Chapter 14

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I woke up stilll in that position, the sun shine and smile at me.My smile fades away a long time.My beutiful life had snatched away from mine.I miss him.What happened to him that day? Why can't they just tell me what happened to him.Why are they hiding it from me.

I heard a knock on door.

I didn't answer.The door was open can't the person open it.It slammed open and Jin oppa stared at me as he was going to kill me.

"Why can't you just answer, and open the damn door?"

"Why should I answer you, I am not in mood".

"If you shout again like that, you will never get out of this room".

"Well you can lock it up I don't mind, and you can take all my things".

I stood up to go to bed.But he grabbed my hand.

"Stop this attitude y/n, listen to your brothers and parents, leave him, its for your own good".

I clenched my fist and yanked my hand from his grip.

"Who are you to say that, you are not my brother, you are.."


It hurts, my heart all my body and my family itself was hurting me.My mom slap me, my brother slap me.Tae left me.All hate me.I am alone now.Jin was burning in anger.His face was so red.Somebdoy barged into room.

It was mom and dad.

"Jin what you did?"
Dad shouted.

"I slaped her".

"What, Jin let her alone don't force her".

"You know dad and mom what did she just tell?"

They look at questioning look.

"She told we were not her brother, even we were her stepbrothers we were seeing her as ourown sister and care her, I told to leave him, she was not ready and showing her attitude, so".

"Jin okay, go from here, let her calm".Mom joined.

I stomped my feet on ground.

"How can you say to me, mom you slapped me yesterday, and now its Jin".Jin felt hurt when I call by his name not as oppa.A tear left from his eyes and left from room.

"Look everyone left me, I have nobody, my tae was gone you people did something to him, where is he, I need answers!"

Mom come to me and snatched my phone and slammed it to floor.

I cried more.I lost my contact with him.I should have byheart it.

"Mom how can you, dad why you are not saying, anything".
I shook his hand, I began to sob.Small whimpers escaped from my lips.My lips were trembling with fear of loss, fear of lossing my belovedes, fear of lossing everyone near me.

I fall to floor, just leaning to wall.I saw mom and dad, still standing there not uttering a word.

I heard slamming sound again.I didn't look.

I heare whispers, my heart was beating more.After some minutes they all left.

I looked at my phone smashed into pieces.No contact to world, locked up here, like last time.

I am helpless.What happened to my family.Why are they like this.Why are they against  him.Can't they accept him.

I collected all pieces from floor, and hold it together in my hand, and cried again.No tears were left
Only some breathing.Feeling of someone lossing or we missing them waa too much to handle.We can't forget them as fast.

I saw a foostep approaching.

I looked up as I saw Kookie.

I hugged his knees, and cried aloud.

"Kookie,don't leave me like everyone".

He leaned to my level, and hugged me.

"Y/n, listen, are here for you, don't feel like you are alone, nobody leave you, you know y/n Jin was crying in his room, just forgive him, he should not have slapped you, but you crossed the limit, when you say like that its like whole wolrd stops".

"Kookie, I am sorry".

"Not to me say to Jin".


He pinched mt cheeks.

"But Taehyung".

He patted me.

"Just listen to us mom will speak to you when its time".

Mom's pov:

I carassed my ex- husband's photo.I cried more.My daughter was same way as me.How would I tell her.She was too stubborn like me.My present husband , I didn't regret chosing him.

I love his sons as myown.They took care of my daughter.

I wish she could leave him.

"What are you thinking honey?"

I wiped my tears, and turn to the voice.I put a fake smile.

"Its okay I am okay".

"No you are not, Kim Y/n is our daughter she will listen to us, but for that we need to put some strict methods on her, she can't be like you.Also past is past, leave in present".

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Honey how sweet you, tell your sons to look after her, to change her".

"They will".

Y/n 's pov:

My stomach was groaning, I didn't ate from morning itself.I hesistantly opened the door, luckily no one was there.I don't want to see any of them.

I gulped some water, and cut the apple, and I walked to room.

"Where are you going y/n?"


I turned and saw Yoongi.

"What was it Yoongi?"

"What did you called?"


His face was burning like Jin's.

"What did you called me y/n just now?"

I griped the plate.

I was about to leave, but.

"You know y/n I just call you to get you some breakfast, but seeing your attitude, I should teach you a lesson".

I stayed silent.

"Why are you not saying anything y/n?"

I didn't replied and he stood up from couch.He grabbed my plate, and dragged me with a tighting the grip.

"Oppa you are hurting me".

He stopped by the hallway and turned to me.

"So you know to call us oppa, and not by name, you should not have hurt Jin yesterday, he even didn't eat anything till now".

"Why should I care".

"Just stop it y/n showing your attitude and stubbornness, we will not accept him and its will create more problems to our family".

"I said no don't care about me leave me alone".

"You will not learn by this".

He was about to drag me.

But the ring of bell of the house stopped him.

"Just stand here, atleast listen that".

He opened the door with a cracked voice.I peeked from hallway.There are two army officers standing by door.

Yoongi get confused but he get it why they come and he turn to me.

"Is this house of Miss Kim Y/n?"

suga replied.

"Please take a seat sir".

They sat at couch and look at me with a sad look, and forwarded a paper.

"Read it and sign it".

I looked at him confused.

I read.

"Death will of Captain Kim Taehyung".

My body freezed and  stucked.Not knowing what to do.I gripped the paper and small tears dropped through my cheecks.

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