Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


       One thing I liked about being in university was that the professors did not care at all if you showed up late, didn't show up at all, or slept in class. Well, some did care about you sleeping in class but most didn't.

       My English professor definitely didn't care if anyone slept in class, which I was doing right now. I was extremely tired from not getting enough sleep at night, even though my class started at one in the morning.

       Having a baby definitely did not make my sleeping problem any easier.

       At least this term was almost over, and I wasn't going to be taking any summer classes.

       Both Orchid and Alan were in this class with me, so it wasn't like I was going to miss any vital information that I couldn't ask anyone, because I really being the first to spark a conversation.

       Orchid, Alan, and I made sure to take all the same electives, because we got so used to always having at least one class together. It would feel weird if we never had a class together ever again.

       Someone suddenly nudged me a wake, and I lifted my head off my desk to look at Alan. "Is class over?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Alan said. "You should really get some sleep at night."

       "Oh, definitely, let me just tell my son not to cry in the middle of the night because he's hungry or wants to cuddle," I said as I stood up and starting packing up my things. "Why didn't I think of that?"

       "Don't give me sass," Alan said.

       "I could do what I want," I said. "You telling me not to give you sass is also like you telling me to stop stealing Jerome's clothes. Never going to happen."

       Alan looked over at Orchid "Orchid, tell your brother to stop giving me sass," he said. "You're the mom triplet. He'll listen."

       "The mom triplet?" Orchid asked as we walked out of the classroom, then stood by the side.

       "Yeah, the one who acts like a mom and is the most responsible," Alan said.

       Orchid laughed. "Me? The most responsible? Yeah, I am responsible, but Nolan is the most responsible. And if he wants to give you sass, let him. You don't see me telling you to break up with Trixie."

       "I don't get it," Alan said. "Why does nobody in the family, aka the family of shippers, like my girlfriend?"

       "She's possessive," Orchid said.

       "And controlling," I said.

       "And annoying."

       "And horrible."

       "And selfish."

       "And that word that means female dog, and it could also mean whiny."

       "He means bitchy."

       "Yes, that."

       "Also, Grandpa and Tulip don't ship you two together, and that says something."

       "Oh, and there was the time she said gay people should rot in hell."

       "She was just joking," Alan said.

       "You're seriously taking her side over your brother's?" Orchid said. "She was not joking when she said that, and that's one of the many reasons why none of us like her."

       "You just aren't giving her a chance," Alan said.

       "You know, I'm starting to think you just like the idea of having a girlfriend," Orchid said. "She's horrible."

       I didn't even noticed Trixie walked over until I heard her say, "Wow, and here I was thinking you could be more mature and stop turning my boyfriend against me."

       Orchid looked over and instead of apologizing, she said, "How much of that did you hear?"

       "Just the sentence you said," Trixie said.

       "Oh, because I can say everything else if you want me to," Orchid said. "Basically, Nolan and I think you're selfish, annoying, controlling, poss--"

       "Knock it off, Orchid," Alan snapped.

       "Don't you two have anything better to do?" Trixie asked.

       "Actually, yes," I said. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go plan my trip to hell because apparently, that's where I belong."

       Trixie furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

       "Add a ditz onto the list," Orchid said to me and I nodded.

       "Seriously you two, knock it off," Alan said. "She didn't do anything to you."

       "Uh, did you not hear anything we said?" Orchid asked. "She said gay people belong in hell. Your brother is gay, and so is your brother-in-law!"

       "Oh, come on, I didn't mean it," Trixie said. "I was obviously joking."

       Orchid crossed her arms over her chest. "It seemed pretty convincing to me. And even if you were joking, that is not something to joke about. The LGBT community already have to go through so much crap, and making a joke like that just proves how insensitive you are, yet another reason on the list of why us Princes can't stand you."

        "Orchid, come on, just stop talking to my girlfriend like this," Alan said. "You don't see me saying things like that to your boyfriend."

       "You mean my boyfriend who was constantly standing up for Nolan in high school?" Orchid asked. "My boyfriend who was really happy when Nolan asked if he wanted to be a groomsman for his and Jerome's wedding? My boyfriend who announced to the whole school that he was straight just to prove that sexuality shouldn't matter? My boyfriend who is walking over like so hot? Damn, I'm so lucky."

       Atticus walked over just then. "So, what are you all talking about?"

       "How I should stop pointing out why I don't like Trixie," Orchid said. "You agree with my whole family, minus Alan, right?"

       "Sorry, but my mom told me that if I don't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all," Atticus said.

       Orchid raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you start censoring your mouth?"

       "You're right," Atticus said before looking at Trixie. "I don't like you."

       "Great," Trixie said sarcastically. "Are you all just going to stand here attacking me?"

       "I'm not," I said. "I'm a lover, not a fighter."

       "He's just holding back." Orchid said. "Trixie, you're so lucky Nolan has manners because trust me, no one can handle his sass."

       Orchid was right. I held back most of the time but when I wanted to, I could completely destroy someone. I just chose not to, because Jerome told me I had to be a cinnamon roll instead.

       Trixie snorted. "Yeah, nice try."

       "No, he actually could," Alan said. "He really shouldn't because you haven't done anything wrong, but if he could really burn someone if he chooses to." 

       I just gave Trixie my most innocent smile. She really did not know how much I was holding back.

       What I didn't get was why Alan didn't see what kind of person Trixie was. She was way too controlling and possessive of Alan, and she said a lot of harsh things to us Princes. But, you know, she was never serious. She was just joking.

       She was the true joke.


Ooh, drama is here. :O I kind of want to let Nolan go off, because when he's a savage IT BURNS.

I'll save that for later. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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