Chapter 2

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Again...I met him.

Time skip next does tonight.

Y/n's pov:

"Mom, I am going to the club".
"What girl, do you need to get to trouble like yesterday, I will not allow you".

I showed my puppy eyes at her.
"Mom, please Lisa and unnies are coming, there will be no issue".

"Whatever you say, NO".

I slammed to the couch with an angry face. I already put on a decent frock which we bought yesterday. I got a call from Jisoo unnie.



"WHAT, I will come and convince her, she will allow".

"Okay whatever".

Doorbell ringed.

I open the door and see Jisoo unite.
"Uniee, help".

"I will girl".

Somebody clear their throat. It was mom's I smiled innocently.
"Aunty, please allow we will take care of her, please, today is the last day of our vacation and results will come soon".

She pleaded.
"Fine, take care of her, since it's her last day at Busan".

"WHAT mom, what are you saying".

"Nothing sweety, enjoy the party and I will tell you morning, you will be in hangover".

My eyes widen.
"Y/n, see she allowed, we can discuss that later, now the party has started".

At party.

I took a sip of wine.
"Where are they?".I asked Jisoo.

"Flirting, alcohol took over them, but you don't dare to drink aunt will scold us".

"Fine ouch that music is so loud, I will go somewhere".

"Y/n don't go alone, I will come".

"Ah okay".

She will not allow me to drink what is this.

"Y/n what is something bothering you".
We sit upon touch away from the music crowd, in a corner.

"Nothing, did you forget what mom said".

"No, maybe it will be a prank".

"No unnie she is serious, she wipes not joke and she said with a serious face, something is going to happen to my life, only mom knows".

I rubbed my temple due to headache from music.

"Hey if you are tired we can go back".

"Yes thanks for understanding unnie, by the way, I am sorry, for wasting your money".

"It's okay y/n".

She texted unnies to come. When I and unnie walked away some perverted guy held wrist.

"Beauties wanna enjoy".


"Dude, She is angry to look at the other girl".

"This one is for me and you take her".

That two guys started dragging us to somewhere but somebody from nowhere pushed those bastards to the floor.

"Y/n are you okay".

I hear a voice and I see the soldier guy from yesterday.

V's pov:

I and Eunhyung was enjoying our last day at Busan. We are going to transfer to the Seoul regiment.

"Hyung look that is y/n she is in trouble.".I see
y/n and her friend also being draged by that perverts.

"Is she the girl from yesterday, get up before it turns worse."

We ran to them and I pushed that guy to the floor.

They both of them are tensed and her eyes widening  seeing us.

"Hey you, then".Before she can say that guy punched me.

"If you don't need to regret get the hell out of here".

"Or else hahaha regret my foot".I smirked at them.

"Hyung best of luck".Eunwoo patted my shoulder.

I give him a flying kick on his face and he fell and  another  guy grabbed me, before he can do anything I hold his hand and spun around and spined him to the ground. But somebody was not regretted in their action I saw the second guy coming to push me but I quickly kicked his legs and his ankle got twisted and fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"That is what you will get when messing with me".

I punched the guy more who I was choking  with a headlocke ,until I heard a feminine voice.

"STOP, he will die".

I saw y/n and her friend hugging themself terrified on the scene.

"Better don't mess with them or any other girls this is what you will get".

"Thank you so much guys, we owed you a lot how will I pay for you guys".
Both girls asked.

I and EaunWoo looked at each other.

"No need girls, it's our duty to protect the beauties of our country".I winked at her.

"Ewww".They both rolled their eyes.

"Then bye, can you give your numbers guys".

The other girl and y/n showed to scan code.

We both exchanged numbers.

But little did she knew someone was watching her.

???'s pov:(Someone's pov)

"So she is our sister."

Flashback about to fifteen minutes to Mr Kim's mansion.

Mr Kim, "Boys come down".

Footsteps echoed at the mansion. The six handsome boys marched to their dad.

Bts pov:

"Hyung, something is off".

"Yes, something is coming to our life....".

"Dad is serious".

"Look at his face".

All, "What dad why do you call us?"

Mr Kim, "We have a guest tomorrow, my girlfriend will be coming to us and her daughter, they are moving here".


We didn't tell anything to dad,only dad,will scold us,this is his third girlfriend,not sure how long this will last.

??, "WHAT, sister I need one do you have a photo".

What if he is obsessed with this woman,hell no.If that happen's we will get a sister.No weakness.

??, "Hyung".He yanked away from his thought.

Kim gave a picture and file to the younger one.

"I am going to celebrate this, finally my wish come".

??, "Hyung is he mad, did he already accept them".

??, "I am going to enjoy this at our club wanna come?".

In club,Jungook's pov:

I was enjoying my club with some sluts, but got interrupted by my bodyguard.

" Sir we have a problem".

"What?" I asked in confusion.

He handed me the tablet which played the video from another club in Busan. That club is also owned by us.

The video played and I am shocked. It is y/n soon to be my sister.

She is getting harassed by some random guys and luckily from nowhere a guy came and beat them. I clenched my fists I was burning in anger.

"WHO IS THAT PERVERT".I shrieked out to the bodyguard.

" Sii...r we don't know who is that, but they are one of our VIP customers".They stuttered.

"Then cancel their membership and charge them fine with $100,00, MAKE IT FAST".

They bowed and left.

I leaved the club back to the house still in the angered face.

I didn't see things. I was tired out of things and I fell asleep.

But a smirk appeared on my face.

??," y/n you are coming to hell not heaven, wait for us, anyway I will play with you and annoy, I need to plan something".

Y/n pov:

Back home from a party.

"Mom what do you need  to say?".

"Look sweety we are going to move to Seoul and I am getting married".


She smiled.

"You are going to have six oppas".


With that, I fell to the couch. My nightmare starts now, whoever those guys I am not going to accept as oppas. I will lose my freedom.

Please God, spare me.

Next morning:

But I received a text message from an unknown.

Who is this morning?

"Y/n it's me the soldier guy".

" Ah, you".

"Yes, and are you free today, are you coming for a date".

Wait what, DATE.

" Wait are you serious?"

"Yes, come to paradise hotel, by 4 pm evening ".

" But... Why do..."

"No, I will say to you face to face, it's serious".

" Okay, by the way, dress nicely".


V's pov:

I will make you mine baby girl. I like you. Your smile makes me love you. Just meeting you two times makes my heart flutter.

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