Chapter 17

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I read that letters with shaking lips and hands.The words triggered me more and made me sweat.The sweat droped from my forehead wetting my bangs.I satred at glasses as I can't even scream for help.

I saw that person behind curtains moving towards me.His foot motion triggered my mind.A hand gripped my jaw and made me look at them.He removed his mask and revealed himself.


"Yes its me".

I yanked his disgusted hands my jaw and tried to unlock door but pushed my hands.


He cut me off placing his hands at my mouth tightly.
"If you scream, I have nothing this is just a trailer of your tragedy baby girl".

I tried to push him.

"No you cant girl, your guards are kocked out poor man's and yoru boys is not here, they are on swimming pool area, why you let yourself alone in a unstable and unsecured place and time.You couldn't get it right?"

My eyes watered.

"Poor girl, you are my ex, but I am not treating you as that way, you are still my girl, if I cant have you, no one can, neither that bastard or your boys, you are really a whore right girl!"

I heard a glass break and a same dressed and masked man came through window.Ofcourse, this sound will alert my brothers and I heard bangings of footsteps.

"Take your filthy hands of her smuggler".

That man yelled and pushed him off me.

The door was locked from outside.

They both started paunching each other on the floor and I moved from that scene to save myself.Till that mask was on their face, and blood dripped through the clothe of mask.He moved his head to me and I saw that eyes.

That voice and eyes was sk familiarity to me.But because that stupid mask I couldn't get it.

"This was not the deal you said Kai".

Kai laughed evily and groaned in pain and punched him back.

Soon they both jumped through the window to outside hearing the door push opening.

Jungkook and Jimin hugged me and other boys searched my room.Because of breaking of glass it scattered on the floor.
Namjoon was clunching his fist.

"Where the hell is the guards?"

Mr.Sam came running qnd panting.

"Sir, we are.."

"All are fired get lost".


"Shutup, just see the mess because of your carelessness".

Namjoon was shouting and I am trying to recollect what is happening now.Jin, Jungook, Hoseok, Yoongi Jimin were freezed by the voice of Namjoon.


Jin shook him.

The guard already walk out of the room shamed with regrets.I feel sorry for them.

"Jin shutup".

He quickly hugged me and checked my hands and face.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"See y/n's face, she is scared of your shouting".

Yoongi said.

"How can I calm down".
Namjoon replied.

"Same as you, we are also worried but if you shout at all we can't solve anything, hyung".
Jimin said.

"Y/n come downstairs we can discuss as our day ruined".

Jungook and hoseok called maids to clean the mess.Hoseok oppa held my hand as to calm down my mind.

I am just staring at ceiling of living room while Yoongi give me glass of water.I gulped it fully.


He smilled.

"Y/n who were that tresspassers?"
Jungook asked sipping the juice just now Jin made.

"I ..I am not sure one of them, but the other one was Kai".

I heard sounds of gritting the teeths.
Soon I heard anoher slamming on table.

"Bastard, he didn't backoff from last conflicts. "

Jimin arrogantly moved his chairs and opened the lap to search something and called Mr.Lee.(right hand of Mr.Kim)

"Yes sir".

"Lee, you should check were that filthy shits Kai and team hiding out, your deadline is by tomorrow evening".

"Okay sir".

Jimin smirked.

Yoongi massaged his temples like judge who is in court hearing the defendings of opposition team of him.

"Can't we just kill him on the spot next time".

Hoseok clapped.
"Yes sure, it will be a golden moment of our life if we remove that brat".

Namjoon added.

"Okay then we can start our work tomorrow after getting information from Mr.Lee".

"But who is that other person".
Hoseok asked.

I added my conclusion on his features I just witnessed.

"Hobi oppa, he was tall by looks, and his hairs are staright, his eyes are pierced, also, his skin is fair, and well builded like a trainer in a boxing team or something".

Jungook flipped his fingers making a signup to my statement.

"Maybe he was just a part of Kai's team".

"No oppa, when he entered into the scene where Kai trapped me , he said "get your filthy hands of her" .That means he is not part of Kai".

"Is that so?"

Namjoon chin uped in confusion.

"Why don't we search our house cctv".Yoongi.

"Yes we can".

For that Namjoon called Mr.Sam who was already coming to living room with a sad expression and regrets.Most often, he lossed his one month salary in order to correct his mistakes and save the loss of rest of men who died by Kai.

"Mr.Sam, we didn't fired you because it was first time you made a mistake but you need punishment, so that we cut the salary as we said.Do you have anything oppossing opinion in that?"

"No, sirNamjoon".

Jin stated.

"Okay then, bring the cctv recordings of the incident where they sneaking in to our mansion and search for that person who came after him".

"Okay , sir Jin".

"You may leave".Jimin

He went outside.

After some minutes we were waiting for the results.

"Sir we found out".

Soon, Namjoon snatched the laptop from his hand and played the details that attached like file and video.There are so many details, on that person but there was not mentioning about any details of his personal information.Only the details was the time he entered, the shoe he weared and its shop name were we could just visit the shop and chek the camers if this person and that was matching.

Namjoon sighed, and closed the laptop.

"Okay you can leave".

Mr.Sam bowed and left.

"We think we could only wait for Mr.Lee tomorrow ".
Jin said.

"Y/n we will protect you no matter what happens don't be scared and just wait and watch were we will open all the secrets of Kai and end him".

Jin hugged me.

"Oppa , thankyou!"

"Jin dont make her cry".

Jin patted me.

"Hyung your shirt".Jimin said mockingly.

"Yaah Jimin hyung shut up just let her cry on me".
Jin yelled.

"Why Jimin is your shirt or your y/n 's life is important, which one?"

I smirked pulling the hug.

Jimin scratched his head.

"Its ...its nothing its hard to chose".

I marched towards him.

"You! Shorty!"

I take a book and throw at him he ran in front of me and made a joking action with his toungue.

Yoongi and Hoseok clutching there stomach and laughing with tears.Jungook tried to catch Jimin like a lion running for his pray.We both catch him pushed him to couch and tuckled him to death.

"What a lovely family right Jin?"

Namjoon put his hands on elder's shoulder.

Jin,"How long this happiness will last".

"Yahh, y/nnah Jungookiee stop ahhahaab ahhahaa".
Jimin with catching breath.

Namjoon smile faded, when he get the call from Mr.Lee.

"Sir, sir, quick, there is a plain crash where Mr.Kim and wife traveled."

His phone dropped to the floor.

All our eyes went to the phone and Namjoon and stucked in our happiness not able to move towards the puddle of happiness.Jin's words came true to their life.

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