11) Is she staring at us

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"Really sorry"

"Last time Isha I am telling you "it's ok" now please stop this." Sid said.

"But really sorryer sorry-"

"It's ok" he shouted." Now I am going." And he quickly left us.

"Who give you this idea that if you say something multiple times you would succeed." Riya asked having a lazy look on her face.

She was right I was repeating those lines from half hour and I think I had made him more angry.

Bingo!! More progress.

"Kav give me this idea." I said. And find that there was a big question mark plastered on all of the three faces.

"Kavya I had told you about her." I added.

"Ya. So can you tell us what exactly she told you." Swati asked.



"....and then lots of sorryer sorry." I finished my whole day explanation.

"Um....you really had a bad luck." Kav said laughing in a very high pitch." And no one can do sorryer sorry because there is no word like sorryer so you can't be sorryer sorry."

"Done with your grammar."

"Ya so what do you want from me."

"Help me how can I tell him that I am more sorryer sorry than sorryer sorry."

"Ok but please don't say that word I can't.... control...my...self."

She was laughing.

She was laughing hard.

"Ok ok now tell me."

"What can I say....I think if you say him sorry 100 times then maybe..."

"...maybe he will become more irritated."

"There's no harm in trying."

"I think you are right."


"Sorryer " Nisha said laughing. " You are really cute."

Riya and Swati join her in laughing.

"Ok. That's enough now I want idea anyone has?" I asked them.

They all started looking here and there. That's bad very bad I want an idea. I was busy in my thoughts when I spotted a girl who is staring at us and the look in her eyes was... really unexplainable...but I am sure I am never going to give this look to anyone in my whole life.

Why is she staring at us.

I tried to ignore her and want to continue for thinking idea. The ideas are-

(1)Let's make a hulkbuster for my non-green hulk.

(2) get a magic wand from Hogwarts and make Sid forget that stuff.

(3) get a job in men in black and there would be no worry about Sid is happy or angry.

Ok last idea was not so nice I have to up 18 to join a secret government job.

"Why that thickhead staring at us." Riya asked.

"You know what I was too trying to find out a while ago." I said still busy in plans.

(4) we can also ask Sid to join men in black he will be happy too.

"Look what looks she is giving us." Swati said.

"Um..she is Saachi. The most annoying girl." Nisha said. " Ignore her she is mad. And we have work."

Ya she is right.

We started thinking and by the meaning of thinking we were just sitting all of us having our hands on our chin.

After long thinking of 10minutes

"Hey! See she is now staring Anurag." Riya said interrupting my idea on who is better spiderman or antman.

Ok ok I was here for thinking a plan for Sid but my slow brain was only providing those idiotic ideas so I decided to deal with my pending problems.

"Yes you are right she is staring him..but what a .......none-discrible look." Riya pointed out.

"Hmmm..... let's we have a little chat with Anurag." I said looking at Saachi. "What did you think?"



"Why not."

We reached near Anurag he was studing science. When we reached him he lifts his gaze towards our twinkling faces.

"Why are you four looking at me like my face has suddenly evolved into Chris Hemsworth." He said.

"No not Chris Hemsworth you can take Tom Holland." I said. "And he is also in high school."

"Ya he is also cool." He continued. "So now are you going to give me the reason."

Once again we started giving him those twinkling looks.
"You never told us about her." Swati said pointing towards Saachi.

"About whom-" that movement he saw to whom our fingers was pointing. "Oo that thickhead. What do you want to hear about her."

"Oo Anurag don't be a spoiler. See she was looking at you from God knows how many minutes." I said.

"Don't call that minutes change it with days." Riya interrupt.

"So what do you think?" I asked and we all raised our eyebrows.

"Don't be ridiculous Isha, she stares every second boy." He said giving us I-am-very-boring-person-and-I-hate-this-stuff look. "Go ask Sid he had even once slapped her."

"Oo why?" All the four of us asked at the same time.

"I don't know."

"Means one more question in the section we-will-ask-him-another-day." I said and watched Riya who has suddenly sat quietly.

We all including Anurag watched her for 48seconds, but as we all knows I can't take this.

"What's the matter" I asked.

"Did you remember we were here for a sorry plan." Riya said firmly.

"Yes a sorryer sorry plan what about it." Thinking back about my so-called-ideas.

I have one more idea.

(5) let's go Nepal and learn the technic of Doctor Strange's magic Sid will love this plan.

"What is sorryer didn't you know there is no wor-" he said laughing but we all ignore him and I give him my special look that I am using this day since I added the word sorryer to dictionary.

"I have a plan." She starts having a big yellow bulb in her mind. " See Sid likes Appy and chocolate the most. He buy those things daily. So if we give him a chocolate and apply with a sorry letter...."

"Sorryer sorry letter." I added.

".....then he must forgive us......the real forgiven forgive." She finished.

Nice plan.

Nicer plan than all my stuffs.

"Nice plan." I said."And we will do this on Saturday in games period."


Now Sid have to forgive me.
We just have to wait for Saturday.

That's all for now.

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