Chapter 15

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"Miss y/n please sign it".

"Sorry, sir".

I took the pen with a shaky hand and signed it. But I doubted why they came here.

Doesn't he have his family for this?

"Sir, where is his family did they know?"

They looked confused.

"Miss, actually we came to know about his family, they are already dead, in a plane crash and now you are only his family as I heard among his members of the team".

I nodded and they left saying they will wait for one month for getting his body and proceed to the funeral. I walked to my room only by teas getting dried and new ones forming and threatening to gal down. Yoongi didn't talk about anything. I locked the room and sobbed.

She gripped the paper in her hands, causing it to shrugs and her tears get withered with the letters doodled in it. She won't know what to express now, don't know what to say, don't know how to face her family, she kept mourning not knowing he is dead or alive.

A breeze flowed nearby the window of her room affecting the curtains to roll in the wind. She wept and wiped her tears again and again.

She looked at the paper she was holding folded it placed it in her drawer and said to herself.
" No, he is not dead, I will not read it".She repeated it.

Meanwhile downstairs.

Mr Kim and her mother came to the living room only to see the boys face dull and gloomy. The elder one is the same as the others who need to be strong.

Parents both sighed.

Mr Kim spoke.
"Children, come and have breakfast".

They nodded and Jungook who is looking at his baby sisters, the chair looked at Mr Kim.

" Let her be".

"Okay". Jungook replied.

They silently finished the breakfast and did their business. Finally, their mom spoke.

" Boys, don't annoy y/n today and even don't visit her in the room, she will come as she calms down".

"But mom".

" Jin no, she needs her time and I will explain why did we hide it and we didn't do anything to cause his demise".

"Yes, and also, I heard Kai and his team has escaped from that blast, actually no one died".

Mr Kim added.

" WHAT!"

Boys faces were a mix of dispositions. They couldn't believe what they heard.

"Yes, they escaped and there can be another attack on us again, so don't stop the work".

" Okay".

They heard a door opening sound.


Mr Kim asked as a bodyguard came rushing to the living room.

"Mam has gone out of this house we tried to stop her but she is going outside with her friend I saw a girl coming to pick her up from the gate".

The boys were shocked.

Mr Kim slammed the table and yelled.

" Where was the gate securities at that time".

"Sorry sir, one of them get the phone and he attended it and the other one went for something".

" You useless rogues why did I hire you all".

Cut by Mr Kim.

"Shut up, boys go and search for her".

Mom began sobbing as she get worried about her daughter.

" Sweety it's okay nothing will happen to her".

BTS pov:

Hose on, "How can she get out of her?"

He flipped the curtain back and searched her room as all the other boys searched for the clue of how she got out of from here.

Jimin, "Guys look".

They saw a window being opened from outside by the outsider's help and there was a rope hanging down. A guard was knocked out.

Namjoon," Smartass".

Yoongi, "She will regret this, whoever she is going with, she will pay for this and will not ever go outside."

Jin, "Stop this, and we all know she will go with that Lisa, track Lisa's number, Namjoon".

Namjoon, "Okay".

They found that y/n and Lisa and her minions were in a club that is owned by Mr Kin as itself.

Jungook, "So easy right!"

Jimin, "Yes, so easy!"

Jin," She disobeyed one of our rules and most of I losses my softness to her as she is not alright today".

Yoongi," Before dad gets annoyed better inform and we can go to the club".

Before half an hour.

Y/n's pov:

I am tired of everything and everyone now. Even I have no tears left. I tried to calm down. But suddenly I have an urge for alcohol. I don't know why I am not liked this before. I quickly called Lisa.

"Hello y/n wassup".

They don't know about Taehyung, I am not going to say it. They will. pity me.

" Hmm, Lisa can we go out to a club".

"Why, why club you are grounded right?"

"I. I don't know, I will sneak out of the window, I am tired of being here I miss you all".

" Okay, calm down y/n, I will come first be careful, and don't take your phone, because they will catch you and don't drink too much".


I lied I decided to drink more and tried to hide my pain.

" Taehyung, Please be alright I believe you are still alive somewhere".

I cautiously sneak out by the window and knock out the guard right by my room with a stick.


I look at him and check if he was alive. Luckily he was breathing only unconscious.

I slowly forward my steps and saw Lisa waving at me and there is also Rose and Jisoo.

I ran to them and hugged them and cried.

" It's okay y/n everything is alright, come let's go".

The ride to the club was amazing as we spotted a club.

It already came as midday.

"It's getting some evening we should spend her all day".

" Yes, Jisoo and Rose don't drink too much".

I chuckled.

But they didn't know every staff if watching the 'Kim' girl.

They had already informed if their sister was there they need to quickly inform the boys. But Y/n didn't know as they own this club.

"Y/n slow it I told you don't drink too much".

" No, I came to here RK celebrate with you guys and share my tears with you, you know Jisoo, Rose and Lisa you guys are only for me now".


"Stop it y/n you are drunk what happened you". Lisa asked.


They all froze.

"Why did he break up, Why?"

Rose asked

"No, I will not say another shot please "
That bartender guy's eyes widen seeing BTS sitting in the lounge and starting them. He stopped giving the whisky.

Jisoo, Rose, Lisa was unaware of them.

"I said give me another shot".
Y/n slammed the table and the bartender again looked at the boys.

"No madam, we are going to close the club and you are already drunk.".

I gritted my teeth and grabbed his tie and pulled him too close to him.

" Better give or I will complain about your disrespect".

"Y/n stop this".

I yanked the hand of Lisa and the girls.

They looked at each other saw BTS sitting on the couch at the lounge.

They covered their mouth in shock.

Jin came to them and see y/n blabbering something still tucking the tie of the bartender.

" Sorry, sir".He said.

Jin, "It's okay".

He looked at the drunk girl and he snatched her hand from the tie and dragged her to the boys.

" Yeah, who are you let me go".

Jungook chuckled seeing her reaction.

She kicked Jin in the back and Jin groan in pain, clutching his back.

Jimin, "Pain in the ass".

Namjoon," Knock her out before she does something stupid".

Hoseok came to Y/n and tried to smell chloroform but only she yanked it and the cloth fell from his hand.

Seeing that Jimin chuckled.

"Yahh boys who are you I need to vomit".

Y/n 's pov:

I don't which boy, I hugged the boy who I see and vomited on his shirt. I heard a gasp and I pass out.

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