Chapter 16

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'This headache, where am I'.

I looked around the room and I saw that it was my room itself. I sighed. Suddenly I remembered yesterday's incidents. I covered my mouth.

This was so embarrassing. I opened the door and peeked if anyone was there. Total silence, what happened.

But I heard a voice.

"Jimin calm down".

" No! You know hung this is my favourite shirt, that girl I will make her pay for this look the colour of the shirt now, it was so freaking beautiful".

Jimin stomped the feet and Namjoon sighed.

I was listening to them I didn't see Namjoon Oppa glancing at me.

I quickly closed the door. I lay on the bed and stared at sealing. I heard a knock on the door.

"How are you feeling now?"

"It was okay".

It was Jin Oppa. He nodded put the food tray on the table and went out. Why has everyone become so silent? I shrugged it.

I don't feel like eating. I opened the Laptop and clicked a photo of Taehyung from Russia.

"Do you know Tae, why did you do this to me? I miss you! Can't you just come. Are you pretending to die?Dont play with me.

Yahh Taehyung answer me."

I heard another knock.

I yelled.

"Can I come in?"

"Ah yes". I said with annoying tone.

It was Jungkook and and he just peeked in my room.Then looked at me from her to toe.

" What?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"What happened to you guys, can't you just leave me alone".

He quickly closed the door and left.Something is off.I saw the food was untouched . I took a bite of noodles , I left others without eating.I looked at window and small tears appeared in my eyes.

I cried more to my pillow, where my sound is only echoing in the room.Why did he do this to me?"I need you Tae , please come back I will not believe you as dead."
I yelled.

BTS pov...

"Its better if we didnt disturb her".
Jin said.

"No, she need to pay for my shirt".
Jimin stomped his feet.

"Jimin don't play childish understand the situation".

"Do you think I am kidding!"

"Yahh, hyung shut up".
Namjoon snickered at Jimin.

"But if she go like this she will be mentally down and emotionally weak, she will get sick".

Jungook glanced at Jin.

"You are right but we cant do anything, see, our parents are going to business evening, they are not bothered with her attitude.She should accept the fact of our family."

Jungook sighed. He have some idea to help her to forget the incident but his hyungs were not allowing to do it.

"Okay whatever".
Jungook replied.

They dispersed thier meeting in living room and went for their business.

In your room:

You are wiping the tears and again crying.You sighed and getup from the bed not feeling well and with a huge headache. Your stomach started growling with hungriness.

Y/n pov:

I peeked through the door to see if anyone was on hallway.There is no one and I went to downstairs.I made some Ramen without making a noise.

"Mam , I will make, why didn't you call me mam?"

A maid came.

"Its okay, I sneeked from room".
"But mam, you didnt eat breakfast".

"Its okay".

I smilled at her and went to my room.I sipped the strings of noodles staring through window.

My thoughts came to the unconscious mind.

I saw a boy sitting in my study chair.He was staring at me.His eyes , hair, nose , skin were all looking exactly like Tae.

I rubbed my eyes and glanced at him once more.

He was breathing.

'Wait isn't he dead'.

I slapped myself and now also there he was sitting on my chair.

"Tae i.. is that you?"

My heartbeat was beating so fast like an express.Its like it will explode any moment.

"Yes its me, why are you like this baby girl, why are you shouting at your parents and brothers.Look y/n , I will come back but not now, its not the right time, now you should live happily and don't mourn on me".

With that he vanished from there.

I gasped by covering my mouth.I searched in bathroom and open the door of the window but nowhere he was not here.The daylight was amazing, I thought I could enjoy some music.So I flipped from the bed and went to music room without noticing my brothers.

"Spring day would be better".

I played it.I saw a book lying on table near speaker.

"Love yourself".

I flipped through pages, it was a story of a girl who lost her lover, at a terrifying accident.Obviously , she went through lot of mental breakdown and mental preassure.She began to hate her family, for not supporting her.

I sighed and closed by reading even the preface of the story.

"Not at all an inspiration to me".
I gritted my teeth in annoyingly and increased the volume to high.The melodic sound and style of singer made my heart melted into pebbles of love.Again, that love made my heart clutches by paining each if my heart's bones and each inches of love to him.I pushed a smile on my lips that can fade anytime.I remembered that, I didn't smilled for long time.That enchanting smile on my lips was alreaded taken by someone and sold to somebody.

I didnt hear the door open.But a creaking voice heard and some footsteps echoed in my ears.I know someone came to check me.I wiped my tears that was falling through my cheeks to console myself from my loss.

A pat came on my shoulder.

I turned and saw mom smiling weakly at me.Her eyes showed some sadness to me.
I saw some luggages in her hand , that she was holding tightly.

"Sweety! here".

She handed me a box.It was a new phone as I recalled the past day events which made me realize of mysterious behaviour of mom.This gift was nothing to her behaviour.

"Sweety! I am not asking for forgiveness, you can reject or accept the gift .I am sorry for last day.I shouldnt have done that, but my anger made me do that, any mom will act if their daughter couldn't accept the facts of their family and move on and".

I cut her.

"No mom, I know.Dont feel like that, I realized my mistake, I dont want to lose anyone more who loves me".

I quickly hugged her, making myself secure in her arms.She slowly hugged me and cried on my shoulder.I shouldnt have let her shed teas because of me.

"Mom dont cry, you need to support your dad, and I will be okay.Please dont cry , it happened by my attitude.You know mom, I am born like you as I get your stubbornness".

She pulled out from the hug and hit me gently as playfully.

"Y/n, also promise me you will talk to Jin , he was still in that mood".

"Okay mom, I will talk to him when after lunch."

She kissed my cheeks.

"But mom where you are going with those luggages".

She put a fake smile now.

"Sweety!Dad get a call from office of Russia as he need to be urgently attending for a meeting, so, we are going today itself, evening flight".

I looked at her annoyingly.

"Mom, then why are you also going, please I am alone can't dad attend he meeting online".

"This girl, we will come back next month spend your time with the brothers, and make sure not to sit like this alone, and you should have food on time".

"Okay mom, I will and best of luck for your small trip with dad".
I smirked at her, opening their secrets.

"Yaaah , y/n".

"Why you two are enjoying this sweet daughter mom moment, can I also join".

We both turn to door , dad standing with a jealousy look on his face.Behind I saw small some head peeking from dad's back.

We both chuckled.

Mom said,"Yes honey!"

Dad came to us and hugged mom and kissed my foreahed.


I called and he had a worried expression.

"Yes y/n".

"Stay safe and be better take care of both of you".

I hugged him and rest as oppa's smiled at us.I saw Jin sadly staring at me like his emotions getting thorned in my heart.

"Okay, okay,I will".

"By boys and sweety".

Finally I and oppa's were alone.

We saw the car moving to the road and vanishing from our sight.

As it became night, I flopped to bed and and took the phone my mom gave me.I put the sim and cleared all processes.
"Who gave that to you?"

I saw Jin peeking to my phone.

"It was mom".

"Okay, y/n can we talk".


"Come , we can go for a walk in garden ".

I followed him to the garden.I stared at flowers simply plucking the petals and put it to ground.

"Y/n do you hate me".

"No Jin oppa, why should I, it was just that an anger issue on that moment as I am planning already to takk with you after dinner, but you came before, I dont even have a problem with you all".

He sighed.


We get shocked and turned as I saw rest of oppa's staring at us.

"Awwu cute, I pinched Jimin's cheeks".

He yanked my hand.

"Why shourty you are cute oppa".

Jin giggled and others smirked.

"Yahhh".He shouted.

"What Yahh!"

I smacked his head and ran to my room and shut the door and tried to catch my breath.

But I saw silhouette moving behind my window of the curtains.

The curtains of window fledged and I saw some scribbling on glass of window with red colour.

"Wait for me, baby girl for your destruction, game was not over".

I gasped and tried to call brothers.

But I can't. I am shaking like hell thinking next moment.

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