First Day Out Of Ten

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Rebellion's POV:

Sabine's POV:

Ezra sacrifice himself for all of us. I want to punch him so badly. When I saw the SS kiss Ezra my heart broke a little. Hera has asked me if I liked Ezra, but I never gave her a answer. I just left with a "never going to happen" look. He tried to impress me and I ditched him to the side. Now he could be dead, injured significantly, or a Sith-No Sabine you won't think like that not now.

Kanan walked in with Ashoka and they looked twice as worried as I was. Then, Hera came in with Zeb and Chopper. So this was a family meeting without one of the most important people.

"Commander Sato will give us the ships, men, power, fuel, and inside information as long as we do this only once. So we need the correct location or we can't save Ezra," Ashoka said grimly.

"I felt his force signature, but there are two other very powerful force wielders there which I believe is Vader. The empire hasn't broadcast anything about it so this is going to be a top secret, maximum security, force holder prison. That is hidden in either the mid rim or outer rim," said Kanan with a tone saying mess with me you are screwed big time.

"We sent 5 teams to some of the highest intel places in the empire hoping we get something. We will know tomorrow. As for us we are going on supply runs for more fuel, power cells, explosives, and any additional information or advances we can add to the ship. We are going in with only two other ships with only 5-15 people. So every life matters," Hera said with a bold look in her eyes and fire that is worried for Ezra and wants payback to who hurts him.

We nodded and began. We went to bed waiting to leave the next morning. But every time I closed my eyes I saw the SS kissing him or him being beaten. After seeing these images for 2 minutes or so, I saw when he first sacrificed himself. He was determined to keep me safe. He had passion for me and a better future. I didn't sleep I found 25 prisons that could hold him and they all were hidden pretty well. I won't let his sacrifice go to vain. At that moment, I realized I did love him cause if I didn't then I wouldn't be doing this. My last thought before I drifted into the forever oblivion was:
"I am so sorry Ezra."

Kanan's POV:

I am so worried, mad, and just feel like the worst master ever. We briefed Commander Sato and he feels sorry for Ezra. Zeb is furious. He wants to get the inquisitors and bucket heads so he destroy them. Hera regrets no being there, but she is staying calm for everything else. Sabine is staying in her room. Perfect. Ashoka and I went to my room and began the debrief Jedi style. (Bold Ashoka. Regular Kanan. What is Ezra? The main question🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. Also favorite food? Put in comments so it can be used. 🍟🍜🍚🍝🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🌮🍣🍣🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍔. You tell me)

"Ezra is the force, Kanan. There are no other options. We felt the force energy in him today. It was like your head splitting in two and we were light years away."

"Yes. I accepted it, but we felt also another powerful presence there. I think it is the other force one. Or another powerful Sith."

"It could be and that would explain the other files I found with the Sith Lord. We have to be ready to fight Vader and/or another Sith Lord."

"Ezra is the line between the light and dark. He was born there. It hard to get it wrapped around your head."

"Agreed. We will save him Kanan. I promise. Not just because he is a big important part in the rebellion, but also because he is a youngling, force sensitive, and a friend."

We bid farewell and went back to our search. My last thought before I went to sleep was:
"I am so sorry, Ezra."

Empire's POV:

Ezra's POV:

This was an interesting day, in my opinion. So after the whole I tried to escape fiasco, torture droids, inquisitors, and Vader. Then, Vader came and took me to the same place as the girl Marina. Just great. So I was training. The first test was just as bad as the torture.

It was a obstacle course for force sensitives. Really. Marina had only 5 minutes. I get 15 minutes. Yeah. I get a light saber, but once I am done, I am chained with the force bands(I learned the name of the thing on my wrist that didn't lock together) and handcuffs. When she was done, she knocked out all bucket heads. AND LEFT ME WITH VADER!!!!!!!!!!! A wanted to do that, but by the anger radiating from Vader I decided not too. She was fast, powerful, and had two light sabers.(Guess the colors. If you get it right I will recommend you) All I could think about is what and how I am going to get through it. I was brought to the front door of the course. Vader put my light saber on my belt. Then, I was pushed in and the handcuffs and force bands fell off. Time to show what I do, I think.

Hope you like vote, comment, read, and read other books like twist of sight. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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