Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


       There was no better way to throw shade at Dirk than to collaborate with two vloggers on VidGalore who also hated Dirk and would be willing to throw shade at him as well.

       Millie and Fitz were two vloggers Nolan and I met at a VidGalore convention a while ago, and they weren't particularly fond of Dirk. They were both getting tired of Dirk constantly spreading rumours about everyone.

       Our mutual hatred for Dirk bonded us and made us collaborate all the time so we could throw shade at Dirk together.

       Millie and Fitz were over at my house right now so we could make videos for both my channel and their channel. On my channel, Millie and I were going to be doing the Gummy Food vs. Real Food Challenge and we had no idea what to expect. Fitz was the one who got everything together and he refused to tell us what food he chose.

       Nolan, for some reason, decided to nap on the couch with Kingsley even though I told him we were going to be filming in the kitchen. He told me he was too lazy to walk all the way upstairs, so I just hoped he would be able to sleep through it all.

       Once everything was set up and Millie, Fitz, and I were standing behind the counter, I made the camera start recording. "What's up, Jeromans?" I said. "So, I am back here today with two very special guests; Millie and Fitz."

      "Wait, Jerome, where's your son?" Millie asked. "Shouldn't you get him on camera since you adopted him for the views?"

       "I would, but he decided to take a nap right now," I said. "How dare he sleep when I only adopted him for the views? Anyway, today, Millie and I are going to be doing a highly requested challenge. We'll also be filming a video for Millie and Fitz's channel afterwards, so make sure you check that out. Today, we will be doing to Gummy Food vs. Real Food Challenge."

       "And there will be a lot of interesting foods they will be eating today," Fitz said.

       "Can't you give us just one hint of what we'll be eating?" Millie asked

      "Sure," Fitz said. "One thing you'll be eating is gummy food."

       "That doesn't help," Millie said.

       Fitz just shrugged before heading over to where the trays of food were placed in pairs. After Fitz placed them there, he got me and Millie to mix the pairs up so he wouldn't know which one was which and slightly favour Millie.

       We were both tempted to peek to see what was under the trays, but then it would ruin the whole video because we were supposed to be surprised.

       The challenge went pretty well. The gummy and real food was pretty much balanced between me and Millie, and there wasn't anything too crazy. The craziest one so had to be frog legs, but I've had them plenty of times and I was the one who got the real one.

       Both Nolan and Kingsley ended up waking up while we were still filming, so Nolan sat down at the counter beside the camera with Kingsley on his lap so he could watch.

       Fitz brought over the last two trays, placing one in front of me and the other in front of Millie. When we lifted up the trays, I saw what I thought was chicken on my tray. I looked over at Millie's tray to see what it really was.

       It was not chicken.

       "No way," I said. "I am not eating this."

       "I had to eat a really hot pepper," Millie pointed out.

       "And I'm pretty sure you'd take a really hot pepper over an alligator," I said. "No one is going to want to eat it."

       "I'll eat it," Nolan said.

       I raised my eyebrow and looked at my husband. "There's no way you'd eat alligator."

       Nolan got up from his seat and walked over to where I was, taking a piece of the fried alligator off the plate and biting into it. I never should have doubted him. If it was food, he'd eat it. "Tastes like chicken," he said.

      "You're unbelievable," I said.

       "What? It's food," Nolan said. "And I was hungry. Can I eat the whole plate?"

       "Go ahead," I said.

       "No, not yet," Millie said. "Jerome has to eat at least one piece."

       "I refuse to eat it," I said.

       "Don't be a wimp," Fitz said. "Nolan said it tastes like chicken. Would he lie to you?"

       I looked over at Nolan. "Would you?"

       "Uh, of course not," Nolan said. "And why would I lie about it when I said I want to eat all of that?"

       I sighed and picked up a piece of alligator. "If I die, make sure Kingsley knows how amazing his papa is."

       "Stop being so dramatic and eat that dang alligator," Millie said.

       I winced as I brought the alligator up to my mouth before hesitatingly biting into it. It really did taste like chicken.

       "Now was that so bad?" Millie asked.

       "Yes," I said, only to be even more dramatic.

       "Now can I eat this?" Nolan asked. "I'm hungry."

       "Go ahead," I said. "But that means I have to hold Kingsley. I need the views after all, since that was the only reason why we adopted him."

       Nolan handed Kingsley over to me and Nolan took the plate of alligator before going back to the spot he was sitting on.

       Since that was the last plate, I ended to video so Millie, Fitz, and I could make the video for their channel and throw even more shade at Dirk.

       Dirk really had to start realizing that messing with me included a value pack of severe burns, a lot of shade, and a complimentary bottle of aloe vera. 

       Too bad he was very small minded to even realize that, no matter how many times he would always try to make up ridiculous things about everyone.


Slay everyone SLAY. Kingsley is around a lot of savage people, which is probably one of the reasons why he becomes KingSLAY.

Ba dum tss.

Lol, I'm so lame, but that's what makes me amazing.

Ooh, good news. I AM NO LONGER WAITLISTED IN THE DRAWING CLASS AND I'M OFFICIALLY IN THAT CLASS. :D So I'm in two classes now and I only have to take one class in the summer to catch up. Thank you, dear school, for making my registration date be so late.

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