I Learned Vader Can Be Beaten And There Are New Light Saber Colors

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Hey. Ready for the light sabers colors, style, and grip. You will be very surprised. So many ideas for episodes are coming out so I want to do one too.
Hera's Heroes- She will be brought to Thrawn's office and one of her people will be killed in front of her. Then, Ezra will save her. Also, the rebellion learns of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Lastly, I think Ezra will become a shoulder to cry on for Hera. I think the darkness will leave him at that moment.
I believe this will have two parts. Because that trailer was small and most of it was in the first episode like the season 2 trailer. What do you think and new question? Do you want Rex to join him for the 4 doors mission or do you want him to go with random fighters or he goes alone? Spoiler alert: Ashoka and Kanan can't join him. You will soon find out. Now read, vote, comment, and read twist of sight.

Ezra's POV:

The obstacle course was really easy. Not joking. Took me only 6 minutes. The hardest challenge was the last one where I had to move these blocks to a specific place. It only took long cause I never done it before. The storm troopers had no aim and I just stun them and cut their blasters in half. The places where I had to use the force were simple. Like flip a switch or push someone to a wall. When I was done, Vader took me to a room with Marina and she had her 4 light sabers on display at her waist. Mine was with Vader. She is so lucky. Now what are we doing?

"You will fight me. If you lose, your wrist will have mark. Marina will go first," said Vader with still a little anger and annoyance, but it is coming to her so she is doomed. Then the inexplainable happened.

The two front light sabers were in her hands in a reverse grip. The color was orange surrounding a black core with hints of white lines. She faced him with a smile and laughed at him, literally.

I saw it first in reverse grip then in a half a second it was regular then back to reverse then back to regular. How in the galaxy is this possible? She flipped, dodged, clipped his shoulders, legs, armed, and almost face, lastly she was winning. Mind blown😳😳😳😳😱😱😱😯😮😯😮😳😳😳😱😱.

She pushed him back while murmuring something. He was put in a choking position. First time, for everything and she wasn't holding her hand. She pushed a button and electro whips. Two that she threw at him that grabbed to his arms. Not burning through, but she launched him to the nearest wall. That must have hurt. She put her light sabers back and said what I wish I could have said.

"I win "

I am doomed. I wish my fight was as good as hers, but now I get his anger and annoyance of her. I grabbed my light saber and activated it. He activated his and bam.

10 blocks, no hits, and a burned shoulder. I got a full on burned wrist with his light saber. It went around my whole wrist. Right after I went with Vader to his meditation chambers.

He made me go to mediation position and he did, too. Without warning, he rammed into my mental shields. Biggest headache ever. This went on for 2 hours. Finally, we were done and I didn't break. Yeah.

Empire    |     Rebellion

0                             1

I was threw in my cell chained to the wall and waited. After an hour, Agent Kallus came in with food and a torture droid. I ate then torture. I was so tired that my only option was to close my eyes and let sleep take me.

Darth Vader's POV:

The child was strong. I couldn't break through, but his light saber skills are failing. After the child, I was in a heated argument with Marina and I'm trying to not hurt her. (Bold Marina and regular is Vader)

"You know that you lucky I didn't destroy you even better."

"Enough of your tricks, the child will learn the forms, styles, and grips tomorrow. If you decide to fight or do anything, I will make him go threw the exact same torture you did."

Fine but you will have to leave him with me today. Then I will teach him how to beat you. Now leave or I will throw you out."

Now what will the next day be. I just need to wait 9 more days then the next future Sith Lord will be born.

Sorry none of you got it right. 😢😢😥😢. So I hope you like and tomorrow is SWR. Can't wait!!!!!! Vote, comment, read, answer my question cause I need feedback, and read twist of sight. BYE!!!!!!!!

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