier. I rolled down the window and leaned out slightly. "Hey, Tulip!" I called and she looked over at me. "I'm giving you a ride home, so stop talking to your boyfriend and get in the car!"

       "Jerome!" she said. "He's not my boyfriend! He's my friend!"

       "And he's a boy! Therefore, he's your boyfriend!"

       "I'm so close to claiming Jerlan to be a NOTP!"

       "Excuse you?! We're the best couple on this planet!"

       Tulip stuck her tongue out at me before saying something to Xavier, then walking towards the car. As soon as she got in the passenger's seat, she asked, "Do you have to embarrass me every time you pick me up or drop me off?"

       "Yes," I said. "Don't worry, it's not like I'm doing it every day. Your dad's at work and your mom had a doctor's appointment she couldn't get out of."

       "Oh, probably because she's pregnant again," Tulip said.

       "What?" I asked. "Seriously? How come Nolan and I weren't told about it?"

       "Because she hasn't told anyone yet," Tulip said. "I only know because I've figured out what the signs were after the times she was pregnant with Rose, William, and Lilac."

       "She has been craving pickles, right?" I asked.

       "Exactly," Tulip said. "And she throws up a lot. So my money is on her being pregnant. It wouldn't surprise me. They seem to like making babies."

       They clearly did, but all the Princes were amazing so the more the merrier.

       When I got to their house, I stayed with Tulip and Rose until Poppy showed up. I couldn't stay any longer because I had to head back out and get some Wendy's before picking up Nolan.

       I got to the therapist's office right as Nolan was walking out of the building. When he got into the passenger's seat, I handed him his Wendy's. "Here you go, as promised," I said. "So, how was it?"

       "It was... okay," Nolan said. "I do think it's going to work, I just... It's hard for me to talk about my personal life and my thoughts, so I'm just going to have to get used to it. But I'm definitely going to keep going."

       I smiled at Nolan. "That's great. I'm really happy you're giving it a shot, and I am sorry that I pressured you to go to the doctor's in the first place."

       "Don't be," Nolan said. "I was being stubborn and I needed the push. You did it because you don't want anything to happen to me, so thank you for looking out for me."


i shall keep this author's note short because i have a headache and just want to go to bed 

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