Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


       When Jerome told me the VidGalore convention was coming up, I was both excited and worried at the same time. I loved going there but it took me so long just to be able to leave the house. I had no idea if I would actually be able to go this year.

       Of course, I was going to go to the city it was taking place with Jerome because I wouldn't be able to handle the three days of being apart from each other, and if I wasn't able to actually attend it, I was just going to stay in the hotel.

       The therapy I was going felt like it was making a difference, but I didn't know if it would make a good enough difference in such a small amount of time for the VidGalore convention.

       At least I was enjoying the road trip and not sleeping through it like I did the past couple times I was a passenger in the car.

       I even stole Jerome's vlogging camera so I could entertain myself, and because I hadn't been in any of his videos for a long time. The Jeromans were always asking where I was, and of course, Dirk started even more rumours.

       What else was new?

       "Wow, look who's on the camera?" I said as soon as I started it up because I cold never hold back on the sass. "It certainly can't be me because apparently, Jerome and I got divorced again. How many times have we been divorced?"

       "Who knows?" Jerome said. "At least three times. Sometimes, people find out that we're getting a divorce before Nolan and I know."

       "By the way, if you hear something about me and Jerome through Dirk, they're lies," I said. "And if I'm ever not on Jerome's videos for a while, it has nothing to do with my and Jerome's relationship. It's a personal reason I'm not getting into. But anyway, I'm back in the videos for now and we're currently on our way to the VidGalore convention where, if I do go, I'll possibly throw up from seeing Dirk's face."

       "I'm cutting that part out," Jerome said.

       "No, we both know you're not," I said. "If he can lie and say we got a divorce, I can say that his face makes me throw up."

       "Well... Okay, true," Jerome said. "Continue vlogging and don't distract me while I drive."

       "I don't even know what else to say," I said. "I just wanted to make a small appearance since I haven't been on here for a while. You know what? I'm actually going to say why. Well, not the full story, but just the basics of it."

       "You sure?" Jerome asked.

       I nodded. I would feel comfortable telling the Jeromans the basic reason why there were times were I wasn't in any of Jerome's videos as long as I didn't go into too much depth. Besides, the Jeromans did care about me a lot, and it would only be fair to them so they didn't always worry about it and think of the worst case scenario.

       Or think Dirk was actually telling the truth.

       I looked back at the camera before saying, "So, I actually suffer from three mental disorders. Two of them kind of go hand in hand; anxiety and adjustment disorder. They're the reason I ended up joining the tour a few months ago because I couldn't handle being so far apart from my husband, especially when we've been together ever since I was fourteen. Because of my disorders, there are times where it's kind of like I shut down. I just don't want to be near anyone or even leave my house, and being on camera would just put too much pressure on me. So I stay away from the camera until I feel better. It's a struggle, but at least I have Jerome to help me get through it."

       Jerome smiled at me slightly before having to turn his attention back to the road. I really was lucky to have Jerome in my life. I honestly didn't know what I would do without him.

       After vlogging for a tiny bit longer, I turned of the camera then plugged my phone into the car stereo so we could listen to actual music instead of the crappy songs that was normally overplayed on the radio.

       Well, they weren't all crappy. Just to me. I was the type of person who liked the lyrics more than the beat.

       The car ride was just over two hours, and we surprisingly made the whole ride with Kingsley not even making a single fuss. Since the convention didn't even start until tomorrow, we were able to leave at any time, and we made sure to leave right after Kingsley was fed and had his diaper change so he wouldn't really need anything.

       He liked car rides, anyway. And by liking them, I meant sleeping peacefully through most of it.

       We got to the hotel where all the vloggers were staying for the convention and as soon as we walked in, I hypothetically threw up.

       It turned out we actually left at the worst time possible because Dirk and Cheryl were at the desk checking in right now.

       "Do you have a bag I can throw up in?" I asked.

       "No," Jerome said. "But trust me, I want to throw up too. You know, I thought he would have been done with the rumours after what happened at the end of the tour and he helped me out."

       "Well, I hate to admit it, but any decent human being will help out someone who is really injured, even if it's someone they don't particularly like," I said. "If he get hurt, I'd help him. Well, depending how much he got hurt and whether or not I was the one who hurt him. With my shovel."

       "You can't even hurt a fly, Nolan," Jerome said.

       "I can hurt spiders because they're evil," I said.

       "No, you can't, because you run away when you see a spider," Jerome said.

       Well... He wasn't wrong there. Spiders were terrifying.


Nolan speaks the truth about everything. (im biased because his opinions are always my opinions lol)

Welp I'm going to attempt to fall asleep, which probably won't happen until two because my dad is back to having his TV on way too loud, and it's usually until two in the morning. IT'S VIBRATING MY ROOM RIGHT NOW. DOES HE NOT REALIZE HOW LOUD IT IS??? Not only that but my brother has to wake up in less than four hours for work. My dad should CONSIDER THIS AND TURN IT DOWN.

I'll just cry myself to sleep hahahah.

Oh, speaking of crying, I'm going to be writing yet another AU bonus chapter for Jerlan, which will probably come in three parts, and it's going to rip your hearts out. OOPS. (but to kind of ease you, i'm telling you now there aren't any deaths)

OMG my dad turned the tv off and went to his room I'm going to bed now byeeeee

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